
  • 网络Kaihua county
  1. 钱塘江发源于浙江的开化县,而开化县尚属于浙江25个欠发达的县。

    Qiantang River takes its source in Kaihua . However , Kaihua belongs to 25 undeveloped counties in Zhejiang .

  2. 浙江省开化县DOTS成本-效益评价

    Cost-benefit evaluation of DOTS in Kaihua County , Zhejiang Province

  3. 石灰土山地土地资源基层分类与生态经济开发&以浙江开化县塘坞乡为例白云山(英文)医巫闾山国家重点风景名胜

    Basic classification of land resources in limestone soil mountain and the

  4. 开化县外向型创汇林业的战略模式

    The New Model of Export - Oriented Forestry in Kaihua County

  5. 开化县优良乡土树种的选择

    The Selection of Good Indigenous Tree Species in Kaihua County

  6. 开化县荒山绿化经济效益评价

    Evaluation on Economic Effect of Afforesting Bare Mountain in Kaihua

  7. 开化县杉木基地林资源现状

    Current Situation of the Resources of Chinese Fir Timber Base in Kaihua County

  8. 衢州市开化县涂阳肺结核治疗效果影响因素调查分析

    Factors influencing the treatment of smear-positive TB in Kaihua county , Quzhou city

  9. 浙江开化县森林旅游产业发展问题探索

    Selection and development of forest tourism in Kaihua

  10. 浙江省开化县中小学学生病毒性乙型肝炎病毒感染血清学调查

    Serosurvey of hepatitis B virus infection among primary and middle school students in Kaihua county , Zhejiang

  11. 浙江省开化县城关工业区低丘缓坡开发的评价方法与利用策略

    Assessment Methods and Utilization Strategies on Developing Low-slope Hilly Land in Chengguan Industrial District , Kaihua County , Zhejiang Province

  12. 本文通过对开化县可持续农林业的现状分析,主要障碍因素分析,提出了提高对可持续农林业的认识和理解;加强农林业生态建设;

    Analysis were made on current situation of sustainable development of agriculture and forestry and on major barriers in Kaihua county , Zhejiang province .

  13. 利用5种常用的程序型计算器编程计算罗盘仪测量的面积,精度高、操作简单,该法已在开化县造林基地验收中采用。

    Area surveyed by compass can be calculated by 5 programme calculator after programming with high precision and easy operation . At present , this method is widely used in acceptance of forestation base in Kaihua , Zhejiang .

  14. 从浙江省开化县生态县建设的总体规划出发,围绕开化“生态立县”的战略要求,对该地区自然资源、经济布局和产业结构等状况进行分析。

    Based on the overall plan of constructing ecologic county in Kaihua , Zhejiang , and its strategy of developing Kaihua with ecologic construction , an analysis of natural resources , economic layout and industry structure is conducted .