
  • 网络Main ethnic group;narod
  1. 蒙古语是黏着性语言,它是内蒙古自治区的主体民族语言。

    Mongolian is the main national language of Inner Mongolia .

  2. 扶南主体民族的族属与现代高棉民族的形成

    The Ethnicity of the Majority People of Funan and the Formation of Modern Khmer

  3. 中国是一个多民族的国家,无论是主体民族还是少数民族,都有其独特的文化传统。

    China is a multi-ethnic country , and its ethnic groups have their distinguishing cultures and traditions .

  4. 高棉族是柬埔寨的主体民族,约占其总人口的80%。

    The khmeris the main ethnic group that makes of80 % of the total population in cambodia .

  5. 汉民族是中华民族的主体民族,其前身是华夏族。

    Han nationality , the inheritor of Huaxia nationality , is the main body of Chinese nation .

  6. 科索沃民族问题的起点来源于阿尔巴尼亚族和塞尔维亚族两大主体民族利益的争端。

    The main dispute is starting of the issue of national interests between the ethnic Albanian and Serb .

  7. 拉祜族是云南省思茅地区澜沧拉祜族自治县的主体民族。

    The Lahu nationality is the major of Lancang Lahu nationality autonomous county in Simao region of Yunnan Province .

  8. 在多民族或多元文化的国家里,少数民族教育总是在少数民族与主体民族的相互联系和影响中存在和发展。

    Minority education in a multi ethnic nation is existent and developed in the interaction of its mainstream culture and subcultures .

  9. 在明代,汉民族逐渐发展成为云南的主体民族,汉文化也开始确立在云南文化格局中的主导地位。

    It was in Ming Dynasty that Han group gradually became the major one in Yunnan and Han culture dominated the mainstream .

  10. 独立以后,中亚国家再次提出将主体民族现行的以基里尔字母为基础的文字进行拉丁化的问题。

    After the independence , each country of Central Asia once more put forward the question about the use of Latin alphabet .

  11. 古代犹太人大约在宋代入住开封,一直享受与主体民族平等的社会地位和自由发展的文化环境;

    The ancient Kaifeng Jews enjoyed the equal social status and free environment of cultural development after their settlement in Song Dynasty .

  12. 蒙古文作为内蒙古自治区的主体民族文字和官方文字,在各个领域中都被广泛使用。

    Mongolian , as the main National Characters and the official language in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , has been widely used in various fields .

  13. 泰国南部地区居住着大约100万马来穆斯林,他们在宗教、文化、习俗等方面与泰国主体民族泰人有着明显的差异。

    About 1 million Malayan Muslims live in southern Thailand , who are distantly similar to the Thai in terms of religion , culture and custom .

  14. 汉国号所具有的特殊象征意义,又使得汉成为域外有关中国的一种习惯称谓,并逐渐演化为此后直至现今中国主体民族的族称。

    The symbolic meaning of Han has made Han a habitual extraterritorial title of China and has changed into the present title of Chinese major nationality .

  15. 近年来,因受泰国主体民族泰族文化与经济社会发展的影响,泰国傈僳族的社会文化发生了巨大变化。

    Because of the influence from principal Tai people and with the development of economy and society , Lisu people 's society and culture have changed a lot .

  16. 维吾尔族大学生不适应的深层原因主要有:语言、刻板印象及社会文化偏见、主体民族的接受程度。

    The underline reasons for Uighur college students adaption problem to the present situation is : language 、 stereotype 、 social culture prejudice and main ethnic acceptance . 4 .

  17. 湘西土家族苗族自治州地处湖南省西北部的武陵山区,土家族、苗族是境内两大主体民族。

    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture locates in Wuling montanic areas in Northwest of Hunan province , Tujia and Miao national minorities being two of the major nationalities .

  18. 方法采用分层整群抽样方法,对伊犁地区6个主体民族常住人口进行关于脂代谢异常的流行病学调查。

    Methods with stratified cluster sampling method , epidemiological survey was conducted about abnormal metabolism on blood lipid among the permanent resident population of six major nationalities in Ili prefecture .

