
  • 网络Tumen;the tumen river
图们江 [tú men jiāng]
  • [Tumen River] 朝鲜北部边境与中国、俄罗斯之间的界河。源出白头山,注入日本海,全长521公里

  1. 图们江地区经济合作的冲突分析

    The Conflict Analysis of the Economy Cooperation in Tumen River Area

  2. 图们江港口群发展战略的研究

    The development strategy of the port group along Tumen River

  3. 加入WTO与图们江地区人才资源开发战略

    Acceding to WTO and Talent Resources Development Strategy in Tumen River Opening

  4. 图们江流域中的多环芳烃存在着明显的季节性变化,即PAHs在春天的浓度值要远远大于其它季节。

    PAHs in the Tumen River showed obvious seasonal variability and the levels of PAHs were generally higher in spring than other seasons .

  5. 用奇异谱(SSA)分析了图们江下游地区近46年的气温和降水低频振荡特征。

    Low-frequency oscillation characteristics of temperature and precipitation in lower reaches of Tumen River for past 46 years are studied by SSA .

  6. 用奇异谱(SSA)结合Mann-Kendall法分析了图们江流域近50a气温的低频变化特征。

    The low-frequency oscillation of the Tumen River basin air temperature over the past 50 ( 1953-2002 ) years was studied with SSA and Mann-Kendall methods .

  7. 根据三年来所收集到的资料,计算了Trent生物指数,Chandler记分制以及Shannon多样性指数,并对图们江的污染状况作出生物学评价,上游地段属于清洁水到中污染;

    The data which have been collected for the last three years are used for biological evaluation of the river itself , and to calculate Trent biotic index , Chandler score system and Shannon diversity index .

  8. 图们江开发始于1991年,在联合国开发计划署(UNDP)的推动下,经过近二十年的发展,取得了一定的成绩,提高了延边州对外开放水平和延边州外向型经济的发展。

    Being began in 1991 and promoted by UNDP , the development of Tumen River has achieved good results after nearly 20 years . It not only improves the level of opening-up but also promoting the development of export-oriented economy of yanbian .

  9. 图们江地区国际经济合作的背景与展望

    Background and Prospects of International Economic Cooperation in Tumen River Region

  10. 经济全球化与图们江地区国际合作开发

    Economic Globalization and Tumen River Area 's International Cooperation and Development

  11. 图们江地区水环境质量研究

    A study on quality of aquatic environment in Tumen River area

  12. 图们江发展三角区的地缘经济与资源赋予特点

    Geoeconomics and Resource Vesting Characteristics of Tumen River Development Triangle

  13. 中国地理学研究中的伦理思考&以图们江地区国际交通通道开发研究为例

    Thinking on Ethics-Geographic Research of International Traffic Corridor of Tumen River Area

  14. 图们江地区开发与东北亚区域经济合作

    Development of the Tumen River Area vs Northeast Asia Regional Economic Cooperation

  15. 图们江区域国际合作开发战略与模式研究

    Study on International Cooperation Development Strategy and Mode in Tumen River Area

  16. 图们江经济区贸易合作发展对策

    A Cooperative Game on the Trade Development in Tumen River Economic Zone

  17. 东北亚经济协作与图们江流域发展计划

    Northeast Asian economic cooperation and the Tumen River Development Program

  18. 图们江流域湿地空间格局变化与保护

    Spatial pattern changes and protection of wetlands in the Tumen River Basin

  19. 图们江流域的区域国际合作开发模式

    The regional development model on international cooperation and development in Tumen River area

  20. 图们江流域气温的低频变化特征分析

    Analysis of the Low-Frequency Variability of Air Temperature in the Tumen River Basin

  21. 图们江流域资源环境与可持续发展战略分析

    Analysis of resources , environment and sustainable development trend in Tumen River area

  22. 图们江中游地区农业气候资源的评价

    Evaluation of the agricultural climatic resources in the middle reaches of Tumen River

  23. 图们江金三角国际性城市体系发展构想

    An Approach on the Construction of International Urban System in Tumen River Area

  24. 图们江地区产业开发战略研究

    The Strategy of Industrial Development in Tumen River Area

  25. 图们江流域气温的周期和趋势分析

    Periods and tendency of temperature in Tumen river basin

  26. 图们江增长三角旅游产业集群发展研究

    Research on the Development of Tourism Industrial Cluster in Tumen River Growth Triangle

  27. 一是可以增加图们江区域基础设施建设的投资,解决交通运输等瓶颈问题。

    First , can increase Tumen regional infrastructure investment to address transportation bottlenecks .

  28. 中国和朝鲜均声称图们江是本国领土。

    China and North Korea each claim the river itself as its territory .

  29. 朝鲜族民俗文化对图们江地区旅游业的影响

    Korean Folk Culture of the Impact of Tourism on the Tumen River Area

  30. 图们江下游湿地水鸟及其生态分布

    The Water Birds and Their Ecology Distribution along the Lower Reaches of Tumen River