
  • 网络12 girls band;Twelve Girls Band;Christmas Eve;Joy To The World;Koibito Ga Santa Claus
  1. 消费视阈中的流行音乐&以“女子十二乐坊”为例

    Pop music in a consumption perspective & exemplified by " twelve girls band "

  2. 这一以女子十二乐坊为代表的新民乐,人们对此褒贬不一。

    As the representative of the new folk music , 12 Girls Band receives both honor and censure .

  3. 接下来请欣赏女子十二乐坊的演出。

    Now please enjoy the show played by12 girls .

  4. 然而女子十二乐坊的出现,受到人们的关注之高,市场反响之强烈,给人们对民族音乐的未来走向,带来了新的思考和启示。

    However , the12 Girls Band there , people are concerned about the high , the market 's strong reaction to the people of the future direction of folk music , has brought new thinking and enlightenment .