
yóu shā
  • oil sand
油砂[yóu shā]
  1. MD膜驱剂在蒙脱土及中原油砂上的吸附性能

    Adsorption property of Molecular Deposition ( MD ) Film Displacement Agent on Montmorillonite and Zhongyuan Oil Sand

  2. 在pH值为2~12范围内,蒙脱土及中原油砂颗粒对膜驱剂的静电引力随电位降低而增大。

    Within the range of pH 2 ~ 12 , electrostatic attraction of the film displacement agent caused by montmorillonite and Zhongyuan oil sand increases with the decrease of potential .

  3. 西方企业,包括壳牌(Shell)在内,已经因为油砂的糟糕环境影响而承受压力。

    Western companies , including Shell , have come under pressure over oil sands ' awful environmental footprint .

  4. 你可以看见图中的油砂输送系统(KeystonePipeline)

    And you can see here the Keystone Pipeline ,

  5. 油砂地层中子-伽玛能谱Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Neutron-gamma Ray Energy Spectra for Oil Sandstone Formation and Flooding in Borehole

  6. 这个月一中国石油公司以21亿加元(22亿美元)的价格收购了加拿大一家不景气的含油砂生产厂OPITCanada。

    This month a Chinese oilcompany bought OPTI Canada , an ailing tar-sands producer , for C $ 2.1 billion ( $ 2.2 billion ) .

  7. WK-I型矿物油砂的工艺性能

    The Technological Properties of WK-I Mineral oil Sand

  8. 利用渤海地区的A,B,C三个疏松砂岩油藏的冷冻取心岩样及松散油砂的压实岩样进行了水敏性试验研究。

    A water sensitivity experiment is made by using a freeze core sample and a compacted sample from a unconsolidated oil sand in 3 unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs A , B and C in Bohai Region .

  9. Na2CO3在油砂中的损耗及一些离子的浓度变化

    Consumption of Na_2CO_3 by Oil Sand and the Variations of Concentrations of Some Kinds of Ions

  10. 自2002年油砂被《油气》杂志(《Oil&GasJournal》)列入世界石油储量统计以来,加拿大石油业的战略地位不断得到提升。

    Since 2002 , the oil sand was included in the world oil reserve statistics by " Oil and Gas Journal "; the strategy status of Canadian ′ s petroleum industry has been unceasingly increasing .

  11. Athabasca油砂沥青中重组分的分子模拟

    Molecular modelling of heavy components present in Athabasca bitumen pitch

  12. 对该党唯一构成威胁的反对派是野玫瑰联盟(wildrosealliance),这个联盟在进一步右转,也支持开采油砂。

    The only serious opposition , the Wildrose alliance , is further to the right and also supports the tar sands .

  13. 在注入浓度0.5%时,OCS表面活性剂在大港油田枣1219断块岩心上的吸附量小于2mg/g油砂。

    The adsorption amount of OCS surfactant on Block 1219 reservoir sand was lower than 2 mg / g at an injection concentration of 0.5 % .

  14. 尼克森已经与中海油合作过多次:通过收购破产的加拿大油砂公司Opti,中海油与尼克森得以在LongLake油砂项目展开合作。

    The Canadian group had already partnered with Cnooc on several occasions : through its purchase of Opti , a bankrupt Canadian oil sands company , Cnooc and Nexen worked together on the Long Lake oil sands project .

  15. MD-1膜驱剂在油砂表面的吸附及润湿性研究

    A Study on Adsorption of Molecular Deposition Filming FLooding Agent MD-1 on and Wettability Change of Oily sand

  16. 阿萨巴斯卡董事长比尔加拉切尔(BillGallacher)昨日表示:油砂项目是资本密集性很强的长期投资领域,很难在传统的股权市场上获得全额融资。

    Oil sands projects are very capital-intensive , long-term investments and difficult to fully finance in the traditional equity market , Bill Gallacher , Athabasca 's chairman said on Monday .

  17. HPAM大分子在胶束和油砂粒子表面上的架桥絮凝作用,使油酸-油酸钠的吸附损失量进一步增大。

    Because the bridge and flocculation of the large molecules of HPAM in micelle and oil sand , the absorption loss of oleic acid and sodium oleate will increase further .

  18. 这些交易包括收购加拿大油砂项目Syncrude的股份,以及雷普索尔巴西(RepsolBrasil)的股份。

    The deals included a stake in Syncrude , an oil sands project in Canada , and a stake in Repsol Brasil .

