
jí hé mínɡ cí
  • collective noun
  1. 这是一个集合名词,单数的形式但是表示复数意义。

    This is a collective noun , singular in form but plural in meaning .

  2. 集合名词是用来形容一群人、动物或一批物品。

    Collective Noun is the name used for a collection of people , animals or things .

  3. 不附家具的,无设备的。furnished则是「附家具的」。「家具」是furniture(这个字是集合名词,不可数)办公室不附家具,不过很干净。

    unfurnished ( a. ) The office comes unfurnished , but clean .

  4. 选择正确的集合名词来填充空格。

    A.Choose the right collective nouns to fill in the blanks .

  5. 救济,救济物资(集合名词,不可数)医生们致力解除病人们的痛苦。

    Doctors work for the relief of their patients ' suffering .

  6. 陶瓷作品(集合名词,不可数)杭特教授今晚将就中国的陶瓷工艺发表演讲。

    Professor Hunt is going to give a speech on Chinese ceramics tonight .

  7. 学习以下的集合名词。

    Study the following lists of collective nouns .

  8. 如果集合名词指不同的成员,动词用复数形式。

    If the word group refers to different members , use a plural verb .

  9. 幕僚(集合名词,不可数)我们公司有500名员工,分别在加拿大与台湾工作。

    Our company has a staff of 500 , working in both Canada and Taiwan .

  10. 博客球是包含所有博客的社区或社交网络的集合名词。

    Blog blog ball that contains all of the community or collective term for social networking .

  11. 尽管描述这类基金的集合名词或许还比较新鲜,但这些基金本身往往不是这样。

    While the collective noun used to describe the funds may be relatively new , the funds themselves often are not .

  12. 它是一个集合名词。虽然形式上是单数,它必须跟复数的谓语动词。

    This is a collective noun . Though it appears in the singular form , it takes a plural predicate verb .

  13. 休眠现象是一个集合名词,指的是缓步动物为克服不利的环境条件而出现的新陈代谢活动减弱甚至暂停的生命状态。

    Dormancy is a collective name for an ametabolic state of life utilized by Tardigrada to overcome periods of unfavourable environment conditions .

  14. 人称代词+专有名词不同于一般代词+名词、人称代词+集合名词的组合。

    The personal pronoun + proper noun is different from the associations of general pronoun + noun and the personal pronoun + collective noun .

  15. 在美国用法中,集合名词在指代的集合名词作为一个整体时,谓语动词要用单数形式,如在全家在这个问题上达成一致。

    In American usage , a collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to the collection considered as a whole , as in The family was united on this question .

  16. 术语互联网是一个集合名词,包括数以千计由公司、政府、大学和私营企业运作的子网络,所有这些交织在一起形成一个(基本上)无缝对接、全球互联运作的网络整体。

    The term internet is a collective noun for thousands of smaller networks , run by corporations , governments , universities and private business , all stitched together to form one ( mostly ) seamless , global , internetworked whole .

  17. “深空天体”泛指太阳系以外除了恒星的任何天体,它是一个包括星系、星团、星云等等天体在内的集合名词。

    A " deep sky object " is any object outside our solar system'except'a star ; the name is a " collective term " used to refer to such things as galaxies , star clusters , nebulae , and so on .

  18. 术语“互联网”是一个集合名词,包括数以千计由公司、政府、大学和私营企业运作的子网络,所有这些交织在一起形成一个(基本上)无缝对接、全球互联运作的网络整体。

    The term " internet " is a collective noun for thousands of smaller networks , run by corporations , governments , universities and private business , all stitched together to form one ( mostly ) seamless , global , " internetworked " whole .

  19. 田口方法(TaguchiMethods)是一集合性的名词,它包含有实验设计、品质工程、商业资料分析、部门评价法与图形辨识。

    Taguchi Methods is a collective term . It consists of system of experiment design , quality engineering ( QE ), business data analysis , and divisional evaluation system and pattern recognition .