
dùn jī
  • stewed chicken
  1. 要是炖鸡块的话,先去掉鸡皮。

    If you casserole chicken pieces , take the skin off first .

  2. 错过ElPunto的话会很可惜,因为这里提供正宗的波多黎各美食,包括mofongo,这是一种把香蕉打碎后做成的菜品,我们在点这道菜的时候又在上面加了炖鸡。

    It would have been a shame to miss El Punto , since it serves authentic Puerto Rican food , includingmofongo , a mashed plantain dish that we ordered with chicken stew piled on top .

  3. 母亲炖鸡炖了很久了。

    Mother stewed the chicken for a long time .

  4. 康师傅香菇炖鸡面

    Master Kong Mushroom Stew Chicken Ramen

  5. 一条饥饿的狼想把鸡养肥来做炖鸡,却产生了意想不到的结果。

    A hungry wolf 's attempts to fatten a chicken for his stewpot have unexpected results .

  6. 客人们一共吃了10道菜,有鲶鱼、鲍鱼、烤肉、人参炖鸡等。

    Guests dined on grouper , abalone , roast pork and ginseng chicken soup during the 10-course meal .

  7. 是的,每一道菜都很香,特别是腰果炒虾仁和栗子炖鸡。

    Yes , every dish was delicious , especially the fried shrimps with cashews and chestnut chicken stew .

  8. 一个周五傍晚,我做了蘑菇炖鸡、酸辣汤、番茄炒蛋和清蒸鱼。

    A Friday evening , I did mushroom smothered chicken , Hot-and-Sour Soup , tomato scrambled egg and steam fish .

  9. 他们在村庄里漫步,给自己拍几张照片,还会在村里的餐馆点上一盘当地的佳肴栗子炖鸡。

    They wander around the village , snap photos of themselves and order the local delicacy , stewed chicken with chestnuts , at one of the restaurants .

  10. 还有一道我不太熟悉的客家主食,叫做猪肚炖鸡,也是美味到无法形容。

    It is , however , pork tripe stewed chicken , among the Hakka staples , that was relatively unknown to me and it proved to be delicious beyond description .

  11. 五元神仙鸡&指将五种要素,荔枝、龙眼、红枣、莲子以及拘祀放入一只鸡的体内,然后开始炖鸡。

    Immortal chicken with five elements-a dish made by putting five elements , litchi , longyan , red dates , lotus seeds , and medlar , into the body of a chicken , then to braise .

  12. 每次郊游以前的好几个星期,我们就开始兴奋地谈论。终于盼来了那一天,我们会穿上最漂亮的衣服,带上为野餐准备的炖鸡、米饭,成群结队挤上巴士。

    We would talk about the trips for weeks beforehand , then , when the day finally came , we dressed up in our best clothes and piled into buses along with pots of chicken and rice for a picnic .