- 网络Abdullah;King Abdullah;Abdullah Abdullah;Abdulla;Abdullah al-Senussi

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announced a $ 35bn package of new benefits last month .
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton talked to King Abdullah of Jordan about Israeli gas in 2011 .
Mr Abdullah has sought to ease some affirmative action provisions in response to those concerns .
It costs King Abdullah little to replace one prime minister , but new faces alone will not create jobs or prosperity .
Former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah is seen as representing the ethnic Tajik minority .
CNN has learned a presidential between Afghan president Hamid Karzai and his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah will be taking place on the 7th of November .
In 2003 , moreover , after Col Gaddafi forswore terrorism , Libyan agents were implicated in a plot to kill King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia .
In the carriage , King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia stares fixedly ahead , attempting to ignore the fuss .
He has now sold 50 per cent of Sheffield United to Prince Abdullah al-Saud of Saudi Arabia .
The big choice for any owner of an exhaustible resource , such as King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia , is only inter-temporal : extract today or extract tomorrow .
The prince , a nephew of the Saudi King Abdullah , has long stood out from other Saudi princes , both in his social views and investment philosophy .
And he could not compete even with Yemen 's Ali Abdullah Saleh , who at least had a sharp sense of humour .
The new favoured price a de facto target is a third higher than the $ 75-a-barrel level that King Abdullah said was a " fair price " in November 2008 .
Among incentives recently announced by Mr Abdullah to encourage foreign investment in Iskandar was the easing of affirmative action rules favouring the ethnic Malay majority , often seen as the biggest obstacle to attracting overseas capital .
One recent morning , he operated on a 20-year-old , two 17-year-olds , a 12-year-old , then Abdullah , who was then 10 .
The foundations are being laid and the building of four highly ambitious new cities in Saudi Arabia is under way , with the first , the King Abdullah economic city , hoping to welcome residents at the end of this year .
The king said that many in the West continue to'point the finger of blame at OPEC alone , 'despite efforts within OPEC to keep pace with demand in recent months .
Abdullah has lost close to 50 pounds since his surgery about two months ago , according to his 29-year-old brother , Ahmad .
My conversation with Abdullah took place at the Madinah Institute for leadership and Entrepreneurship ( mile ) , an executive-education program created by the Saudi government and corporate backers with help from McKinsey .
Sen. Lindsey Graham , R-S.C. , who was among those who met with Abdullah , said Jordan will not be withdrawing from the fight against ISIS .
That is , until five years ago when she got married , became Betsy Ludwig Abdallah , and decided to have children .
The announcement of a boost to output by about 300,000 barrels a day came after a plea by George W. Bush , US president , to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh .
King Salman , who succeeded the late King Abdullah in January and recentralised power around himself and his family , served notice in March that he would fight Shia fire with Sunni fire .
You mentioned KAUST , which is in talks with US universities over cooperation agreements .
While Mr Naimi had a relationship of trust and a large degree of independence under the late King Abdullah , in the past year his ministry had come under the purview of a council chaired by Prince Mohammed .
Mr Moreno-Ocampo had at first argued that the prior claim belonged to the ICC , which issued arrest warrants for the two qaddafis and Mr senoussi at the behest of the United Nations Security Council in June .
" Whatever he does he will not be legitimate ," said Ahmed Wali Massoud , a leading political figure and a senior member of Abdullah 's campaign team .
" Unfortunately , some politicians in the United States have made an attempt to sacrifice big issues for minor political games ," said Turkey 's newly elected president , Abdullah Gul .
Afghan and international mediators have sought to broker a deal between Mr Karzai and Abdulah Abdullah , the former foreign minister who finished second in the vote .
The prime minister , on a recent trip to Nairobi to meet with Kenyan Premier Raila Odinga , told reporters that any such meeting should be led by Somalis in Mogadishu .