
ɡuò dù shí qī
  • period of transition;transient period;transition duration
  1. 过渡时期难免会出现一些困难的时候。

    Inevitably the transition will yield some sticky moments

  2. 尼克松-福特过渡时期的国务卿不希望推动那些提案得到通过。

    The secretary of state during the Nixon-Ford transition did not wish to push the proposals through .

  3. 好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。

    If nature abhors a vacuum , journalists abhor a transition , when there is little news to cover .

  4. 青春期是儿童和成人阶段的过渡时期。

    Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood .

  5. 文中基于无线通信的原理,提出了一种IP过渡时期通用的地址转换机制,并应用于无线网络。

    The mechanism was applied to wireless network .

  6. 在2025°N,过渡时期(8月1827日)纬向平均的上升气流明显减弱。

    Near 20 ° - 25 ° N , zonal mean updrafts weakened considerably during the transition period ( 18-27 August ) .

  7. 最后,Tapestry正处于过渡时期。

    Finally , Tapestry is in a period of transition today .

  8. 过渡时期:向哪里过渡?对TiO2纳米管电极光电催化PCP过程产物也进行了推断。

    In the Interim : Where to Go ? The interim - products are also deduced .

  9. 这意味著我们最初的介面应该乾净、简单、有效率,并且让许多IE使用者在过渡时期觉得熟悉亲切。

    This implies that our default presentation should be clean , simple and efficient , familiar where possible to the bulk of transitioning IE users .

  10. 在这重要的过渡时期,我国于2006年4月开始实行QDII制度。

    During this important transitional period , China introduces the QDII in April 2006 .

  11. 适合于作移动通信基站天线,特别适合于2G到3G过渡时期的移动通信系统。

    This antenna is very suitable for mobile communication base station antenna , especially the transition stage from 2G to 3G .

  12. 2008年,上海还处在过渡时期,为了迎接北京奥运会(Olympics)和世博会(Expo),几乎在一夜之间,上海的面貌就发生了天翻地覆的变化。

    In 2008 , Shanghai was in transition , in the lead up to the Olympics and the Expo . The city was being remade overnight .

  13. 本文认为我国目前处于过渡时期,对于为企业做出巨大贡献又未得到合理报酬的管理者,在MBO定价时应适当考虑其历史贡献

    Finally , this paper thinks that pricing of MBO should consider the managements ' contribution in the transitional period of our country

  14. 最后,对过渡时期交通流的构成、交通流的排列秩序、收费站车道分布特点进行分析,提出了过渡时期ETC的车道设计方案。

    Finally , according to the component of interim traffic flow , array order of traffic flow and distributing characteristic of toll lane , the project of ETC lane design is put forward .

  15. 围绝经期综合征(PMS)是妇女从中年到老年过渡时期的常见病、多发病。

    Perimenopausal Syndrome ( PMS ) is a common and multiple disease in woman 's transition period from middle age to old age .

  16. 弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(FriedrichWilhelmNietzsche,公元1844&1900年)是德国由自由资本主义向帝国主义过渡时期最敏锐地反映资产阶级要求的哲学家和政治思想家。

    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche ( 1844-1900 ) is a philosopher and political thinker who can keenly reflect the bourgeois demands during the period of transition from capitalism to imperialism .

  17. 结论:CPCR抢救中,紧急气管插管失败后,气囊面罩加压给氧可作为过渡时期简单有效的通气方法。

    Conclusion : When tracheal intubation has failed , facemask with gasbag pressure ventilation can be one kind of effective ventilation method in emergency treatment of CPCR .

  18. 研究了培养时间对乳酸杆菌LB-3自溶行为的影响,研究结果表明,在迟滞期向对数生长期的过渡时期乳酸杆菌LB-3的自溶度最大,有73%的菌体发生自溶。

    This paper studied on the effect of incubation time to the autolysis of LB-3 , the result indicate the maximal rate of autolysis activity retained during the transition stage from the lag phase to the exponential phase , about 73 % cell autolysis .

  19. 在语言史上,东汉是一个重要的过渡时期,它上承先秦,下启中古。

    In Chinese language history est-han dynasty is an important interim .

  20. 我们在努力避免过渡时期的人类伤亡。

    We are attempting to avoid human losses during this transition .

  21. 青春期是童年与成年之间的过渡时期。

    Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood .

  22. 过渡时期陕西社会主义教育的发展

    On The Development of Shaanxi Socialism Education During The Transitional Period

  23. 过渡时期充满着矛盾和斗争。

    The period of transition is full of contradictions and struggles .

  24. 浅谈先工业化后社会主义化与过渡时期总路线的关系

    A Brief Talk on the Relationship Between Early Industrialization and Late Socialization

  25. 这是一种过渡时期所特有的现象。

    This phenomenon was typical of a time of transition .

  26. 在过渡时期,军方应当是安全的保障者。

    The army should be the guarantor of security during this transition .

  27. 我们将在必要的过渡时期按部就班协助你们。

    We will help you with the necessary transitions step by step .

  28. 论我国旅行社的集团化过渡时期

    Collectivization of Our Country Travel Service Is in Leading Strings

  29. 过渡时期总政策的政策问题建构分析

    Analyses of Policy Problems About General Policy in Transitional Period

  30. 马列过渡时期理论在中国的变异

    Variation of Marxism-Leninism Theory of the Transitional Period in China