
  • 网络funeral
  1. 告别式就快结束了。

    I reckon things will wrap up soon .

  2. 现代德语中的问候及告别式惯用语

    Idioms in German Concerning Greeting and Farewell

  3. 这是一场很温馨的告别式。他会被葬在你母亲旁边。

    Well , it sure is a beautiful service . He 'll be buried right next to your mother .

  4. 当地将为曼德拉举行告别式,这个库努村的牧童与种族隔离斗争,并最终成为南非总统,当地人视他为自己的亲人。

    A farewell for the local herds boy who fought apartheid and became president and who they saw as their own .

  5. 问候及告别式惯用语是德语教学及学习中的亮点和难点,受方言、社会言语、实际谈话意向多重因素的制约。

    Idioms concerning greeting and farewell in German , the highlights and difficult points in teaching and learning German , are restricted by factors such as dialect , social language , and actual conversation intention .

  6. 与内地和台湾电影相比较,香港率先汲取了好莱坞电影工业的长处,告别了小作坊式的生产模式,获得了宝贵的电影产业化经验,发展了适合大众娱乐消费的电影新形式。

    Compared with the Mainland and Taiwan , Hong Kong film industry has absorbed new ideas from Hollywood film industry . Having abandoned the production mode ofsmall workshop , it got valuable experience in production and developed a new movie form , which comforted people with entertainment and consumption .