
jí quán zhǔ yì
  • centralism
  1. 劳动群众集体所有权提倡中央集权主义的人。

    Collective ownership by the working people advocating centralization .

  2. 很难想象即便是最集权主义的国家能在这方面采取什么措施。

    It is hard to imagine any but the most totalitarian state doing much about that .

  3. 对理性主义一元论所可能导致的集权主义的担忧,使他拒斥各种积极自由的理论。

    Considering that monism of rationalism may lead to authoritarianism , he rejects various theories of positive freedom .

  4. 欧洲单一市场计划从一开始就是自由主义和集权主义的权衡。

    Europe 's single-market project was , from the outset , a trade-off between liberal and statist forces .

  5. 你想要有多点钱在医疗保健里,他们告诉你这不可能,这意味著集权主义国家。

    You want more money for healthcare : they tell you impossible , this means a totalitarian state .

  6. 甚至可以说,社会主义与中央集权主义相比是一个存在剥削但并不充分构成阶级的社会。3.当代资本主义的阶级结构理论。

    Socialism is even a society with exploitation but without fully constituted classes in contrast to statism . 3 .

  7. 著有大量书籍,其中包括《易碎的绝对》以及《有没有人说过集权主义?

    He is the author of , among many other books , The Fragile Absolute and Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism ?

  8. 他们认为,人民如果繁荣富足,或者至少有希望实现繁荣富足,就不会支持集权主义。

    People with prosperity , or at least the prospect of it , didn 't turn to totalitarianism , they believed .

  9. 在后尤科斯时期,普京身边的集权主义强硬派转而把大部分努力投到建立资源产业和重工业的国家冠军企业中。

    Post-Yukos , statist hardliners around Mr Putin instead channelled most efforts into creating national champions in resources and heavy industry .

  10. 如果他是个社会主义者,他也许已经把银行国有化,并把该国引上极端集权主义的道路了。

    Had he been a socialist , he might have nationalized the banks and set the country upon the road toward extreme collectivism .

  11. 前者借专制集权主义而大行其道,渐趋极端,压制着后者,扭曲着人性。

    The former relies on autocratic centralization of state power and has his own way toward the extreme , pressing the latter and twisting humanity .

  12. 因为在他看来,积极自由即便不是集权主义的直接依据,也为集权主义提供了理论上的借口。

    In his view , even if positive liberty is not the direct basis of totalitarianism , it also provides a theoretical excuse for totalitarianism .

  13. 这些也决定了南宋政权的基本性格特点&放弃了北宋所坚持的与北方民族相对抗的汉族主义,却继承了集权主义的特点。

    They also decided that the basic character of the Southern Song regime characteristics - give up and insisted the Northern Song Dynasty Northern Han ethnic confrontation , and has inherited the characteristics of totalitarianism .

  14. 在那狭小的办公室里,我看着从集权主义政体偷运出来的信件。写这些信件的人,为了让外界知道他们那里所发生的事情冒着被监禁的危险,用潦草的字迹匆匆写下他们的遭遇,然后再将信件寄给我们。

    There in my little office I read bastily scribbled letters smuggled out of totalitarian regimes by men and women who were risking imprisonment to inform the outside world of what was happening to them .

  15. 集权主义的国家(由象法国这样的国家领导)将会拒绝接受单一市场如果这个市场允许成员致力于他们所谓的建立在绿色或者劳动力市场标准的拉力赛。

    The statists ( led by countries such as France ) would reject the single market if it allowed members to embark on what they would consider a race to the bottom on green or labour-market standards .

  16. 黄远庸认为,民初中国应采取适度集权的新权威主义,同时,强调在统治方式上应参杂法治和现代化的统治方法;

    Huang Yuan-yong believed that , at the beginning of the Republic of China , the new authoritative principle should be adopted , as well as governing by law and the modernized dominant method .