
  • 网络team sports;collective motion;Collective Movement
  1. 提出了一个快速制备N个囚禁离子集体运动的量子相干叠加态方案。方案中使用了单个驻波激光场与离子的载波共振。

    A fast procedure is presented to produce the quantum-interference states forthe collective motion of N trapped ions using a single standing-wave field resonant with the ionic carrier frequency .

  2. 等离子体波是等离子体中粒子的各种集体运动模式,波的色散关系给出了集体扰动频率ω和波矢k之间的关系,同时也是不稳定性理论研究的基础。

    Plasma waves are the collective motion modes of many particles in the plasma . The relationship of angular frequency ω and the wave vector k can determine the dispersion relations of plasma waves , which are fundamental in studying instabilities .

  3. 在δ力和P2力近似下从单粒子模型得到原子核集体运动谱原子核集体运动中的动力学对称性

    By means of the approximation of δ - force and p_2-force the collective spectrum of nucleus is obtained from the single & particle model

  4. GregSword:我们正根据蝗虫的集体运动(即集体运动动力学)建立数学模型,以预测蝗虫走向。

    Greg Sword : Were developing mathematical models based on collective movement , whats called collective movement dynamics , and we can predict where the locusts are going to go .

  5. 基于木桶原理视野下的集体运动项群

    On Group Sport Items Based on " Wooden Barrel Principle "

  6. 大部分的集体运动他们都喜欢,比如足球和篮球。

    They enjoy most team games , like football and basketball .

  7. 集体运动很有益,你不这样认为吗?

    Team sports are very enjoyable , don 't you think so ?

  8. 足球是集体运动,所以我喜欢。

    Yes , I like soccer as a team sport .

  9. 集体运动项目教给人的都是队友情谊、患难与共、团结一致以及……

    Team sports are all about camaraderie and togetherness and unity and ...

  10. 集体运动干预对提高2型糖尿病患者治疗效果的观察

    The effects of nursing intervention on the exercise therapy compliance in diabetic patients

  11. 篮球运动是一场同场对抗、相互制约的集体运动项目。

    Basketball is a collective sport of confrontation with the same field and mutual constraints .

  12. 集体运动项目可以培养人的性格,教会年轻人如何去对待输赢胜败。

    Team sports build character . Team sports teach youngsters how to win and lose .

  13. 足球是一项集体运动。

    Football is a team game .

  14. 生成坐标方法与原子核集体运动(Ⅱ)&偶-偶原子核的多极激发和对激发

    The generator coordinate method and nuclear collective motions (ⅱ) & multipole and pairing excitations in even-even nuclei

  15. 集体运动项目对中学生同伴人际关系影响的研究

    The Research on the Influences of Group Sports to Peer Relationships of Middle School Students Project Database

  16. 考虑依赖于时间的生成坐标方法,给出了依赖于时间的集体运动的薛定谔方程。

    Considering the time-dependent generator coordinate method , the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for nuclear collective motions is obtained .

  17. 核集体运动的耗散过程和内禀自由度趋向平衡过程的理论描述

    Descriptions of the equilibration process of the intrinsic degrees of freedom and dissipative process of the nuclear collective motion

  18. 大多学生喜欢自发组织同伴参与集体运动,参与社团、俱乐部的人数较少。

    Mostly fellow students who participate in organizations like spontaneous collective movement , participation in society , the number of smaller clubs .

  19. 实验后,集体运动项目中上场队员进行轮换的实验组在总人际关系和乐群性水平有显著改变。

    After experiment , the team replacing the court member frequently in group sport improved the overall peer relationships and social boldness level significantly ;

  20. 也就是说,很大程度上由于对梅欧帕克体育协会、足球和1982赛季的记忆,我不想让我的孩子们从事有组织的集体运动项目。

    Namely , thanks in large part to Mahopac and soccer and 1982 , I do not want my children playing organized team sports .

  21. 丰富的课外活动,包括美术、表演、实用艺术、外语、环境和室外教育、集体运动和旅游。

    A rich extracurricular program including fine , performing and practical arts , foreign language , environmental and outdoor education , team sports and travel .

  22. 在由S和D核子关联对构成的原子核集体运动态中,存在由辛弱数混合造成的伪态成份。给出了计算这种伪态成份的公式,并进行计算和讨论。

    The spurious components due to the seniority mixing in the collective states composed of the S and D nucleon pairs are expressed and evaluated .

  23. 红色还可能会在集体运动项目中发挥效力。太多的数据库并不能让你的元标签发挥功效。

    The red effect also might come into play in team sports . Too many data bases out there never implement a meta tag strategy .

  24. 这一研究结果对集体运动队的科学训练提供了一些理论依据,为集体运动队的教练员提供了一种切实可行的训练思想。

    Hope to provide some theoretical evidence for the training of collective sports teams and offer a feasible means to the trainer in collective sports teams .

  25. 研究结果表明:第一,根据体育运动偏好度的一般特点,大学生较个人运动更偏爱集体运动;

    The results show : firstly , according to sports preference over the general characteristics of college students , college students prefer collective sports to individual sports ;

  26. 竞技排球运动是有明确位置分工的集体运动项目,不同专位运动员在排球场上的具体分工和技、战术任务也有所区别。

    Volleyball athletics is a clear division of the position of the collective sports , different position a player in volleyball court of specific task division and skill and tactics .

  27. 研究环上和线上4个线性耦合振子系统的集体运动,描述系统内各振子之间的关联振动方式。

    The collective motions inside systems of four linearly coupled oscillators in a ring or a line are investigated . The modes of correlated vibrations for internal oscillators are described .

  28. 集体运动项目中上场队员固定的实验组在自私性水平方面有显著改善,在总体同伴人际关系、乐群性和孤独感水平没有影响;

    While the team fixing the court numbers in group sport improved the selfishness level significantly but gain little effect on overall human relation , social boldness and loneliness level improvement .

  29. 足球是一项讲究配合的集体运动,个人能力固然重要,但团队合作才是决定比赛结果的关键。

    Talking about football , it is a team sport that calls for good coordination . Important as individual skills are , team work holds the key to the result of the match .

  30. 其中从事集体运动项目的体育爱好者的心理健康水平高于从事个人项目的体育爱好者。

    Among these sports lovers , the psychological health lever of the sports lovers who are engaged in the team sports events is higher than that of the ones who love individual sports event .