
  • 网络integration;integration level;integration density;integration value
  1. 开关电源核心的部分就是控制IC,具有高集成度、高性价比、高效率的优点,得到广泛的应用。

    Its high integration level , quality-price ratio and efficiency make it become the major candidate for application power design .

  2. 信息推动因素(信息共享准则、学习型组织、社会导向、信息沟通技术)对IT企业RD营销界面集成度存在显著的正效用。

    The conclusion of this study is as below : ( 1 ) Information prompting factor has distinct positive impact on IT corporation 's R & D-Marketing interface integration .

  3. 它具有集成度高、μp兼容、适用性强和自动校准等特点。

    It is a kind of interface IC with high integration level ,μ p compatibility , high applicability and auto-calibration .

  4. 高集成度的FPGA/CPLD器件可以满足这一要求。

    Highly integrated FPGA / CPLD chips can meet this requirement .

  5. 选择高集成度DSP的关键因素

    Key Considerations for Highly Integrated DSP Selection

  6. 在所有的IC产品中集成度和工艺水平最高,应用也最为广泛。

    Also memories are used the most widely .

  7. 设计简单灵活、集成度高、占用CPU时间少。

    This design is flexible , high-integrated and takes little CPU ′ s time .

  8. 随着IC设计自动化程度的提高和芯片集成度的上升,验证工作的复杂度和工作量呈指数趋势上升。

    The workload of verification increases exponentially as the continuous improvement of IC design automation and chip scale .

  9. 高集成度UHF频段RFID读写器射频模块设计

    Design of Highly Integrated UHF RFID Reader RF Module

  10. 随着用户对服务集成度和服务性能要求的不断提高,工业界和学术界关注的热点正在由单一的Web服务向组合的Web服务过渡。

    As higher integration level and service performance is required , the attention of industry and academic research is transiting from individual web service to composite web services .

  11. 系统充分利用CPLD的高集成度,有效地降低了整个电路的复杂程度。

    The system utilizes the high integration of CPLD , decreases the complexity of circuit .

  12. 它采用具有的高集成度、低功耗等优点的CMOS工艺实现。

    It achieves by CMOS technics which has advantage of high integration degree and low power waste .

  13. 本图像采集系统基于PCI总线接口设计,硬件主要设计采用FPGA技术,实现了数字电路的模块化设计,集成度和灵活性高。

    All digital circuits of the system and PCI Bus interface controller were fulfilled by FPGA with high performance .

  14. CMOS图像传感器集成度高并且可以直接获得数字化的图像。

    The integration degree of the CMOS image sensor is high , and it can obtain digital image directly .

  15. 本设计方案比起传统的专用接口芯片加FPGA的双芯片方案来说具有更高的集成度和灵活性。

    The design has higher levels of integration and flexibility compared to the program of traditional dedicated interface chip together with FPGA chip .

  16. 本研究的影响因素模型为IT企业进行RD营销界面集成度提高途径的选择提供了科学性与实践性相结合的管理原则、方法和分析工具。

    The influencing model provides management principle which combines theory with practice and analysis tool for IT corporation make choice to improve R & D-Marketing interface integration .

  17. 随着微电子技术的发展,SoC的集成度越来越高,设计复杂性日益增大。

    With the development of microelectronics technology , the integration of SoC increases rapidly , and design complexity augments increasingly .

  18. 这种高集成度是完成了机载RISC处理器。

    This high level of integration is accomplished with the onboard RISC processor .

  19. 本文还提出了一种新型双层多晶N沟硅栅E/DMOS工艺,它能使电路设计有很大灵活性和高集成度。

    A new double poly-N channel silicon-gate E / D MOS process is proposed with great flexibility and high integration for the IC designer .

  20. 片上系统技术通过知识产权核(IP:Intellectualproperty)的复用提高生产率,缩短产品上市时间,同时也显著提高了芯片的集成度。

    Relative to traditional ASIC ( Application Specific Integrated Circuit ), SoC improves the complexity remarkably , shortens the time to market and reduces the design cycle based on IP ( Intellectual Property ) core reusing .

  21. 提出了利用微机电系统(MEMS)技术,采用新的元器件以及数字化中频技术来提高接收机集成度的方法。

    Several means adopted in MEMS technique by using new element and IF digitized are put forward to improve integration of the receiver .

  22. 系统将数字逻辑和数据存储一起设计在了一片高速大容量的FPGA内,大大提高了系统的集成度、可靠性和灵活性。

    By implementing all the digital logic function and data storage function with a FPGA , the instrument is greatly enhanced in integration , reliability and flexibility .

  23. 这意味着他们总是在寻求更好的IC解决方案,以更高的集成度、小的残留量、高的操作效能来扩展电池的持续时间。

    IC solutions that provide high levels of integration , the smallest footprint , and the highest level of operating efficiency to extend battery run time .

  24. 一种高集成度DTMF信号编解码器的设计与实现

    A Design and Implementation of High Density DTMF Signal Coder / Decoder

  25. 系统中的逻辑控制部分采用CPLD来实现,大大提高了系统的集成度。

    The logic control unit of the system are integrated in CPLD . The integrated density of the circuit is improved greatly .

  26. 基于模糊QFD的设计&建造信息集成度评价

    A fuzzy quality function deployment system for information integration of design-construction in a building project

  27. 与硬件电路实现相比,FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)的实现不但能有效防止由于可控硅换流而引起的误控制,而且集成度高,更精确和灵活。

    In compared with the hardware realization , this way can not only avoid false control caused by the phase-change of thyristor effectively , but also have high integration .

  28. 因其超低功耗、高集成度、尺寸小、成本低的优点,非常适应日益减小的航天器尺寸,CMOS图像传感器迅速发展起来。

    For its advantages such as ultra-low-power , highly integrated , ultra-compact , and cost-effective , etc. , CMOS image sensors began to develop very quickly .

  29. 系统集成度(SID)研究

    Research on System Integration Degree

  30. 采用ARM开发机床数控系统可以降低硬件成本、提高系统集成度、增强稳定性,它相对于PC平台具有更多的优势。

    By using the ARM , we can reduce the hardware cost , increase the system integration and improve the stability . Moreover , it has more superiorities contrasted the PC platform .