
  1. 庭院荫庇在大树下。

    The courtyard was shaded by high trees .

  2. 大树下荫凉得很。

    It 's very shady and cool under the tree .

  3. 那男孩躺在一棵大树下。

    The boy lay on his back under a big tree .

  4. 有一群小孩正在那棵大树下游戏。

    A group of children are playing under the big tree .

  5. 我看见他们在一棵大树下跳舞、唱歌。

    I saw them dancing and singing under a big tree .

  6. 在那次暴风雨中,我们躲在一棵大树下。

    In the storm we took refuge under a big tree .

  7. 海豹在大树下玩球。

    The seals are playing with balls under the tree .

  8. 珍坐在大树下的树荫下。

    Jen sat in the shade of a big tree .

  9. 还记得田边大树下的小木屋吗?

    Do you still remember the cabin under the tree ?

  10. 大树下站着一位漂亮的女孩。

    There is a pretty girl standing under the tree .

  11. 小时候我常常去大树下玩耍。

    I often played under the tree in my childhood .

  12. 我们就可以在大树下野餐了。

    And then we 'll have picnics under this tree .

  13. 我发现他在一棵大树下看报纸。

    I found him reading newspapers under a tree .

  14. 象往常一样,他们坐在大树下。

    As usual they sat under the big tree .

  15. 我们在一棵大树下吃了午饭。

    We had our lunch under a big tree .

  16. 蚂蚁们将我抬起来,又带回到了大树下。

    The ants picked me up and carried me back to the tree .

  17. 他们多次憩息在肯辛顿花园的大树下。

    They sat on various occasions beneath the great trees in Kensington Gardens .

  18. 学生们在那棵大树下玩耍。

    The pupils are playing under the big tree .

  19. 最后,小小姑娘把猫葬在后院的大树下。

    And , she buried the cat under a tree in the yard .

  20. 站在大树下那个认识我的叔叔。

    The man who is standing under the big tree is my uncle .

  21. 是谁把一块神祖牌丢在山上的大树下?

    Who would discard an ancestral tablet under the big tree on the hill ?

  22. 大树下有一堆多次烧火积成的灰堆。

    Under the big tree there is an ash pile made by many fires .

  23. 她躲在一棵大树下乘凉。

    She shaded herself under a big tree .

  24. 在回家途中他把包放在一棵大树下。

    He dropped off his bag under a big tree on his way home .

  25. 我们走到第一棵大树下,但证明是错的。

    We reached the first tall tree , but it was the wrong one .

  26. 麦克在一棵大树下。

    Mike is under a big tree .

  27. 一开始下雨,他们就躲到一棵大树下避雨。

    As soon as it begin to rain they take cover under a big tree .

  28. 有那么两三次,我们停在路边的大树下歇息。

    Two or three times we stopped to rest under a tree by the wayside .

  29. 把野餐篮子拿来,放在这棵大树下。

    Bring the picnic basket up here .

  30. 来到一棵大树下

    to the foot of a tall tree