  19. 成为国家主人和上升为统治阶级以后的当地主体民族对处于少数民族地位的华人实行歧视政策,华人受到各种不公正的对待。

    The main local race who became the master of ? the country and ruling class carry out the policy of discrimination against ethnic Chinese , who suffer various unfair treatment .

  20. 高棉族是主体民族,占总人口的80%,少数民族有占族、普农族、老族、泰族、斯丁族等。

    Khmer is minority , accounting for80 % of the total population , minority have accounted for the family , general agricultural family , old people , Thai , Stine tribe .

  21. 由于大规模汉族移民的进入及汉文化的全方位输入,白族作为区域范围内主体民族的地位开始丧失,白族文化在当地的主导地位也被汉、白文化的交映和协奏所代替。

    With the settlement of a large number of Han emigrants and the introduction of powerful Han culture , the Bais and Bai culture began to lose their dominant position locally .

  22. 民族教育既包括对主体民族的教育,也包括对少数民族的教育,但长期以来我国的民族教育却处于区域失衡状态。

    The ethnic education includes the education to the corpus race , also to the multi-ethnic area , but for long time the education in the multi-ethnic area has been out of balance .

  23. 梅山蛮主体民族刍议汉族先民随着多民族中国的历史发展,一直作为历史上多民族中国的主体民族而不断发展壮大。

    As the main nationality of China with multiple-nationalities in history , the ancients of the Han nationality had always developed and expanded continuously alongside the developments of the ancients of the Han nationality .

  24. 不管这些偏袒是有意的还是无意的,它们都导致了事实上的歧视,因为非主体民族在竞争中处于劣势,是因为他们的文化和语言特征,而非他们的资质。

    Whether or not these biases are intended , they result in effective discrimination , in the sense that the non-dominant groups are disadvantaged by their cultural and linguistic attributes rather than by their merit .

  25. 民族乡既是区域经济的重要组成部分,又带有明显的经济主体民族性特点,既有三农问题的共同性,又有民族问题的特殊性。

    Nationality Township is important part of regional economies and it characterized by obvious nationality economic subject , both has intercommunity of issues concerning agriculture , countryside and farmers and particularity of the ethnic minority issue .

  26. 本文认为,当今世界跨国民族问题引发的各种矛盾与冲突,往往受主体民族与母族文化的影响;

    In this article , the author thinks that all kinds of contradictions and conflicts that have caused the problem of the transnational nationalities in the world today usually affect the main body nationality and mother national culture .

  27. 本文认为,在现代生活方式广泛扩散的过程中,一个社会的主体民族放弃了自己的一些传统,通过接受普遍认同的生活方式完成了现代转型。

    This paper holds that in the wide expansion of modern life , a society undergoes a series of transformation in which the dominant people give up some of its own tradition and adopt some styles of life that are universally accepted .

  28. 同时,对阿基诺三世上台后摩洛问题的发展前景作出预测并提出相关建议,以期能对中国处理主体民族和少数群体之间关系提供借鉴。

    Meanwhile this paper would predict the future of the Anti-government Movement after Aquino III came to power and make related suggestions in order to take it as reference for China to deal with the relations between the main ethnic group and the minorities .

  29. 湘西自古以来便一直是一个多民族、多族群聚居区,土家族、苗族作为世居此地的主体少数民族,在历史上文化互动频繁。

    Xiangxi has been a multi-ethnic area since ancient times . Tujia and Miao , the two major ethnic groups in this area , have made frequent cultural interactions .

  30. 本文的文化价值观念冲突是指在全球化背景下以民族国家为主体的民族文化发展所面临的异域文化、尤其是强势文化的渗透、冲击和同化的矛盾状态。

    Here , the values ' conflict is that the national culture is faced with the contradictory state , which the different cultures especially powerful cultures permeate , lash and assimilate .