
  • 网络Verona;veronese;Hellas Verona
  1. 维罗纳教授补充称,新技术的普及让更多内容触手可及,而在实习期间完成的作业在增加,这两大变化正在影响世界各地的mba课程,迫使大学做出调整。

    Two big changes the arrival of new technology , which has made more content easily available and the increasing amount of coursework that is done in the field are influencing MBA programmes around the world and forcing universities to adapt , Prof Verona adds .

  2. 在公平的维罗纳,在那里我们奠定我们的现场。

    In fair Verona , where we lay our scene .

  3. 咖啡则来自意大利维罗纳烘焙厂家GianniFrasi,而各种天然有机葡萄酒同样精挑细选。

    The coffee is from Veronese roaster Gianni Frasi , and the same care goes into the list of organic and natural wines .

  4. 维罗纳队进攻,艾瑞克单手投中两分篮。

    Verona attacks , Eric scores one-handed two pointer .

  5. 维罗纳是个安静可爱的小城。

    Verona was a nice and quite little town .

  6. 关于一对恋人在美丽的维罗纳

    It 's about two lovers in fair Verona

  7. 四分钟前已经开往维罗纳了。

    It leaves for Verona in four minutes .

  8. 意大利维罗纳地区产的一种干白葡萄酒。

    Dry white Italian wine from Verona .

  9. 周末,尤文图斯将继续在主场迎战到访的巴里,而切塞纳将作客维罗纳。

    Juventus return to action this weekend with another home clash against Bari , while Cesena travel to Verona .

  10. 樱花开放图片。华美的樱花开放在雅致富饶的阿尔卑斯山靠近维罗纳,意大利。

    Photo Gallery : Cherry Blossoms Colorful cherry blossoms grace the fertile foothills of the Alps near Verona , Italy .

  11. 尤文一直渴望得到这名前维罗纳球员,布拉西可能成为交易的一部分。

    Juve are so keen to land the former Verona player that Blasi could be offered as part of the deal .

  12. 安东尼奥·博格斯,意大利维罗纳大学教授,意大利。

    Antonio Borghesi , Professor of Marketing and Logistics , Department of Business Economics , of the University of Verona , Italy .

  13. 意大利维罗纳国际奢侈品博览会展品琳琅满目,其中一个是配有手机的金棺材。

    Shoppers at an international luxury fair in Verona , Italy , found a cell-phone-equipped golden coffin among the items on display .

  14. 五百年前,莎士比亚就在他的戏剧《两个维罗纳绅士》里以玩笑的口吻用了这个表达法。

    Shakespeare used the words almost five hundred years ago for a joke in his play two gentlemen of Gentlemen of Verona .

  15. 首位在此迎娶新娘的“罗密欧”是效力于当地球队维罗纳队的球星卢卡•切卡雷利。

    The first Romeo to take advantage of the offer was soccer player star Luca Ceccarelli , who plays for local team Verona .

  16. 意大利职业技术教育的理念、制度和革新&以维罗纳圣西诺慈幼会职业技术学院为例

    Italian vocational and technical education : philosophy , systems and innovation & A Case Study of " San Zeno " Salesian Institute in Verona

  17. 2001年至2004年,我住在新泽西州维罗纳,我去的理发店收费是九美元。

    From 2001 to 2004 , I lived in Verona , N.J. , where I went to a barber shop that charged $ 9 a haircut .

  18. 因为其实,在那个悲剧里,当罗密欧决心追求维罗纳城那美丽的朱丽叶时,他就是这样做的。

    Because , in reality , that 's exactly what Romeo was doing when he set his sights on that pretty piece of Veronian tragedy , Juliet .

  19. 今年,他们可以选择这样一些旅游的地点,比如玛莎葡萄园,科罗拉多大峡谷,埃塞俄比亚和意大利的维罗纳。

    This year they can get to choose among travel to such places as Martha 's Vineyard , the Grand Canyon , Ethiopia and Verona , Italy .

  20. 维罗纳教授表示:最顶尖商学院的课程拥有相同的标准部分,你得在这个框架内树立自己的特色。

    The most important business schools have the same standard part of the curriculum and then you have to try to differentiate within that framework , says Prof Verona .

  21. 我们逐渐购买了一家又一家酒店——第二家在佛罗伦萨,接着则是在博洛尼亚、威尼斯、罗马、米兰以及维罗纳,全都是五星级的酒店。

    We start to buy one hotel after the other-the second in Florence , then in Bologna , Venice , Rome , Milan and Verona.They are all five-star hotels .

  22. “我不认为我的位置存在争议,现在我考虑的只有下赛季的意甲,”在昨天客场1:0战胜维罗纳后,德尚说道。

    " I do not feel my position up for debate and right now I am only thinking about Serie A ," said Deschamps after last night's1-0 win away to Verona .

  23. 尤文图斯将在周五迎战维罗纳,这是连续三场恶战的首场比赛,他们将远离奥林匹克球场,而德尚也清楚下面的比赛对球队回归甲级之路至关重要。

    Juventus will play Verona on friday , the first of three consecutive matches away from the Stadio olimpico , and Deschamps is aware they will be crucial in the race to Serie A.

  24. 而今,维罗纳市议会正为情侣们创造机会,效仿莎翁笔下“时运不济的恋人”,亲自见证“是什么光线透过那远处的窗子?”

    Now , Verona 's town council is offering couples the chance to follow in the footsteps of Shakespeare 's " star-crossed lovers " and see for themselves " what light from yonder window breaks . "

  25. 它的名字来自于一个建17世纪的有名别墅贝瑞塔,在瓦尔波利切拉区的东部地区维罗纳市。

    Its name comes from the splendid Villa Beretta , built in the17th century in Mizzole , in the eastern part of the Valpolicella zone , Podest à( municipal ruler ) of the city of Verona .

  26. 上个世纪八十年代,舒尔茨到米兰和维罗纳出差,之后他决定将意式浓缩咖啡饮品宣传给美国。后来,这一创意一举成功,星巴克也成为了当今饮品界的巨头。

    On a business trip in the 1980s , Schultz visited Milan and Verona and decided to bring espresso drinks to the U.S. The concept took off , and Starbucks became the beverage giant it is today .