  19. 这是中国企业在北美能源行业手笔最大的投资之一。此前不久,中国企业对阿尔伯塔省(Alberta)的油砂项目进行了数笔投资。

    The investment is one of the biggest by a Chinese company in the North American energy industry and comes on the heels of several others in the Alberta oil sands .

  20. 但随着布伦特(brent)原油价格周三达到每桶118美元,分析师表示,强劲的价格可能会继续推动对油砂和其它非常规、采掘方式更为昂贵的资源的投资。

    But with Brent crude trading at $ 118 a barrel on Wednesday , analysts said that strong prices could keep driving investment into oil sands and other unconventional , more expensive forms of extraction .

  21. 在香港上市的加拿大公司阳光油砂(sunshineoilsands)创造了一个记录向基石投资者发行了近60%的股份。

    Sunshine oilsands , a Canadian company that listed in Hong Kong , set a record of almost 60 per cent of the shares on offer sold to cornerstone investors .

  22. 油砂的孔隙率越高,不可及孔隙体积越小.表明HPAM在油砂中将有更高的驱油效率。

    The experimental results show that a higher concentration of HPAM causes a larger IPV . The higher porosity of oily sand core causes a lower IPV and the oil flooding efficiency of HPAM will be higher .

  23. 采用KSCN作示踪剂,测定了高分子量聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)58℃时在辽河油田油砂岩芯中的不可及孔隙体积.分析结果表明,随着HPAM浓度的增加,不可及孔隙体积也增加;

    The inaccessible pore volume ( IPV ) for high molecular mass polyacrylamide ( HPAM ) in oily sand cores from Liaohe Oilfield was analyzed at 58 ℃ using KSCN as a tracer .

  24. 他的早先在工业领域的经历包括:南非SASOL的煤气化燃料转化处理工程,在艾伯塔从事油砂领航和处理开发。

    His early industrial experience includes process engineering at SASOL , South Africa ( coal to synthetic fuels ) and oil sands piloting and process development in Alberta .

  25. 美国国务院推迟批准了一条将含油砂中提取的原油运送到墨西哥湾的跨国境输油管道,这在客观上增加了对另一输油管道的需要,该管道从Alberta到西海岸,以方便原油向中国的运输。

    Delays by the American StateDepartment in granting approval for a cross-border pipeline to carry crudefrom the tar sands to the Gulf Coast have prompted calls for apipeline from Alberta to the west coast , for shipment to China .

  26. 大庆油砂在MD膜驱剂和(Et)4NB溶液中的ζ电位较沥青质-大庆油砂的低,而大庆油砂在吸附沥青质前后在CTAB溶液中的ζ电位变化很小。

    The Zeta potential of Daqing oil sand in MD filming displacement agent solution or ( Et ) _4NB solution is lower than that of the Daqing oil sand adsorbing asphalt , but it is changed very little in CTAB solution .

  27. 通过对油砂体分布及砂地比的综合研究,确定在主力油层集中发育、有效厚度大于4m及砂地比大于0.4的区域部署开发。

    Based on the distribution and oil-bearing sand body rather than the comprehensive research of the major reservoirs , determine the centralized development , effective thickness is greater than 4m and sandstone thickness and stratum thickness ratio more than 0.4 areas deployment .

  28. 这就是加拿大油砂创新联盟(COSIA)和NRG能源所设立的2000万美元的碳清洁技术奖(XPrize)所提出的问题,这是一项全球性的关于将二氧化碳转化为有价值的产物的科技竞赛。

    That 's the $ 20-million question behind the NRG COSIA Carbon XPrize , a global competition to create technology that converts CO2 into valuable products .

  29. 结果表明,PAS12起泡剂几乎不在油砂上吸附,起泡性比常用的SDS和ABS强,70℃下溶液浓度为0.20%时,起泡高度可达180mm以上;

    Results showed that the foamer PAS-12 scarcely adsorbs on the oil sand surface and the foaming ability is better than that of SDS and ABS . At 70 ℃, when the PAS-12 content is only 0.20 % , the foam height is more than 180 mm .

  30. 加拿大油砂开采巨头Suncor能源,同意斥资193亿加元(合158亿美元)收购其竞争对手加拿大石油公司。

    Suncor Energy , a big producer in Canada 's tar-sands industry , agreed to buy Petro-Canada , a rival , for C $ 19.3 billion ( $ 15.8 billion ) .