
  • 网络Opening Hours;open time;opening time
  1. 暑假开馆时间将另行公布。

    The summer break opening hours will be announced later .

  2. 其削减方案包括:减少16%的开馆时间,裁撤员工,减少文件查阅量(有些文件存放在柴郡盐矿中)。

    Their proposals include cutting opening hours by16 % and reducing staff and access to documents , some of which will be stored in a Cheshire salt mine .

  3. 博物馆现在闭馆,开馆时间另行通知。

    The museum is closed until further notice .

  4. 10家健身房内的CO、CO2浓度和细菌总数随着开馆时间延长而增高,与开馆前相比超标5.8%且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    The results of this study indicated that the CO , CO2 concentration and the amount of bacteria in the gymnasium increases as the opening time of the gymnasium prolongs , and compared with the conditions before the opening of the gymnasium it exceeded the standard by 5.8 % .

  5. 对图书馆开馆时间的思考

    Pondering on the Opening Time of Library

  6. 在她的展览举行期间,每天在博物馆开馆时间全天坐在桌前,这是她原本的计划。

    Shes scheduled to sit there all day , every day , during museum hours , for the run of her show .

  7. 对于“图书馆服务效益”,评估总结话语首先将“社会效益”建构为图书馆服务的范围和数量(如开馆时间长);

    They have also consistently constructed " the impact of public library services " as " making service available and contributing to economic growth " .

  8. 当然,撰写有关某一个旅游胜地的游记是很伟大的工作,但是一定要把当地博物馆的开馆时间交代清楚,否则,你真的有可能毁掉某个人的度假旅游。

    Sure , it 's great to write about a tourist attraction , but you 'd better get the local museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone 's vacation .

  9. 上海天文馆正式开放后,开馆时间为上午9时至下午4时,成人门票为30元,学生门票为15元。

    When it 's officially open , the museum will operate from 9 am to 4 pm , with entrance tickets priced at 30 yuan ( $ 4.50 ) for adults and 15 yuan for students .

  10. 提出了延长开馆时间、扩大开放范围、实行开架借阅、设立综合阅览室、提供电子阅览服务、服务方式多样化等具体建议。

    Some suggestions for libraries to lengthen opening period , to enlarge opening range , to offer free borrowing , to set up comprehensive reading rooms , to provide e-reading service and other means of reading service .

  11. 以提高图书馆的知名度为目的,抓住机遇,利用图书馆的各种庆典活动以及图书馆的设施和场所开展对外宣传活动、增加开馆时间、增加读者量和提高服务质量等手段来提高服务效益。

    In order to improve its service effectiveness , library should make use of library 's facilities and venue to hold promotion activities for the public , extend its opening hours , attract more readers and improve its service quality .

  12. 图书馆订有2200余种期刊、200余种报纸。总面积达26600多平方米,阅览座位3200席。开馆时间达到90小时,电子书刊实现全天候24小时的服务。

    The library subscribes to over 2200 periodicals and 200 newspapers . The total area of the library is 26600 square meters with more than 3 200 seats for readers . It is open for 90 hours per week . Electronic documents in the Library can be accessed by readers 24 hours a day .

  13. A不知道,但是我们可以在网站上找到开馆的时间。

    A No , but you can find the opening times on the website .

  14. 请告知我是否可以成为贵图书馆的临时会员,以及开馆的时间和收费等方面的信息。

    Please let me know if it is possible to become a temporary member of the library , together with details of opening hours , fees , etc.

  15. 以漫画馆的构思、立项、筹建、开馆的时间顺序介绍了漫画馆的馆舍装修、馆藏建设、室内布置、业务工作开展和各项工作情况。

    From the time order of conception , project identification , preparatory construction and opening of comic library , the paper introduces the aspects of the house decoration , collection construction , indoor layout , business work and others of the comic library .