
  1. 全世界的男男女女则经过通向繁荣的大门进入市场。

    Men and women of the world move toward free markets through the door to prosperity .

  2. 最后剩下的6男6女则进入12强。

    Week until we 're left with six guys and six girls , making your top12 .

  3. 酷哥、冰美人、壁花与闲聊女则不容易对付;

    Harder to crack are the jack the lad , the ice queen , the wallflower and the gossip .

  4. 侍僧们穿着浅黄和亮橘的袍子而僧侣和僧女则穿着红色。

    The acolytes were clad in robes of pale yellow and bright orange , priests and priestesses in red .

  5. 后来的一个女朋友则是通过QQ说分手的。

    With his next girlfriend , he broke up by QQ messaging .

  6. 女主人则同男贵宾最后进入。

    The hostess will enter with the male guest of honor last .

  7. 另外一些女大学生则被告知某位已经和这位男士闪电约会的女士是如何地高兴。

    Others were told how much a woman who had already speed-dated the guy enjoyed herself .

  8. 女俑则高髻广袖,亭亭立玉,悠然娴雅,十分丰满。

    The female figures have high hair buns and full sleeves ; they stand gracefully erect , looking natural and elegant .

  9. 而女董事则比较不会被这些因素束缚,她们比男董事更具有首创精神。

    Female directors , on the other hand , are less constrained by these parameters and more prepared to use initiative than male colleagues .

  10. 对男候选人来说,男选民对他们的唯一要求是要有竞争能力,女选民则要求他们能力和亲和力并存。

    Formale candidates , the only thing that mattered to male voters wascompetence , while female voters preferred men who seemed both competentand approachable .

  11. 有些人在旅行时带上同样的毯子,一名女乘客则每趟航班都一定要把一个毛绒猴玩具系在安全带内以求好运。

    Some people travel with the same blanket . One woman insisted a stuffed monkey be belted in with her on every flight for good luck .

  12. 如果说皮影系列是钱步辉的精神、心灵的回归,那么花鼓女系列则是他对母体的回归。

    If Shadowgraph series is the spirit of Buhui , the return of the soul , the Drum women series is the return of his mother .

  13. 此外,直到数十年前,黑人总是被全由白人组成的陪审团宣判有罪,女被告则有可能受到由十二名男人组成的陪审团的审判。

    Furthermore , until a few decades ago black Americans were regularly judged guilty of crimes by all-white juries , and women could be judged by twelve male jurors .

  14. 女主人则再三说明,她家原本是危房,拆除危房重新修建改造,是为了安全着想。

    Her home hostess then repeatedly explains , the source version is a Wei house and tore down Wei house to re-build a reconstruction , by way of safety write think .

  15. 出演《新闻编辑室》的杰夫.丹尼尔荣获电视剧最佳男主角,而最佳电视剧女主角则花落在《国土安全》中有突出表现的克莱尔.丹尼斯。

    Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series went to Jeff Daniels of " The Newsroom , " while the Outstanding Lead Actress went to Claire Danes of " Homeland . "

  16. 解释了标签体系。T表示男性,O表示女性,而命定了要做不孕女的则是白底上的一个黑色问号。

    Explained the system of labelling-a T for the males , a circle for the females and for those who were destined to become freemartins a question mark , black on a white ground .

  17. 长治当地政府在一份声明中写道,打完屁股后,接着是“剪头发惩罚”,男员工的头发被剃光,女员工则被剪短发。

    The spanking was followed by a " hair cutting punishment , " a statement by the Changzhi local government said . The men had their heads shaved , while the women had their hair cut .

  18. 专指「女主人」则用hostess布鲁克:那我们要在哪儿举行婚礼?

    Brooke : Then where will we have the ceremony ?

  19. 房东。「女房东」则是landlady你为何想要搬出这间漂亮的公寓?

    landlord ( n. ) A : Why do you want to move out of this beautiful apartment ?

  20. 而如今的“奔三女”们则似乎更倾向于从(《BJ单身日记》中)无望而浪漫的布里奇特·琼斯身上受到启发。

    But it seems today's30-year-olds are more likely to get their inspiration from hopeless romantic Bridget Jones .

  21. 男主人公是一只两岁的公绵羊,女主人公则是一只3岁的母鹿。

    He is a two-year-old ram , she a three-year-old doe .

  22. 中国的女主播们则往往都是单打独斗。

    Whereas Chinese hostesses are usually just working on their own .

  23. 然而,对首席执行官级别之下的管理人员是男是女,市场则不太在意。

    Below chief executive level , however , the market was less bothered .

  24. 与此同时,女职员们则主要对男同事衬衫和领带上有污渍表示不满。

    Women meanwhile complained mostly of stains on the shirts and ties of their male colleagues .

  25. 而维多利亚州警方的女发言人克蕾娜·奥格雷迪则指出,窃贼们偷走那些动物的目的可能是要将它们出售给相关收藏者。

    Victoria police spokeswoman Creina O'Grady the thieves may have stolen the animals to sell to collectors .

  26. 我把这个看做轻松的插曲。”他的女朋友霍姆斯则更加投入。

    I took the whole thing as a kind of lighthearted interlude . " Holmes was more into the scene .

  27. 男饮士比禁酒者多挣百分之10,女饮士则多百分之14。

    They concluded that men who drink earn 10 percent more than abstainers and women drinkers earn 14 percent more than non-drinkers .

  28. 女:其实则不然,大多数口译者都认为交替传译比同声传译更有压力。

    W : Well , actually no , most people in the business would agree that consecutive interpreting is the more stressful .

  29. 大学生就业问题逐渐成为社会问题,而女大学生就业则更是问题中的焦点。

    The employment of college students is gradually becoming a problem in the society and the employment of girl college students is the top one .

  30. “最佳女配角”则由出演电影《一念无明》的金燕玲获得,而与其合作的男演员曾志伟则同样凭借该电影获得“最佳男配角”称号。

    The Best Supporting Actress went to Elaine Jin for " Mad World , " and her co-star Eric Tsang got the Best Supporting Actor .