
ɡào bié yǎn shuō
  • farewell address;farewell speech;valedictory;parting address
  1. 1961年1月17日,在总统德怀特D.艾森豪威尔的告别演说中警告“对政府来说,我们必须避免军工复合体自觉或不自觉带来的影响”。

    On Jan. 17 , 1961 , in his farewell address , President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against " the acquisition of unwarranted influence , whether sought or unsought , by the military-industrial complex . "

  2. 艾森豪总统向全国发表告别演说。

    President Dwight d.eisenhower 's farewell address to the nation .

  3. 他的告别演说是他退出政界的标志。

    His farewell speech marked his exit from politics .

  4. 在担任主席职务两年后他发表了告别演说。

    He made a valedictory address after two years as chairman .

  5. 我只是很紧张要做告别演说。

    I 'm just really nervous about my valedictorian speech .

  6. 他的告别演说是由速记转译而成的。

    His farewell speech was transcribed from shorthand notes .

  7. 他感情洋溢地向他们作了告别演说。

    Full to overflowing with emotion , he gave them the farewell speech .

  8. 1796年5月10日,他请亚历山大·汉密尔顿帮助起草一份告别演说。

    On May10,1796 , he asked Alexander Hamilton to help prepare a valedictory address .

  9. 相反,你的告别演说应该让以前的同事感受到温暖的光辉。

    Rather , your valedictory address should leave former colleagues feeling a warm glow .

  10. 总统布什的告别演说是他在奥巴马就职典礼前最后一次公开活动。

    President Bush 's farewell address was his last public event planned before the inauguration .

  11. 华盛顿后来在他的1796年告别演说中,再次赞扬并鼓励人们发扬这种“宽宏大量”精神。

    Washington later praised and encouraged the same " magnanimity " in his1796 Farewell Address .

  12. 我都不知道他们会不会做个告别演说。

    I don 't even know if they 're gonna make a speech or anything .

  13. 即将离任的首相作出告别演说,为自己的参战决定辩护。

    The outgoing prime minister made a farewell speech defending his decision on going to war .

  14. 完美的告别演说应该是幽默、回忆、宽慰和感激的一种微妙平衡。

    The ideal farewell speech should be a subtle balance of humour , memories , reassurance and gratitude .

  15. 在1796年的告别演说中,他警告美国民众政党的危险。

    In his farewell address in seventeen ninety-six , he warned Americans about the dangers of political parties .

  16. 悼词,国庆演说辞,谴责词,告别演说等都是富于词藻的演说。

    Eulogies , National Day orations , speeches of condemnation , farewell addresses , etc are instances of epideictic discourse .

  17. 你们有些人喜欢当着我们的面卖弄华盛顿在他的告别演说中提出的对地方主义的警告。

    Some of you delight to flaunt in our faces the warning against sectional parties given by Washington in his Farewell Address .

  18. 法国总统希拉克于本周二结束了自己最后一天的工作,并于当晚向自己领导了12年的国家发表了告别演说。

    French President Jacques Chirac ends his final full day in office Tuesday with an evening farewell speech to the nation that he has led for12 years .

  19. 阅读美国总统在告别演说中对宪法的论述,不难得出“大国尤需宪法”的重要启示。

    When reading the American presidents expositions of Constitution in their campaign speeches , we can easily attain an important apocalypse that powerful countries also need Constitution .

  20. 在我生命将逝之年做这个告别演说,无仇无怨,在我心中只有一个目的:为我的祖国服务。

    I address you with neither rancor nor bitterness , in the fading twilight of life , with but one purpose in mind : to serve my country .

  21. 大卫·卡梅伦在他作为英国首相的最后一次告别演说中,对他的家人表示了感谢。他表示,他的家人很享受住在唐宁街10号这六年的“美好”生活。

    David Cameron used his final farewell speech as Prime Minister to pay tribute to his family , who he said had enjoyed six ' lovely ' years living in 10 Downing Street .

  22. 亲爱的罗德:这一个多星期我一直为了我的告别演说辞忙个不停,我边写边修改,现在终于对它感到满意了。

    Hi Rode , I 've been engaged in writing and embellishing my valedictorian speech for more than one week , and I 'm finally satisfied with it . All that I should do is to memorize it .

  23. 美国建国初期华盛顿在《告别演说》中提出中立、不结盟和不介入欧洲事务的孤立三原则,并将孤立主义确立为美国外交的指导思想。

    In the early years of the establishment of United States , George Washington promoted the three fundamental principles of isolationism in Farewell Addressing : Neutrality , Non-alignment , and Non-involvement in European affairs , which has come to be the diplomatic guiding ideology of United States .