
  • 网络Venus;Venus de Milo
  1. 维纳斯女神像,还有…蒙娜丽莎

    Venus de Milo . And ... Mona Lisa ....

  2. 祖母绿,你属于美丽的维纳斯女神。

    Emerald , you belong to Goddess Venus .

  3. 沿着空荡荡的街道往家里走,沃伦诺斯在一座维纳斯女神的神龛前停下来,祈祷他的妻子还会爱他。

    Heading home through the empty streets , Vorenus stops at a shrine to Venus and prays that his wife will love him .

  4. 这个时候,维纳斯的信徒才想起来向维纳斯女神感谢了一番。

    Then at last the votary of Venus found words to thank the goddess .