
yóu bǐng
  • oil cake;deep-fried dough cake
油饼 [yóu bǐng]
  • (1) [deep-fried dough cake]∶油煎大饼

  • (2) [oil cake]∶从各类种子(如棉子、大麻子、亚麻子及大豆)压榨油后所留存的固体残渣,可作饲料和肥料

油饼[yóu bǐng]
  1. 盖伊伯吉斯(guyburgess)、唐纳德麦克林(donaldmaclean)这两名剑桥流亡间谍也常常来光顾伯吉斯喜欢我们的果酱和油饼。

    Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean , the two exiled Cambridge spies , used to come Burgess liked our marmalade and seedcake .

  2. 味道真不赖,特别是那些花生酱牛油饼。

    It tastes so good , especially the peanut butter cups .

  3. 马齿苋不宜与鳖同食。香瓜忌与蟹、田螺、油饼同吃。

    Cantaloup : avoid being eaten with crab , snail and seedcake .

  4. 这种干烙葱油饼有一大妙处,那就是可以放凉了吃。

    Green onion pancake that a large dry branded beauty that you can let cool and eat .

  5. 一个低脂松油饼,一块哈密瓜,一杯咖啡加一些脱脂牛奶。

    A low-fat muffin , a wedge of cantaloupe , and a cup of latte made with skim milk .

  6. 若用花椒水调面,则油饼酥,馓子黄,馒头白,口味深长。

    If the water to face with pepper , then the cake cakes , San child yellow , white bread , deep flavor .

  7. 第二天一早,理发师来开门,发现店门口有一张感谢卡和十二个油饼在等着他。

    The next morning when the barber goes to open his shop , there is a " Thank you " card and a dozen donuts waiting at his door .

  8. 当父母忙着商讨类似如何在混合人种的家庭里抚养孩子这样重要的问题时,孩子们却自得其乐,他们骑马,唱中文歌或做香煎葱油饼。

    While parents address weighty issues like how to raise kids in a mixed-race family , their children just have fun riding horses , singing Chinese songs or making scallion pancakes .

  9. 菜籽油饼的主要成分为蛋白质、无氮浸出物、粗纤维、粗脂肪和粗灰分,这些成分在钻井液中都具有较好的降滤失效果。

    The major components of the rap oil seedcakes are protein , nitrogen-free lixivium , coarse fiber , crude fats , and ash content . These components have good filtration reduction in drilling fluids .

  10. 在我的背后,烧着一柱香,屋角墙上贴着灶王爷的神像,面前放着几碗油饼、小米饭之类的简陋供品。

    Behind me I saw incense sticks burning , and going to a corner , I noticed a few bowls of crullers , rice and poor food set before a paper drawing of the Kitchen God .