
yóu mǔ yè yán
  • oil shale;kerogen shale
油母页岩[yóu mǔ yè yán]
  1. 投运世界第二套、国内首例油母页岩ATP炼油项目ATP炉双机驱动变频装置。

    The manufacturer of the world 's second , the first case of oil shale refinery project ATP , dual-drive furnace frequency converter in China .

  2. 结果表明,在乙酸钾和KOH的协同作用下,油母页岩粉体由晶体结构转变为无定形结构;

    The results showed that the crystal structure of oil shale powder could be turned into amorphous structure with the synergistic reaction of KOH and CH_3COOK .

  3. 当KOH质量分数为8%、乙酸钾质量分数为45%时,油母页岩粉体的无定形转变率最高;

    The conversion of amorphism was the highest when the mass fraction of KOH was 8 % and CH_3COOK was 45 % .

  4. 油母页岩原矿通过螺旋运输机的气密室涌入空气干燥器(下文称为AFD)的内部凹座。

    From the air-tight chambers of the screws the raw oil shale is poured into the inner recess of the aerofountain drier ( hereinafter AFD ) .

  5. 油母页岩干馏新技术的清洁生产分析

    Analysis on Clean Production of New Technology for Oil Shale Retorting

  6. 大掺量油母页岩渣制造水泥的研究及应用

    Making Cement with High Content Oil Shale : Research & Application

  7. 利用油母页岩渣作水泥混合材的试验分析

    Research on using the oil shale slag as cement additions

  8. 引进技术建设油母页岩加工装置的风险分析

    Risk analysis of oil shale processing UNITCONSTRUCTION with import technology

  9. 油母页岩原矿通过带式运输机送至四个量料斗。

    Raw oil shale is transported into four measuring bins by belt conveyers .

  10. 露天油母页岩贫矿排土场上建筑物的地基处理

    Building Foundation Hanling of the Open Air Oil Shale Poor Mineral Dumping Site

  11. 反应器-油母页岩热解筒式反应器;

    Reactor – drum reactor for oil shale pyrolysis ;

  12. 含稀土油母页岩渣在水泥工业中的应用研究

    Research on utilization of oil shale waste containing rare earth in cement industry

  13. 油母页岩干馏生产过程中的油泥处理

    Oil Sludge Treatment in Oil Shale Retorting Process

  14. 陕北石油秩序油母页岩粉体的结构改性及其应用

    Structure modification and application of oil shale powder

  15. 利用油母页岩生产高标号水泥

    Production of High-Grade Cement Using Oil Forming Shale

  16. 烟道气所含的热量超过了干燥油母页岩所需热量。

    The heat contained in stack gas exceeds that required for drying raw oil shale .

  17. 烟道气以高速率逆向流向下方的油母页岩。

    The stack gas flows at high velocity in counterflow to the oil shale moving downward .

  18. 这些装置不包括或将分别充满烟道气和油母页岩热解产品的空间之间的流动降至最低。

    These mechanisms exclude or minimize flows between spaces filled respectively with stack gases and oil shale pyrolysis products .

  19. 油母很可能处于各物相之间的层状间隙中,与油母页岩的形成理论相一致。

    In accordance with the theory of the formation of oil-shale , Kerogen lies very probably in the lamellar gaps .

  20. 设计这些干馏炉是为了向爱沙尼亚发电厂供应通过非浓缩细颗粒(能量)油母页岩产出的页岩油。

    These retorts were designed for supplying the Estonian Power Station with shale oil produced from unconcentrated fine-grained ( energy ) oil shale .

  21. 使用带式运输机将破碎的油母页岩送至置于螺旋运输机上的油母页岩仓。

    The crushed oil shale is passed by belt conveyers to raw oil shale bins arranged on the screw conveyers ( flow No.4 in the diagram ) .

  22. 油母页岩渣(灰)是油母页岩干熘或燃烧后排出的废渣,如果不合理利用则会挤占大量土地,对环境造成严重影响。

    Oil shale waste , a waste residual by carbonization or burning of oil shale , would seriously pollute environment and occupy large area of useful land without rational reuse .

  23. 粉尘和气体的混合物通过用于干油母页岩的三对旋分器,在此,分离后的干燥燃料送至用于干的油母页岩的螺旋运输机。

    The mix of dust and gas passes three pairs of cyclones for dry oil shale where dried fuel is separated and is given to screws of dry oil shale .

  24. 本文通过试验,分析了油母页岩渣的性能,并研究了油母页岩渣作水泥混合材的掺量对水泥性能的影响。

    Abstract : By means of experiment , this paper analyses the properties of the oil shale slag and researches into the effects of oil shale slag content on cement properties .

  25. 据西德《石油》杂志1974年报道,预计世界上可获得的能源中,油母页岩折算成页岩油比天然石油储量多二到五倍。

    According to the report on the magazine of oil in West Germany in 1974 , the shale oil contained in the oil shale twice to five times more than the nature oil .

  26. 对抚顺矿业集团拟从国外引进的处理量为6kt/d的油母页岩加工技术,从市场、技术、工程、资源、融资等方面进行风险分析,认为该技术是可行的。

    The import technology of 6 000 t / d oil shale processing unit in Fushun Mining Industry Group has been analyzed in the light of market , technology , engineering , resource and fund raising . It is accounted that the technology is feasible .

  27. 对抚顺矿业集团引进国外新的油母页岩加工技术,从生产成本、工艺技术、吨产品能耗物耗、污染物产生和排放等方面进行了对比分析,得出该技术清洁生产水平国内先进的结论。

    Fetched technology of the oil shale processing in Fushun Mining Industry Group has been analyzed in the aspects of production cost , technology , energy and substance consumed per ton , production and discharging of contamination . The conclusion shows that the level of clean production is advanced inland .