
yú zǐ
  • roe;roe-shaped paper
鱼子 [yú zǐ]
  • (1) [roe]∶鱼的卵

  • (2) [roe-shaped paper]∶古代的一种纸,纸面上呈霜粒状,像鱼子

鱼子[yú zǐ]
  1. 有紫铁足,多断纹隐裂如鱼子。

    Purple iron foot , multi-cracked-off patterns , such as roe .

  2. 工整的鱼子地,迷人的卷草,威猛的龙头!

    Regular roe , charming grass , fierce dragon head !

  3. 他能弄到来路不明的鱼子酱。

    He gets caviare that has fallen off the back of a lorry

  4. 一般认为,鱼子酱和冰镇牡蛎是顶级美味。

    Caviar and oysters on ice are generally considered the ultimate luxury foods .

  5. 劳埃德鼓动她吃鱼子酱。可她一想到这个就打哆嗦。

    Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar . She had shuddered at the thought

  6. 我的女儿们后半辈子可以天天吃鱼子酱、喝香槟了。

    My daughters could dine on caviar and champagne for the rest of their lives .

  7. 她嘴里塞满了鱼子酱。

    She crammed her mouth with caviar .

  8. 在海拔2000米的地方,CapHorn餐馆专门提供海鲜食品,有寿司、鱼子酱、大盘冷藏牡蛎、蛤蜊、蟹和其它甲壳动物,几乎无所不有。

    At 2,000 metres , Cap Horn specialises in sea-level seafood : from sushi to caviar to giant plates of chilled oysters , clams , crab and assorted fruits de mer .

  9. 鱼子酱富含维生素B12,维生素B6,维生素D,维生素A,钙,铁和蛋白质。

    Caviar is fortified with vitamin B12 , vitamin B6 , vitamin D , vitamin A , calcium , iron , and protein .

  10. 旧金山门-它的消失有机今年,从烟熏鲑养殖osetra鱼子酱pizzas数组的tapas,海鲜,寿司及最后,有机巧克力雕像。

    San Francisco Gate-It 's gone organic this year , from the smoked salmon and farm-raised osetra caviar pizzas to an array of tapas , seafood , sushi and finally , organic chocolate statues .

  11. 他还补充说,等北京的Nobu餐厅正式开张的时候,他还会加大这种鱼子酱的用量。

    He adds that he plans to use more at the new Nobu restaurant in Beijing , officially opening in April .

  12. 首尔高丽大学(KoreaUniversity)专家NamSung-wook表示:这反映出美国想对金正日和他的支持者施加压力,金正日就是通过奖赏鱼子酱、手表等一些高级物品来控制他们的。

    This reflects the desire of the Americans to put pressure on Kim Jong-il and his supporters , whom he controls by rewarding them with high-class goods such as caviar and watches , says Nam Sung-wook , a North Korean specialist at Korea University in Seoul .

  13. 香港Nobu餐厅的行政总厨用湖南省东江湖的养殖鱼子酱来搭配三文鱼腩酱。

    Erik Idos , executive chef of Nobu restaurant in Hong Kong , uses farmed caviar from Dongjiang Lake in Hunan province , supplied by Hong Kong-based J & A Fine Foods .

  14. 我吩咐侍者务必拿鱼子酱来。

    I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare .

  15. 这是白海豚,全世界最好的鱼子酱。

    It 's beluga , the best caviar in the world .

  16. 宴会上我们将上一道熏鳕鱼子。

    We will serve smoked cod 's roe at the dinner .

  17. 还以为你出去买牛排和鱼子酱了呢。

    Thought you 'd be out buying T-Bones and caviar .

  18. 豆腐乳酪配水果,鸡蛋,奶酪鱼子酱,面包。

    Curd-cheese with fruit , egg , caviar , and hearty bread .

  19. 别激动,回到鱼子酱档案。

    Settle down , would you ? Get back to caviar sweep .

  20. 请再给我拿一些鱼子酱和辣椒。

    And I also want some caviar and hot paper .

  21. 您的鱼子酱要怎么用?

    And how do you take your caviar , sir ?

  22. 最后放上一些三文鱼子和黑鱼子酱作为装饰。

    Decorate with some salmon roe and caviar roe , then serve .

  23. 等一下,我根本没点红鱼子酱。

    Just stop here . I didn 't order any red caviar .

  24. 草莓、鱼子酱、生蚝,都是好选择。

    Strawberries , caviar , oysters . All good choices .

  25. 这里有许多的走私者,通过不合法途径将鲑鱼子酱贩卖到俄国大陆。

    There are numerous poachers which deliver caviar illegally to the continent Russia .

  26. 一些鱼子酱也许可以引起你吃腻了的食欲。

    Perhaps some caviare can tempt your jaded palate .

  27. 我不能用鱼卵来做鱼子酱!

    I cannot make caviar out of fish eggs !

  28. 这是从受害者胃里找到的鱼子酱。

    It 's caviar from the vic 's stomach .

  29. 每次晚餐我也并不是就着鱼子酱用拉菲漱口。

    Idon 't dine on caviar every day while swilling Chateau Lafite Rothschild .

  30. 特色茶和鱼子酱是这里的招牌美食。

    Characteristics of tea and caviar gourmet signs here .