
ɡào jiě
  • confess
  • confession
  1. 一位年长的意大利男人来向他的神父告解。

    This elderly Italian guy goes to his parish priest to confess .

  2. 你是来告解什么新的罪过的吗?

    You coming to confess a new sin ?

  3. 他再也没有向波特神甫作过告解。

    He never went to Father Porter for confession again .

  4. moyer神父说我这个周末可以做第一次告解了。

    Father Moyer says I can make my first confession this weekend .

  5. 他不能将告解听到的话告诉别人。

    He cannot tell them what he heard in confession .

  6. 这位神父可听取用英语和法语的告解。

    The priest will hear confessions in English and French .

  7. 当祭司举行告解圣事时,我们全然获得饶恕。

    When the priest does the sacrament of confession we are completely forgiven .

  8. 偷听了她们告解怎么办?

    What if we end up hearing their confessions ?

  9. 一定要向祭司告解而不可直接向上帝告解吗?

    Is it necessary to confess to a priest and not to God directly ?

  10. 有一个男人走进告解室说:我犯罪了。

    A man walks into the confession booth and says , I have sinned .

  11. 罪犯向神父告解。

    The criminal confessed to the priest .

  12. 我去教堂时,牧师拒绝为我做告解。

    When I went to church , the priest refused to even hear my confession .

  13. 你若是神父,我会向你告解。

    Lf you were a priest right now , I 'd confess everything to you .

  14. 有一个男人走进告解室说:“我犯罪了”。

    A man walks into a confession booth and says , " I have sinned . "

  15. 另一个男人走进告解室说:“我犯罪了”。

    Another man walks into the confession booth and says , " I have sinned . "

  16. 他公然宣布他的告解。

    He gave his confession forth .

  17. 教徒在告解后常被要求覆诵圣母经为所犯罪行赎罪。

    Churchgoers who attend confession are often asked to repeat the prayer as penance for sins .

  18. 在对银白告解者帕尔璀丝的战斗中,完成的银色告解者成就将是最有趣的成就。

    The Argent Confessor achievement for the fight against Argent Confessor Paletress is probably the most interesting one .

  19. 一个醉汉跌跌撞撞走进一个天主教堂的告解室里,坐下却一言不发。

    A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church , enters a confessional box , sits down but says nothing .

  20. 然后耶稣上了船,止住风暴,然后他们拜他,向他告解。

    Then Jesus gets in the boat , calms the storm , and they worship him and confess him .

  21. 堂-科利昂象个告解室里的祖父一样听着,向远处凝视着,没有表情,冷漠。

    Don Corleone listened like a priest in the confessional , gazing away into the distance , impassive , remote .

  22. 圣人弗朗西斯没有足够的时间去,来唱颂歌或者向鸟儿告解或者做任何,其他讨喜的事情,正合弗兰尼的心意。

    This was no Saint Francis with enough time to knock out a few canticles or to preach to the birds or do any of the other endearing things so close to Franny Glass 's heart .