
  • 网络oil and gas production
  1. 文章论述了油气开采过程中的CO2腐蚀防护技术。

    This article elaborates the technology of CO_2 corrosion protection in oil and gas production process .

  2. 文章介绍了油气开采过程中H2S腐蚀的主要形式、腐蚀特征和影响因素。

    The main H_2S corrosion forms , corrosion characteristics and impact factors in oil and gas production are introduced .

  3. 近10多年来,FPSO在海洋油气开采过程中得到了广泛的应用。

    In the last 10 years , FPSO has been widely used in offshore oil production .

  4. Trussspar平台凭借其优良的性能和相对较低的造价,已经成为世界深海油气开采中的主要平台类型之一。

    Truss Spar platform has become one of the most popular deep-sea platforms with its excellent performance and relatively low cost .

  5. CO2可应用于食品、焊接、消防、农业、油气开采、清洗、化工生产等许多行业。

    CO2 can be used in many fields , such as food , welding , fire fighting , agriculture , development of oil and gas , cleaning , chemical engineering and so on .

  6. Spar平台作为一种专门用于深海油气开采、生产、处理加工和储存的海洋结构物,越来越多的被国内外各大石油公司所使用。

    As the special marine structure for exploration , production , process and accumulation of deep-sea petroleum resources , Spar platform is more and more commonly used by many big oil companies at home and abroad .

  7. 目前,适用于深海油气开采的平台类型主要有:FPSO、半潜式平台、立柱式平台和张力腿平台。

    At present , the main platforms that can be used for deepwater oil and gas exploitation are FPSO ( Floating Production Storage and Offloading system ), Semi-submersible , Spar Platform and Tension Leg Platform ( TLP ) .

  8. 油气开采成本预算系统权限管理的探讨应用

    Realization of Right Management in Budget System for Oil and Gas Production

  9. 然而,油价上涨也提高了上游油气开采业务的利润。

    However , they increase profits from upstream hydrocarbon production .

  10. 油气开采成本控制量化方法研究与应用

    The Method and Application of Cost Quantitative Control for Oil & Gas Development

  11. 油气开采行业是一个资金、技术、人员密集的行业,这导致了天然气生产成本的构成项目复杂而多样。

    The composing items of natural gas production cost are complicated and manifold .

  12. 基于数据挖掘的油气开采决策支持技术

    Support technology of oil and gas development strategic decision based on Data Mining methods

  13. 构建出了油气开采企业成本控制体系构架的基本轮廓;

    A framework of the cost-control system for an oil-production company has been constructed .

  14. 油气开采经济控制成本界限的确定及计算方法研究

    Research on determination and calculation of economically controlling the cost limit in oil and gas production

  15. 第四部分,对照国内外油气开采企业成本管理的经验教训,找出了东胜集团在成本管理方面存在的问题,以提高成本管理体系建立过程中的工作针对性。

    Next , the problem of Dongsheng Company about cost-control is found out in fourth passage .

  16. 随着我国各主要油田开发的深入,油气开采难度越来越大。

    With the major oilfield developed deeply in China , oil and gas exploration becomes more difficult .

  17. 油气开采企业成本节点管理模式研究

    Study on the Model of the Management about the Key Cost in Oil and Gas Exploration Companies

  18. 网络自动控制技术下油气开采企业生产管理模式研究

    Research on the Production Management Pattern of Oil and Gas Mining Enterprises Based on Network Automatic Control Technology

  19. 随着油气开采难度的增大,对固井质量和固井水泥浆添加剂的要求越来越高,需要研制开发出新型高渗透水泥浆体系。

    To meet the high request of cementing quality , a new high permeable cement slurry system was developed .

  20. 海沙开采已成为仅次于油气开采的世界第二重要海洋开采业。

    Exploitation of marine sand ranks today as the world second most important marine mining activity after oil extraction .

  21. 在达沃斯论坛一个分会上,探讨的主题是北极油气开采前景。

    One session at Davos was devoted to the prospect of drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic .

  22. 但靠油气开采许可获得可观收入的州政府不愿控制产量。

    But state governments , which are enjoying windfalls from oil and gas royalties , are reluctant to curb production .

  23. 海底油气开采现已成为诸多国家主要石油天然气来源。

    Undersea oil and gas exploitation has now become the main source of petroleum and natural gas in most countries .

  24. 采油采气成本是影响油气开采企业经济效益的重要因素之一。

    The cost of oil and gas exploitation is one of factors affecting economic benefit of oil and gas exploitation enterprise .

  25. 克里米亚半岛约四分之三的天然气需求靠自己解决,这要得益于兴盛的海上油气开采活动。

    The peninsula satisfies about three quarters of its natural-gas demands from its own sources , thanks to booming offshore production .

  26. 储量的先天不足使油气开采成本大大提高,对公司经济效益形成了很大的制约。

    Higher cost of oil-production is resulted from its elementary reserves , and so that economic effects of the corporation is abased .

  27. 成岩作用控制孔隙演化,对油气开采具有重要的指示作用。

    Diagenesis control the porosity evolution , with symbolic meaning , it is very important for the exploration of the oil and gas .

  28. 碎屑岩储层渗透率分布非均匀性是直接影响油气开采效果的客观因素。

    The heterogeneity of the permeability distribution in clastic rock reservoirs is the objective factor that directly affects the efficiency of petroleum production .

  29. 作为我国重要的战略能源生产企业,油气开采企业面临着前所未有的挑战和十分难得的发展机遇。

    As the important strategic energy production enterprises , oil and gas mining enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges and excellent opportunity for development .

  30. 井斜是油气开采中的一个技术难题,严重制约着油气开发的进程。

    Well inclination is a technical problem in the oil and gas exploration , seriously hindering the process of oil and gas development .