
  • double-decker bus;double-deck bus;Routemaster
  1. 在一项实验中,将近200名研究对象登上了参观费城的双层巴士。

    In one experiment , nearly 200 participants boarded a double-decker bus for a tour of Philadelphia .

  2. 这里有红色双层巴士和黑色出租车、大本钟(BigBen)和塔桥(TowerBridge),游客还可以观看卫兵交接仪式(ChangingtheGuard)。

    Home to the red double-decker bus , Big Ben , Tower Bridge , Changing the Guard and the black taxi .

  3. 不过,曾获沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)投资的比亚迪正在和ADL开展深入磋商,准备将该协议拓展至包括双层巴士在内。

    But BYD , which is backed by Warren Buffett , and ADL are in advanced talks to extend the deal to include double deckers .

  4. 表演包括一个红色的双层巴士,LedZeppelinguitaristJimmyPage在巴士上演唱WholeLottaLove,还有贝克汉姆以“贝氏弧线”踢出的足球。

    There was a red double-decker bus . Performance of " Whole Lotta Love " by Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page , and a soccer boot by David Beckham .

  5. Morris教授对比了英国双层巴士久坐不动的驾驶员和不断上下走动,体力消耗较大的售票员。

    Morris matched sedentary drivers of London double-deck buses with their physically more active conductors , whose duties required them to continuously go up and down stairs .

  6. 周三,中国汽车和电池制造商比亚迪(BYD)将展示全球第一款电动双层巴士。此前,该公司与苏格兰制造商亚历山大·丹尼斯有限公司(ADL)签署了一份为期十年的合资协议,为英国打造零排放的公交车队。

    Chinese car and battery maker BYD will show off the world 's first electric double-decker bus on Wednesday after signing a 10-year joint venture with Scottish manufacturer Alexander Dennis ( ADL ) to produce a zero-emissions fleet for the UK .

  7. Y-40的深度约为12层楼或9辆双层巴士叠放在一起的高度,今年6月开始对外营业。

    Operating since June , the pool has a diving height of a 12-storey building , or nine doubledecker buses placed on top of each other .

  8. 我喜欢坐到双层巴士的上层。

    I like to sit onto upper deck of a double-decker .

  9. 如今,一些公交车是双层巴士。

    Nowadays , some buses are double & decker buses .

  10. 传统的红色双层巴士是伦敦的象征。

    The traditional red double-deckers are a symbol of London .

  11. 双镜头倾斜航摄照片倾斜试验〔双层巴士〕

    Twin oblique photograph tilting test [ double-decked bus ]

  12. 这就是伦敦推出的极具看点的新型双层巴士。

    Answer : London 's stunning new double-decker buses .

  13. 约翰逊先生是否在翻修双层巴士一事上花费过多?

    Did Mr Johnson spend too much money on some retro-chic double-decker buses ?

  14. 伦敦新型双层巴士设计惊艳亮相。

    Final designs for London 's new buses unveiled .

  15. 你能跳双层巴士吗?

    Can you jump over double Decker buses ?

  16. 他们乘坐一辆双层巴士。

    They rode in a double-decker bus .

  17. 如今,一款新型双层巴士的设计惊艳亮相,赢得了伦敦人的盛赞。

    Now a new bus design has been unveiled and it has been wowing Londoners .

  18. 这趟奢华双层巴士的单价为80万美元,是谷歌拥有和运营的73辆巴士之一。

    This $ 800,000 luxury double-decker is one of 73 buses that Google owns and operates .

  19. 如何到达:每天都有很多双层巴士到达紫云山。

    Getting there : There are a lot of double-deck buses to the mountain every day .

  20. 我曾经见过那些双层巴士,搭乘双层巴士好像是满好玩的。

    I 've seen those double-deck buses , and they look like they would be fun to ride .

  21. 在将一辆双层巴士打造成了一个温馨的家后,这位有着两个孩子的节俭父亲完全逃脱了房贷。

    A thrifty father of two is living completely mortgage-free after swapping his family home for a double-decker bus .

  22. 现在伦敦以它优良的地铁的服务而闻名,而且红色的双层巴士已经变成城市的一个象征。

    Now London is famous for its excellent underground service and the red double-deckers have become a symbol of the city .

  23. 中巴的登记车队有双层巴士718辆和单层巴士28辆,其中分别有181辆和28辆为空调巴士。

    Its registered fleet comprised 718 double-deck buses and 28 single-deck buses , of which 181 and 28 were air-conditioned respectively .

  24. 一部双层巴士及一部小巴在大埔相撞,车上乘客十八人受伤。八十八白石,印章齐大。

    Eighteen passengers on board a double-decker bus and a public light bus were injured after a head-on collision in Tai Po .

  25. 新型双层巴士设有三个车门,以加快上下车速度。新型巴士预计将于2012年投入使用。

    The new double-deckers , which have three doors to speed up boarding , are expected to be in service in 2012 .

  26. 提名名单中包含了巨石遗址、双层巴士、炸鱼片配薯条、英国天气和茶。

    Nominations included stonehenge , the double decker bus , fish and chips , the English weat yr and the cup of tea .

  27. 什么东西既是红的又是绿的,既是开放的又是封闭的,既是陈旧的又是全新的?答案就是:伦敦市魅力十足的新双层巴士。

    What is red but green , open but closed and old but new ? Answer : London 's stunning new double-decker buses .

  28. 在我们十分亲密的母女活动列表上,还有一场双层巴士之旅,由几个互通合作的旅行机构组织。

    Also on our list of unabashedly family-friendly activities : a double-decker bus tour , run by one of several seemingly interchangeable operators .

  29. 如果你想要看看英国的城市,乘坐双层巴士是一个很好的方式。

    If you want to have a look at English cities , it is a good way to take a bus with two floors .

  30. 这辆双层巴士上的每个位置都很好,能让你们一路上看到每一个标志。

    Every seat in this double-decker bus is a good one , and you 'll be able to see every landmark we drive by .