
kǒnɡ bù tǒnɡ zhì
  • Reign of Terror;reign/rule of terror
  1. 指挥官们谴责他实行恐怖统治。

    The commanders accused him of carrying out a reign of terror .

  2. 在希特勒的狂怒和报复下,他们还遭到掠夺和恐怖统治

    They are to be pillaged and terrorised in Hitler 's fury and revenge .

  3. 昌高的恐怖统治结束了!结束了!

    Chango 's reign of terror is over ! Over !

  4. 你的恐怖统治结束了。

    Your reign of terror is over .

  5. 在恐怖统治下,他树敌越来越多。

    There was a reign of terror , and he made more and more enemies .

  6. 可以放心地认为他们是不会支持伏地魔的恐怖统治王权的。

    It 's probably safe to assume that they would not support Voldemort 's reign of terror .

  7. 在这个宣告中,国王承诺不会对巴比伦实行恐怖统治,也不会破坏它的社会制度和文化。

    In this declaration , the king promised not to terrorize Babylon nor destroy its institutions and culture .

  8. 津巴布韦北部在恐怖统治中,使人想起纳粹德国。

    Northern Rhodesia is in the grip of a " Reign of Terror " reminiscent of Nazi Germany .

  9. 在守护者机器人中有一个从霸天虎的恐怖统治下幸存了下来,并且成为最坚定的汽车人中的一员。

    One of the Guardian robots did survive the Decepticon terror , and became one of the Autobots'staunchest defenders .

  10. 你不得不为那下在恐怖统治下受苦的人民感到遗憾。

    You have to feel sorry for the people who have to suffer as a result of this terrible regime .

  11. 后来,同样臭名昭著的洛希亚斯夺走了魔杖,结束了巴拿巴的恐怖统治,并给魔杖重新取名为“死亡棒”,用它干掉了所有惹他生气的人。

    who took the wand , rechristened it " the Deathstick , " and used it to lay waste to anyone who displeased him .

  12. 乔姆斯基的美国是一个暴虐的庞然大物,剥削、恐怖统治,将其意愿强加给本国国民和全世界。

    Chomsky 's America is a tyrannical behemoth which exploits and terrorizes , forcing its will on its own citizens and the rest of the world .

  13. 对于我们在美国的人,今天让我们缅怀曾经在卡扎菲恐怖统治下丧生的美国同胞。

    For us here in the United States , we are reminded today of all those Americans that we lost at the hands of Qaddafis terror .

  14. 在斯大林的恐怖统治下,一名文学教授被送往至西伯利亚集中营苦役十年。

    During Stalin 's reign of terror , Evgenia Ginzburg , a literature professor , was sent to10 years hard labor in a gulag in Siberia .

  15. 通过对中外秘密侦查发展史的梳理,可以发现,传统的秘密侦查由于缺乏制度属性,成为专制权力进行恐怖统治的重要工具。

    By studying history of secret criminal investigation , we could find that secret criminal investigation without institution nature was an important tool being used in horrific governance .

  16. 他希望日记呈现的是我个人的感受,用他所谓“辛辣的字句”来描述,将塔利班的恐怖统治与我的日常生活联系在一起。

    He liked personal feelings and what he called my ' pungent sentences ' and also the mix of everyday family life with the terror of the Taliban .

  17. 第一根有文字记载的、具有特别厉害和危险魔力的接骨木魔杖,其主人叫埃默里克,人称“恶棍”。他是一个短命的但攻击力极强的巫师,于中世纪早期在英格兰南部实行恐怖统治。

    The first well-documented mention of a wand made of elder that had particularly strong and dangerous powers was owned by Emeric , commonly called " the Evil , " a short-lived but exceptionally aggressive wizard who terrorised the South of England in the early Middle Ages .

  18. 这本书的创作灵感来自于作者杰米·汤姆森以前在学校和社会服务中所受的苦难,当时他真的想拥有一股邪恶的力量,恢复他的恐怖统治。

    The book by Jamie Thomson focuses on Dirk Lloyd and his tribulations from being taken care of by social services and settled into his local school , when all he really wants to do is be appreciated as an evil force and return to his reign of terror .

  19. 你知道吗?我曾经也是个无赖。我带领著一群最凶残的强盗集团,以恐怖来统治著这片荒漠!

    You know , I used to be quite the scoundrel in my day . I led the fiercest group of bandits who ever terrorized these sands !

  20. 因为他们用恐怖和胁迫来统治,真正的阴影议员不会软弱地显示出同情与宽容。

    Because they rule through fear and intimidation , no true Shadow Lord would show sympathy or tolerance for the weak .

  21. 很久很久以前,有一只恐怖的怪物用他恐怖的咆哮统治着魔法之域“很远很远王国”。

    Once upon a time there was a fearsome ogre whose roar terrorized the magical land of Far Far Away .