
  1. 在香港湾仔区一栋大楼里发现了两具女尸之后,警方上周六拘留了这位前美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)员工。湾仔区是个居民区,那里的夜生活享有盛名,吸引了很多银行业人士。

    Police detained the former Bank of America Merrill Lynch employee on Saturday after the bodies were found in a complex in Hong Kong 's Wan Chai district , a residential area known for its nightlife and popular among bankers .

  2. 金达尔的胜利使得爱德文?爱德华兹(EdwinEdwards)也相形见绌。爱德华兹担任了四届路易斯安那州州长,他曾宣称,使他失掉竞选的唯一可能便是抓到他“与一具女尸或一名男孩”捉奸在床。

    Mr Jindal 's victory eclipsed the record set by Edwin Edwards , a four-term governor who once boasted that the only way he could lose an election would be if he were caught in bed " with either a dead girl or a live boy . "

  3. 警察发现了一具女尸。本体;骨干部分;柱身;

    The police have found the trunk of a dead woman .

  4. 我让一具女尸在我身上靠了30分钟。

    I let a dead woman lie on me for30 minutes .

  5. 那具女尸指甲缝里的碎屑是食用油。

    The fingernail scrapings from your female Vic was baking grease .

  6. 因为我们在楼下停了具说不出话的女尸。

    Because we 've got a corpse downstairs that says otherwise .

  7. 凶手的后院里发现埋藏着22具女尸。

    Twenty-two women were found buried in the assailant 's back yard .

  8. 这些图片展示了女尸出土时的一些景象。

    These pictures shows the situations when the female corpse was found .

  9. 敬畏神,尊敬国小女尸。

    Fear God and honor the King [ Queen ] .

  10. 我们把它和停尸房里的无头女尸进行比对。

    So we ran it against the headless body in the morgue .

  11. 在你房子底下挖到了那些女尸。

    Dug under your house and he found those women .

  12. 发现一具女尸满身是血。现在我要功成身退了。

    A woman 's body wad found to have been bathed in blood .

  13. 关于在你的公寓里发现的一具女尸。

    It 's about a dead woman that was found in your apartment .

  14. 在一船形木棺中,有一具保存完好的女尸。

    In a boat-shaped Muguan , a well-preserved woman .

  15. 今天早晨,船员在塞纳河上捞起了一具女尸。

    This morning , bargemen fished a girl 's body out of the seine .

  16. 本文共研究了180具(360侧)童尸的膈神经与副膈神经。其中男尸100具,女尸80具。

    The phrenic and accessory phrenic nerves of 180 cadavers of Chinese children were studied .

  17. 俄亥俄发现六具女尸,所有死者明显是窒息致死。

    To Ohio , six bodies , all women , all apparently d to death .

  18. 外宾:是不是那个挖掘出一具保存得很好的古代女尸的地方?

    Is it the place where a well preserved woman corpse of ancient time was excavated ?

  19. 要看看你的不明女尸。

    To see your Jane does .

  20. 马王堆女尸出土于长沙马王堆一号汉墓,距今2100多年。

    The female corpse with a history of2100 years was found in Tomb No.1 of Mawangdui Han Tombs .

  21. 有人打电话告诉警方说在一条河上漂浮着一具无头女尸。

    Someone called to tell the police that a headless female body had been found floating on a river .

  22. 两具女尸颈部都有伤痕,据信都是来自印尼的性工作者。

    The two women both had wounds to their necks and were understood to be sex workers of Indonesian origin .

  23. 昨天在小镇的西区发现一具女尸之后,一场搜寻凶手的行动开始了。

    A murder hunt was launched yesterday after a female dead body was found in the Western District of the town .

  24. 僧人解释道,那具海滩上的女尸,就是你未婚妻的前世。

    The monk explained , with the woman 's corpse on the beach , is your fiancee in a past life .

  25. 方法:应用成年尸体20具(40侧,男尸12具、女尸8具),观测旋髂深动脉、髂腹下神经、髂腹股沟神经、股外侧皮神经及它们之间的位置关系。

    Methods : 20 pieces adult corpses ( 40 sides , male 12 , female 8 ) were applied and deep iliac circumflex artery 、 iliohypogastric nerve 、 ilioinguinal nerve 、 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and their relationships were observed .

  26. 老人又撒了一次鱼网,结果拉上来一只箱子,里面竟装有一具女尸。谁曾想到,尼日尔三角洲地区的动荡竟能引起蛋价上涨呢?!

    Then the old man cast another net , finally he pulled up a chest with a female 's dead body in it unexpectedly . The chaos in the Niger delta , it turns out , has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs .