
  • 网络Vesta;VISTA;vestal;WISTA
  1. 在古罗马照料维斯塔圣火的神父。

    A priest who tended the sacred fire of Vesta in ancient rome .

  2. 这也是人们首次近距离观测“维斯塔”。

    It 's the first time that Vesta has been viewed up close .

  3. 最后一场战役——维斯塔战役使他成为了美国的民族英雄,堪比乔治·华盛顿。

    This last battle elevated him to being a national hero and compared with George Washington .

  4. “嗬,太太,我本人那时就在布埃纳维斯塔呢。”

    " Ho , lady ," he said ," I was at Buena Vista myself . "

  5. 当地时间上周三下午,他们正在第维斯塔附近的福尔斯路上旅游。

    They were travelling on the Falls Road , near Divis Tower , last Wednesday afternoon .

  6. 在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校所在的伊斯拉维斯塔镇,艾略特•罗杰从一辆黑色的宝马里向外开枪射击。

    Elliot Rodger opens fire on the campus town of Isla Vista , California from inside a black BMW .

  7. 6名在10岁之前就从贵族家族中挑选出来的维斯塔贞女备受罗马人的尊崇。

    Chosen from noble families before they reached the age of10 , the six Vestal Virgins were honored and revered by the Romans .

  8. 在接下来的30年里,他赢得了重大的军事胜利,其中包括1847年美墨战争中的维斯塔战役。

    He spent the next three decades winning major military victories , including the Battle of Buena Vista in 1847 during the Mexican-American War .

  9. 格雷和他的乐队Mofro从4月5日在佛罗里达州布纳维斯塔湖开始3个月美国和欧洲巡演。

    Grey and his band Mofro begin a three-month tour of the U.S. and Europe in Lake Buena Vista , Florida on April 5 .

  10. 维斯塔贞女在自己的居所宣誓贞节,其寓所在建筑上和性别上后来都成为了中世纪女修道院和修道院效仿的典范。

    The home of the Vestals who took a vow of chastity was the model both architecturally and sexually for medieval convents and monasteries to come .

  11. 在佛罗里达州布纳·维斯塔湖的迪尼斯乐园,魔法王国要举行一场盛大的烟花表演,以此来结束夏季和节假日每天的活动。烟花能照亮整个天空。

    To close each day 's activities in summer and on holidays in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World at Lake Buena Vista , Florida , a huge fireworks display lights up the sky .