
  1. 李富真:长女,三星子公司新罗酒店(ShillaHtelchain)总裁。

    Lee B-jin : First daughter and president f the Shilla Htel chain , a Samsung subsidiary .

  2. 在新罗谢尔高中(NewRochelleHighSchool)的毕业典礼上,她理所当然地成为代表所在班级致告别辞的不二人选。

    And , inevitably , she ended up valedictorian of her class at New Rochelle high school .

  3. 米却肯味道冰激凌店(PaleteriaElSabordeMichoacan)是纽约新罗谢尔的一个朴素的墨西哥店,离大都会北站约有0.5英里。

    Paleteria El Sabor de Michoacan is an unassuming Mexican shop in New Rochelle , N.Y. , about a half-mile from the Metro-North station .

  4. 他是一个嗓门高、脾气躁的家伙,与大多数周末我在家乡纽约州新罗谢尔(NewRochelle)的运动场边看到的很多父亲没什么区别。

    He was a loud , boisterous guy , not unlike many of the fathers I see alongside fields most weekends in my hometown of New Rochelle , N.Y.

  5. 为了多陪陪妻子,现居纽约州新罗谢尔市(NewRochelle)、今年56岁的证券诉讼律师斯坦利•伯恩斯坦(StanleyBernstein)曾在几年前做了一些极端的事。

    Stanley Bernstein , a 56-year-old securities litigator living in New Rochelle , N.Y. , did something drastic a few years ago to spend more time with his wife .

  6. 新罗北界与唐朝辽东

    The North Border of Silla and Liaodong Region in the Tang Dynasty

  7. 试论唐朝对新罗佛教及其文化的影响

    Tang 's Buddhism : Its Influence upon Silla 's Buddhism and Culture

  8. 如新罗一样,渤海国是中国唐朝的属国。

    Like Silla , Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China .

  9. 新罗花郎道之思想特色及其审美趋向

    Silla 's Hwarangdo : Its Ideological Characteristics and Aesthetic Orientation

  10. 新罗曼褐壳商品蛋鸡在湟源地区的生产性能观测

    Observation of Performance of New Roman Commercial Laying hens in Huangyuan County

  11. 新罗教育思想的誓记石:花郎道之发凡

    Milestone of Silla 's Educational Thoughts : the Origin of Hwa Rang Do

  12. 阿憨,这位是新罗谢尔市的珍。

    Han , this is Jen from New Rochelle .

  13. 关于新农村建设村庄规划的思考&以新罗区村庄规划为例

    Consideration of Village Planning in New Socialist Countryside Construction

  14. 崔致远是朝鲜统一新罗时期最著名的汉诗人。

    Choe Chi-won is a well-known Silla poet who writes poetry in Chinese .

  15. 试论唐朝与新罗音乐文化的特点及影响

    Features of Music Cultures in Tang Dynasty and Silla Kingdom and Their Influences

  16. 嗨,我的名字是谢伊,我从我的新罗谢尔。

    Hi , my name is Shay , and I 'm from New Rochelle .

  17. 新罗与伽耶神话展示文化的交流和多样性。

    These myths indicate cultural interchange and diversity .

  18. 新罗后期分裂,最后被王建统一,建立了高丽王朝。

    The late Silla split Wang was finally unified , the establishment of the Korean dynasty .

  19. 麦克斯,瞧,新罗谢尔市的珍在线上医生网站上更新状态了。

    Max , look , Jen from New Rochelle put up a new update on WebMD .

  20. 我的母亲叫约翰娜第一代表亲宝琳的孙女也是新罗的侄女新罗就是我的外祖母

    My mother is Johanna , first cousin , twice removed from Pauline , niece of Sheila AKA.Grams ?

  21. 新罗是韩国历史上的重要朝代,对朝鲜半岛后世影响深远。

    Silla is important dynasties in Korean history , far-reaching impact on future generations of the Korean Peninsula .

  22. 其最后在唐朝时被新罗和唐联军所灭,新罗统一了朝鲜半岛。

    Finally , when the Tang Dynasty Silla and Tang forces which eliminate , Silla unified the Korean peninsula .

  23. 这主要包括:对新罗佛教的影响、对新罗其它文化方面的影响以及新罗僧人在唐译经事业、佛学实践等。

    This includes : Silla Buddhism , Silla culture and Silla monk in the Tang scriptures career , Buddhist practice .

  24. 作者对青藏高原地方鸡种&海东鸡与商品新罗曼鸡的蛋品质及蛋中营养成分进行测定并分析比较。

    The egg qualities and nutritional ingredients of chicken eggs between Haidong and New Roman chicken were analyzed and compared .

  25. 在唐罗两国频繁的文化交流中,最成功的无疑是佛教文化交流,其中新罗入唐留学僧的作用功不可没。

    Frequent cultural exchanges between Tang and luo there is no doubt that the most successful of the Buddhist cultural exchange .

  26. 海曼在纽约市外的新罗谢尔长大,在那里上高中时,她的课外活动非常丰富,多得简直有些可笑。

    Hyman grew up outside New York City in New Rochelle , where her high school extracurricular-activity list was almost comically long .

  27. 引用的人物和典故,一方面丰富了崔致远汉诗的内容,一方面也体现了崔致远作为一名新罗诗人驾驭汉字创作汉诗的能力。

    These quoted Chinese figures and allusions not only enrich Choe Chi-won 's poetry , but also reflect his ability to write poetry in Chinese .

  28. 来华的新罗僧侣中也有一些带着政治目的而来,为罗唐在特殊时期的政治交往起到过重要作用。

    Some monks who come to china were on some political purpose that was important for the communication between the Silla and china in the special period .

  29. 以培养并选拔优秀人才为目的的花郎道,为新罗的封建统治培养出了无数的忠臣良将。

    With training and selecting the flower Lang road with excellent talent of purpose , made countless loyal official for new Luo feudal dominance training it had .

  30. 在古代东北亚国家关系中,唐与新罗的友好关系堪称典范。

    The fraternal relation between the Tang Dynasty and Xinluo should be regarded as a typical example for its relations with other Northeast Asian nations in ancient times .