
wéi duō lì yà gǎng
  • Victoria Harbour;Victoria Harbor;Vitoria;Port Victoria
  1. 我的办公室在三星(Samsung)大厦的21层,可以一览维多利亚港的美景。

    I had an office in the Samsung building on the 21st floor that had a view of Victoria Harbor .

  2. 香港维多利亚港三维污染精细预报模型研究

    A 3-D refined prediction model for water pollution in Victoria Harbor

  3. 徐嘉慎开玩笑称,香港先前的统治者们或许是思念家乡的泰晤士河(Thames),打算将维多利亚港变成维多利亚河。

    Mr Chu jokes that Hong Kong 's former rulers , perhaps homesick for the Thames , set out to turn Victoria Harbour into Victoria river .

  4. 与香港维多利亚港表层沉积物含量进行比较,厦门西港表层沉积物的PCBS含量低于维多利亚港,DDTs含量则高于维多利亚港。

    As compared with the results of Hong Kong Victoria Harbour sediments , the concentration of DDTs in sediments of Xiamen Western Bay is higher than that of Victoria Harbour sediments ; but lower for PCBs .

  5. 维多利亚港是香港最大财富之一。

    Victoria Harbour is one of Hong Kong 's greatest assets .

  6. 皇后酒店以宏伟的眼神俯瞰这维多利亚港的内湾。

    The Empress Hotel majestically overlooks Victoria 's inner harbour .

  7. 这些设施会为维多利亚港换上新面貌。

    These will bring about a new look to the Victoria harbour .

  8. 我非常喜爱香港的维多利亚港。

    I love Hongkong 's Victoria Harbour so much .

  9. 金紫荆广场面向海,也就是维多利亚港。

    Golden Bauhinia Square for the sea , which is the Victoria Harbor .

  10. 就在维多利亚港的西北部。

    It 's just at northwest of Victoria harbor .

  11. 下面,维多利亚港,无数的船只演奏着无声的旋律。

    Below , Victoria Harbor , and the silent rhythms of countless ships .

  12. 维多利亚港范围第I类牌照

    Class I licence for the Victoria Harbour Area

  13. 香港维多利亚港的环境状况评述

    Environmental status of Victoria harbour , Hong Kong

  14. 我照的一张维多利亚港的照片,在比赛中得了第二名。

    A photograph I took of Vitoria Harbor won second prize in a contest .

  15. 大规模围垦对香港维多利亚港水动力环流的影响

    Effect of Large Scale Reclamation on Hydrodynamic Circulation in Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong

  16. 明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

    Tomorrow , we 'll take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour .

  17. 《海景&香港维多利亚港》描绘从九龙半岛远眺的维多利亚港景色。

    Victoria Harbour depicts the scenes of the harbour looking out from the Kowloon Peninsula .

  18. 位于维多利亚港的边缘,香港有良好的气候条件。

    Located on the verge of Victoria harbour , Hong Kong has fine climate conditions .

  19. 香港维多利亚港码头的附着生物群落

    Biofouling communities on piers in Victoria Harbour

  20. 围海造地工程对香港维多利亚港现代沉积作用的影响

    Assessing the Impact of Reclamation Activities on Recent Sedimentation in Victoria Harbour , Hong Kong

  21. 一般说来,人们越是接近维多利亚港,环境也就越趋于都市化。

    Generally , the closer one is to Victoria Harbour , the more urban the setting .

  22. 维多利亚港是位置在香港岛和九龙之间,以此分隔此两个地区。

    Victoria Harbour is located in between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon , separating the two regions .

  23. 香港维多利亚港和珠江广州河段水体中抗生素的含量特征及其季节变化

    Occurrence and Seasonal Changes of Antibiotics in the Victoria Harbour and the Pearl River , South China

  24. 餐馆毗邻著名的金紫荆广场,坐拥醉人的维多利亚港景致。

    Next to the famed Golden Bauhinia square , the restaurant commands a magnificent view of Victoria harbour .

  25. 香港维多利亚港疏浚淤泥对海洋底栖动物的毒性累积效应

    Toxicity accumulation effect of the sludge , dredged from Victoria Port of Hong Kong , to marine benthonic animals

  26. 没用几年英国以其殖民者的才能就把这里建成了一座大城市和一个海港&维多利亚港。

    And the colonizing genius of the English has created upon it an important city and an excellent port .

  27. 香港维多利亚港是位于香港的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。

    Victoria Harbour is the harbour between the Kowloon Peninsula and the Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong , China .

  28. 可以想象绝大多数店乡的香港形象照片都是从这个角度面对维多利亚港拍摄的。

    I can image that most of the typical Hong Kong images are taken from this direction towards Victoria bay .

  29. 刚才你把街道比作彩带,那这灯火辉煌的维多利亚港又该比作什么呢?

    Just now you compared it to colorful ribbons , what do you compare the brightly lit Victoria Harbor to ?

  30. 餐厅的装修充斥着浓郁的中国风,您在用餐的同时亦可俯览整个维多利亚港的迷人景色。

    The restaurant , decorated in a traditional Chinese style , presents a breath taking scenery of the entire Victoria Harbor .