
  • 网络Collective wisdom;Collective intelligence;Collective Intellect
  1. Web2.0应用程序的另一个特性是利用集体智慧。

    Another trait of Web2.0 applications is the harnessing of collective intelligence .

  2. 分析了基于社会化标注的集体智慧和Web环境下的知识组织分类法,进行了社会化标注的语义知识挖掘,提出了一种轻量级本体构建方法。

    The thesis analyzes the collective intelligence in social annotations and different knowledge classification methods in web environment . A lightweight ontology construction method is proposed to discover semantic knowledge of social annotations .

  3. 代表交易员和气象学家集体智慧的芝加哥商品交易所(cme)的“冷度日”(coolingdegreedays)期货价格表明,8月份也会很热。

    Futures prices of " cooling degree days " traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , representing the collective wisdom of traders and meteorologists , suggest August will be hot too .

  4. 这也许是整体灵活性的问题,也可能是Web2.0应用程序利用集体智慧的结果。

    Perhaps it 's part of the whole flexibility issue , or the fact that Web2.0 applications harness the collective intelligence .

  5. 由员工拥有的软件公司Rite-Solutions表示,自己让每位员工更有主人翁感的创新引擎,激励个人才华并加以调整,使之形成一种集体智慧。

    Rite-Solutions , an employee-owned software company , says its innovation engine to make every member of staff feel more relevant is provoking and aligning individual brilliance toward collective genius .

  6. 这本书是来自20个国家的166名专家集体智慧的结晶。

    It is the work of 166 experts from 20 countries .

  7. 虚拟学习社区中的知识建构和集体智慧研究

    Research on Knowledge-building & Collective Intelligence in Virtual Learning Community

  8. 我决不相信无知个体汇聚成集体智慧。

    I never believe individual ignorance will converge to be collective wisdom .

  9. 这会加快集体智慧的进化。

    So that can be accelerating the evolution of the collective wisdom .

  10. 众包式创新逐渐使创新成为一种普遍的社会化行为,这种广泛应用集体智慧的创新模式在未来很可能成为企业的主导创新模式。

    Crowdsourcing is making innovation to be a social behavior .

  11. 确实是有某种叫做集体智慧的可衡量的东西。

    There is certainly something measurable that can be called collective intelligence .

  12. 挖掘集体智慧创建高效团队

    Excavating the Collective Wisdom and Creating the High-effective Team

  13. 而且必须利用团队其他成员的集体智慧。

    You also must harvest the collective intelligence of your other team members .

  14. 与时俱进硕果集体智慧结晶&论党的统一战线理论的形成和发展

    On the Formation and Development of the Party 's Theory of Unified Battlefront

  15. 我们要充分发挥集体智慧的作用。

    We 'll call collective wisdom into full pay .

  16. 集体智慧的结晶&首都博物馆新馆方案创作历程

    Creation experience of the scheme of Capital Museum

  17. 我们一直把它当作是我们集体智慧的作品而加以接受。

    We have received it as the work of the assembled wisdom of the nation .

  18. 集体智慧与个人体验的和谐统一;

    Collective wisdom and personal experience ;

  19. 蒙古族服饰是勤劳善良的蒙古人集体智慧的结晶,它表现出了蒙古人的审美特征。

    Mongolian dress is industrious good Mongolian collective wisdom crystallization , it shows a Mongol aesthetic characteristics .

  20. 紧紧依靠团队力量和集体智慧不断营造博神企业新形象。

    We 'll shape a new enterprise image of Bo-shen with wisdom and strength from close teamwork .

  21. 一座完美的建筑是集体智慧的和技巧的结晶。

    As is often the case , a smart building is the crystallization of collective wisdom and skills .

  22. 对于软件架构师来说主题还在增加中,比如信任你的客户,利用集体智慧。

    These are augmented with themes for software architects such as trusting your users and harnessing collective intelligence .

  23. 因此,学校首先应走向新型的领导管理体制,关键是校长的角色要发生转换,校长责无旁贷应当成为人本管理的启发者和集体智慧的集大成者。

    As a result , at First , school should be on the way to the updated management system ;

  24. 我们随机安排68个团队在两种不同条件下完成集体智慧测试。

    We randomly assigned each of 68 teams to complete our collective intelligence test in one of two conditions .

  25. 民歌是千百年来劳动人民集体智慧的结晶,真实的反映了劳动人民的生活。

    Folk Song is the crystallization of people in thousands years which reflects the real life of the working people .

  26. 首先,这是你在准备专题时汲取班上集体智慧的机会。

    First , this will be your opportunity to tap the collective wisdom of the class as you prepare your project .

  27. 知识管理成为企业管理好知识资本,运用集体智慧提高应变能力和创新能力的关键所在。

    Knowledge management become the critical to manage knowledge capital , raise emergent ability depended on collectivity wisdom and innovative ability .

  28. 从更广泛的意义来说,由于集体智慧的力量,多样化团队的表现甚至可以超过由背景相似的优秀成员组成的团队。

    More broadly , diverse teams can outperform even star performers from similar backgrounds because of the power of collective intelligence ,

  29. 依靠集体智慧,坚持科学决策,反复研究思考,务必精益求精的工作指导思想;

    Takes " depend on combined wisdom , adhere to science decision , study and think repeatedly " as the working guidelines ;

  30. 披露:我写了实战集体智慧这本书,但对这本书我绝对没有任何的经济目的。

    Disclosure : I wrote the forward to'Collective Intelligence in Action ' , however I have absolutely no financial interest in the book .