
ā mén
  • amen;āmēn
阿门 [ā mēn]
  • [amen] 亦作阿们,希伯来语 [āmēn]的译音,意为真诚,表示诚心所愿,心愿如此,但愿如此--基督教徒祈祷完毕时的用语

阿门[ā mén]
  1. 奉主之名而求,阿门。

    We ask this through our Lord , Amen .

  2. 以圣父、圣子和圣灵的名义,阿门。

    In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost , Amen .

  3. 奉主之名而求,阿门。

    We ask this through our lord , amen .

  4. 阿门,兄弟,明年你的IPAD就要1000美元了。

    Amen bro , your IPAD will be $ 1000 next year .

  5. 但调研同时显示,为Android开发应用的程序员发现,该系统生态环境恰如阿门特预示的那样存在风险。

    But the survey also suggests that programmers writing for Android are finding the ecosystem to be every bit as perilous as arment predicted .

  6. 她吟诵治疗用的祷文,我的嘴唇也开始能随之开合,并在结束时说出无声的“阿敏”(Amin,穆斯林的“阿门”。)。

    She said healing prayers and I started moving my lips to some of them and mouthing ' Amin ' ( our word for ' amen ' ) at the end .

  7. 我跟拉里阿门联系过了,没戏。

    I spoke with Larry Arman and it 's a pass .

  8. 她的邻座插话说:“阿门,我的姊妹。”

    Her neighbor chimed in : " Amen , sister . "

  9. 天女,正在天之父。阿门!

    Our Father , who art in Heaven . Amen !

  10. 奥斯卡:那是权力,阿门。那才是权力。

    Oscar : That 's power , Amon . That is power .

  11. 像不识字的牧师只知喊“阿门”,

    And like unletter 'd clerk still cry ' Amen '

  12. 上帝爱他的孩子们,上帝爱他的孩子,阿门!

    God loves his children , God loves his children , yeah !

  13. 妇人要回答说:阿门!

    " 'Then the woman is to say ," Amen .

  14. “阿门”是最多语言通用的字。

    " Amen " is recognized in more languages than any other .

  15. 天主,请原谅我们的罪过,阿门!

    My God , please forgive our crime , Amen !

  16. 一些阿门宗派的人把他们的生活方式商业化了。

    Some Amish people have commercialized their way of life .

  17. 叹一口气,说一句“阿门”,那就永远也不要相信我。

    And sigh and say ," amen ," never trust me more .

  18. 她的邻座插话说:阿门,我的姊妹。

    Her neighbor chimed in : Amen , sister .

  19. 以耶稣之名祈祷阿门

    In Jesus ' name we pray . Amen .

  20. 你臂弯里这个熟睡的婴儿,是最伟大的主,阿门!

    The sleeping Child you 're holding is the Great , I Am .

  21. 然后你们会说“阿门,阿门,阿门”

    And you would go , " Amen , amen , amen . "

  22. 爱中人!我将永远立在这里,阿门。

    Loverman ! Here I stand Forever , Amen .

  23. 耶稣基督保佑所有伟大的父母,庇佑所有温馨的母爱。阿门!

    Jesus Christ bless all great parents , blessed all the sweet love .

  24. 我在这里能说阿门吗?

    Can I get an Amen up in here ?

  25. 你们都会向我说“阿门”(表示赞同)

    I 'd get a big " Amen ! "

  26. 以圣父、圣子、圣灵的名义,阿门!

    In the name of father , son and holy spirits , Amen .

  27. 阿门德和奥利维尔均未猜到这人正是奥利维尔的哥哥文森特。

    Neither Armand nor Olivier guessed that the man was Olivier 's brother Vincent .

  28. 愿上帝保佑我们,阿门。:D。

    God bless us , amen . : D.

  29. 上帝,帮助我们牢记吧,阿门。

    Help us remember , Lord . Amen .

  30. 我猜那表示“阿门”吧

    I guess that means " amen . "