
  • Dual personality;ambiversion
  1. 但是记住,双子座的人有双重性格,他们说的不一定都是真心话。电动车用定子双馈电双凸极电机驱动系统的单神经元PID控制

    But remember , Geminis have two sides , they may not always be telling the truth . An Adaptive PID Control Based on Single Neuron of Stator-Doubly-Fed Doubly Salient Motor

  2. 马基雅维利(Machiavelli)深知,君主和大臣是两个不同的角色,两者都需要对方。他曾写道,君主须具备双重性格,既是狐狸以看破陷阱,也必须是雄狮以慑服群狼。

    Machiavelli understood well that the prince and his secretary had different roles and that each needed the other . He wrote that government requires a fox to see the snares and a lion to terrify the wolves .

  3. 试论宪法劳动权的双重性格

    On the Double Nature of the Labor Rights in the Constitution

  4. 试论周朴园的双重性格

    On the Double Character of ZHOU Pu - yuan

  5. 由于具双重性格,有时候他们可能会悲观厌世。

    Sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dualistic nature .

  6. 柳如是具有才女与英雄的双重性格。

    Liu Rushi is endowed with the double characters of blue stocking and hero .

  7. 根据一个敏锐的外国人的观察,新加坡人具有双重性格。

    One astute foreigner has observed that there are two sides to our nature .

  8. 双子座的人被认为有双重性格。

    Geminis are supposed to have split personalities .

  9. 双重性格的人,我还没有遇到过。

    Self-deluded person I have ever met .

  10. 她的医生说他有点双重性格。

    Her doctor says she 's bipolar .

  11. 我们对自己的双重性格高谈阔论,对扬长避短却无所作为。

    We talk of our dual personality , and do nothing to cultivate the better part .

  12. 我具有双重性格。

    I have dual personality .

  13. 这种双重性格的形成,源于封建伦理道德对人性的摧残。

    The formation of his double character comes from the destruction of human nature by feudal morals .

  14. 他既是“蜘蛛”又是“苍蝇”的双重性格,决定了他悲惨的命运。

    His character both as " spider " and as " fly " determined his tragic fate .

  15. 月亮在世界的古老神话中是一位具有双重性格的女神。

    In the world 's ancient myths the moon is a goddess , having a double personality .

  16. 我的妈妈有着双重性格,她既像一个热情奔放的日本女子,又像一个古板保守的南方男人。

    My mother is the bipolar product of an anxious Japanese woman and a stereotypical Southern man .

  17. 文人士大夫的双重性格是词的抒情主体转移的必要条件。

    The dual characters of scholar-officlals are the essential condition of the lyric subject shift of the word .

  18. 刘德华的面部表情难以置信地传神,使他能够完美地刻画人物的双重性格。

    Andy Lau has an incredibly expressive face here , which allows him to portray both layers perfectly .

  19. 高等教育场域中权力与权利的冲突表现为大学的双重性格,即权力性格与权利性格。

    The confliction of power and right in higher education filed is manifested by dual characters of university .

  20. 这样的一种双重性格使得「文艺復兴时期」成为一个充满丰富研究题材的歷史段落。

    It is of such a dual nature making the Renaissance become a motivating historical period for related research .

  21. 分裂的双重性格交织的爱恨之情&奥尼尔《长日入夜行》人物性格

    SPLIT DUAL CHARACTERISTICS AND LOVE MINGLED WITH HATE ── The Characters in O'Neill 's Long Day 's Journey into Night

  22. 这种双重性格特征在舒曼的钢琴音乐中得到充分展示,并成为舒曼钢琴音乐的艺术特征之一。

    This kind of character got rich development in his piano music , which one of his most outstanding artistic features .

  23. 阳刚与阴柔的统&从李清照诗词创作解读其双重性格

    The unity of masculine and femininity & To Comprehend Li Qingzhao 's Two Characters from Her Creation of Poetry and Ci

  24. 父母的教育以及封闭式的家庭生活使玛莎形成了双重性格。

    To be specific , both her parents ' education and her claustrophobic family life shape Martha into a double character .

  25. 她的困扰、反抗、痛苦,甚至死亡都是由她的双重性格、她的人格的分裂造成的。

    Her annoyance , rebellion , agony , even death are all caused by her dual character , her split personality .

  26. 我具有双重性格,既有开朗活泼的一面,又有稳重内向的一面。

    I have the dual personality , current and bright side of the alacrity , and then have steady heavy introverted side .

  27. 他喜欢他的狗,然而却对他的孩子们很刻薄,他一定是个善恶双重性格的人。

    He loves his dog and yet he 's unkind to his children ; he must have a Jekyll and Hyde personality .

  28. 通过宪法史的考察与法释义学的阐释,可推导出劳动权兼具自由权与社会权双重性格。

    By means of tracing back to its history and interpreting the constitutional norm , the double qualities of the right of labor can be interfered .

  29. 通过分析奥尼尔自传体剧本《长日入夜行》中的人物玛丽、蒂龙、杰米和爱德蒙,看出他们几乎都有分裂的双重性格。

    Through the analysis of Marry , Tyrone , Jamie and Edmund in O'Neill 's biographical play Long Day'sJourney into Night , their split dual characteristics are presented .

  30. 本文运用心理学潜意识理论剖析小说中女儿艾米莉的双重性格,揭示她成长过程中天性与环境之间的关系及相互作用。

    The article applies " subconsciousness " theory to discuss Emilys dual personality in the novel and then explores the roles and mutual influences of nature and nurture for cultivating .