
  • 网络Diffuse Pump;Oil Diffusion Pump
  1. 新型K-800A高真空油扩散泵的研制

    Development of new-type K-800A high vacuum oil diffusion pump

  2. KT-400高真空油扩散泵,它的特点是真空极限高,抽速大,提高生产效率,同时真空气动阀门采用自动控制。

    KT-400 high vacuum oil diffusion pump , which is characterized by extreme high vacuum , pumping speed large , increase production efficiency while the vacuum pneumatic valves with automatic control .

  3. 玻璃三级油扩散泵在保温瓶工业中的应用

    Application of Glass Triplex Diffusion Pump to the Vacuum Flask Industry

  4. 油扩散泵抽气速率与被抽气体的关系

    Relationship between pumping speed of oil diffusion pump and gases pumped

  5. 油扩散泵的现状及发展

    Present situation and development of oil vapour diffusion vacuum pump

  6. 注入回旋加速器真空系统利用了原有油扩散泵。

    The injector uses original oil diffusion pumps temporarily .

  7. 常规的系统使用油扩散泵。

    Traditional systems have used oil diffusion pumps .

  8. 油扩散泵的维修

    Maintenance of oil vapour diffusion vacuum pump

  9. 五级金属油扩散泵的研制

    Development of Five-stage Metallic Oil Diffusion Pump

  10. TK&65型特种油扩散泵

    Type TK-65 special oil diffusion pump

  11. 为满足这样的要求,设计了K&65F风冷金属油扩散泵。

    In order to satisfy these requirements , metal oil diffusion pump K-65F cooled by air has designed .

  12. 真空油扩散泵及其设备泵液返流率红外光谱测定法

    Determination of back stream of pump fluid of vacuum oil diffusion pump as well as equipment with oil diffusion pump by infrared spectrum

  13. 详细地介绍了前苏联1953年由国家制订的高真空油扩散泵工业产品的统一系列。

    Describes in detail the unified standards formulated in 1953 for the series of high vacuum oil diffusion pumps manufactured in the former USSR .

  14. 介绍了新研制的高真空油扩散泵在拓宽抽气速率范围、提高临界前级压力、降低返油率方面的创新设计。

    Introduces the newly developed K-800A HV oil diffusion pump for its design of broadened range of pumping speed , increased critical backing pressure and reduced backstreaming rate .

  15. 老式真空炉由于采用了油扩散泵和手动控温方式,存在真空系统被油污染和控温精度差的问题,严重影响了真空工艺质量。

    The oil vapor contamination in the old vacuum furnace was inherited from its oil diffusion pump , and the inaccuracy temperature control of the furnace chamber was resulted from the manual temperature adjust - ment . These problems have severely restricted the development of vacuum technology in our laboratories .