
zhǔ yǔ
  • subject
主语 [zhǔ yǔ]
  • [subject] 谓语的陈述对象,指出谓语说的是谁或者是什么的句子成分

主语[zhǔ yǔ]
  1. 谓语动词的数和人称与其主语一致。

    The verb agrees with its subject in number am person .

  2. 这个句子的主语省略了。

    The subject of the sentence is omitted .

  3. 动词与主语必须在人称和数上一致。

    There must exist agreement of a verb and a subject in person and number .

  4. 在英语中,一个从句在句子中用作主语时作单数看待。

    In english , a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular .

  5. 并不是我们班上的所有学生都很聪明。(否定主语)

    All students in my class are not clever .

  6. 学习用功的学生不怕考试。(who代替先行词student,在从句中作主语。)

    The students who studies hard is not afraid of the examination .

  7. 你和那个集团有何关系?whathappenedwas是what引导的主语从句

    Do you have anything to do with this group ?

  8. 同主语相连作句子补语等同动词(比如‘be’或‘become’)。

    An equating verb ( such as ` be ' or ` become ' ) that links the subject with the complement of a sentence .

  9. 三元组的三个部分被正式称为主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)和宾语(object)。

    The parts of a triple are officially known as the subject , predicate , and object .

  10. 他昨天病了。(fell是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。)

    He fell ill yesterday .

  11. 英汉语主语小句中的PRO的分布和所指

    The Distribution and Reference of PRO in Subject Clause in Chinese and English

  12. 你母亲的父亲是你的外祖父。father是主语,grandpa是主语补语,都是第三人称、阳性、主格。

    Your mother 's father is your grandpa .

  13. 大代号PRO往往位于非限定句的主语位置,因为句中只有这个位置不受管辖。

    PRO always occurs in the subject position of a non-finite clause , because only this position is ungoverned .

  14. 一个人或物是无与伦比的,即优秀的典范,这不就是“模范、优秀的人或物”吗?很明显“beknownas”前面的主语给出了后面“paragon”的词义。

    A person or thing beyond comparison , a model of excellence , is known as a paragon .

  15. 试论Halliday的主语判别方法的不足

    On Halliday 's View of Subject and Its Test Method

  16. 而EO心理动词的主语是引起者。

    While the subject with EO verb is Causer .

  17. 在存现结构LP+V+NP中,LP是存现动词的一论元,是句法主语。

    In the construction LP + V + NP , it is a subject and also one argument of existential verbs .

  18. 一方面,need可用作实义动词,此时它的用法跟其他动词一样:第三人称单数作主语时加s,疑问句和否定句用do来构成。

    On the one hand , it can be used as an ordinary verb and has the same forms as an ordinary verb . The third person singular ends with an s , and questions and negatives are formed with do .

  19. 每条边称为一个命题(statement),都有一个主语(subject)(边的源点)、一个谓词(边的标号)和一个宾语(object)(边的宿点)。

    Each edge , called a statement , has a subject ( where the edge points from ), a predicate ( the edge 's label ), and an object ( where the edge points to ) .

  20. 本文为动词同宾结构提供了一个统一的解释:这些句子中的V2(连同其空主语和空宾语)本质上是目的性状语从句。

    I will provide a uniform explanation for OSC in this dissertation : V2 ( with its null subject and null object ) is essentially a purpose clause modifying the matrix clause .

  21. 高兴刚(2000)提出,中间动词的逻辑主语是PRO以及中间结构的派生涉及wh移位。

    Gao ( 2000 ) argues that the logical subject of a middle verb is PRO and middle formation involves the operation of wh-movement .

  22. 其次,提升的NP性质不同:英语中为主语提升;汉语中为主题提升。

    Second , the nature of the raised NP is different . In English , it is subject raising ; in Chinese , it is topic raising .

  23. 依据S1(S2P2)P1中的P1之不同类别,可以确定S-P主语句的不同句式;

    According to different kinds in S1 ( S2P2 ), one can judge the different sentence pattern of S - P subject sentence pattern .

  24. 断言的宾语可以通过URI或文本识别,如果它是另一个断言的主语,则它必须通过URI识别。

    The object of an assertion can be identified by a URI or by a literal ; if it is the subject of another assertion , it must be identified by a URI .

  25. 本文从句法、语义和话题性方面对重动句(SV1OV2C)准定中结构主语句(N1的N2+VP)进行了考察。

    This paper examines the verb-copying sentence and the sentence with subject made of quasi attributive-heading structure from the aspects of syntax , semantics and the topic .

  26. 基于汉语上下文语境模型CCM,本文研究了汉语事件时间信息的分析、主语省略句的处理和名词短语的定指性判定问题。

    With the context knowledge in CCM , we research on temporal information analysis of Chinese events , subject ellipsis resolution of Chinese sentences and defmiteness judgment of Chinese noun phrases .

  27. 只有当输入的元素和抽象的结构(“Matt”=主语,“likes”=动词,“pizza”=对象)匹配起来,这个句子才有意义。

    The sentence makes sense only if you can match the elements of the input to those in the abstract structure (" Matt " = subject ," likes " = verb ," pizza " = object ) .

  28. 通过对108位中国学生进行语法判断测试,并借助SPSS软件进行数据统计和分析,本文在生成语法框架下考察和分析了他们英语句法中零主语和零宾语的分布情况。

    Within the framework of generative grammar , this paper examines and analyzes the distribution of null subjects and null objects by conducting a grammaticality judgement test to 108 Chinese learners of English and making statistical analysis based on SPSS software .

  29. 在S+V+R+O句式中,由于述语中心动词V价的不同、宾语的不同,补语R语义指向的不同,主语S、述语V、补语R、宾语O构成一个复杂的语义网络。

    In the sentence pattern of " S + V + R + O ", owing to V 's differential valency , V 's different objects and R 's different semantic indications , the different semantic relationships among subject , predicate , complement and object constitutes a complex semantic network .

  30. SPARQL被设计用来查询以RDF数据模型表示的数据,这种数据模型用一个三元组来表示数据,每个三元组都具有一个主语、一个谓语和一个宾语。

    SPARQL is designed to query data represented with the RDF data model , which represents data as a collection of triples , each of which has a subject , a predicate , and an object .