
kǒnɡ bù shǒu duàn
  • terroristic means;measure of terrorism
  1. 军队已经深谙利用恐怖手段控制民众之道。

    The army had perfected the use of terror as a means of controlling the population

  2. 一项旨在摧毁他们意志而采取隐蔽恐怖手段的策略。

    A policy of covert terror designed to break their spirit .

  3. 使用武力、恐怖手段、敲诈伎俩等

    The use of force , terrorism , blackmail , etc

  4. 地主采取的恐怖手段,确实一度干扰了土改运动。

    Undoubtedly , landlord terror set the movement back .

  5. 这种敲诈勒索常常是通过政治恐怖手段进行的,达到了骇人听闻的地步。

    Such blackmail carried on by means of political terror sometimes reached astounding proportions .

  6. 用恐怖手段来达到政治目的是错误的。

    It is wrong to achieve political ends by resorting to means of terrorism .

  7. 也许莫斯科方面仍希望,这位叙利亚领导人能够使出足够的恐怖手段,保住权力。

    Perhaps Moscow still hopes the Syrian leader can deploy sufficient terror to hold on to power .

  8. 在海面上,他们还可以使用他们的暴力,在那里互相攻打,在那里互相吞噬,把陆地上的各种恐怖手段都搬到那里。

    On its surface they can still exercise their iniquitous claims , battle each other , devour each other , haul every earthly horror .

  9. 恐怖主义犯罪是为了实现恶意目的,采取恐怖手段,制造恐怖效果,给不特定的人造成严重的伤害,并造成普遍的恐怖感的犯罪。

    The terrorist crime is crime committed by terrorist means in which terrorist effects and the prevalent terror are created and serious harm done to unspecific groups of people for evil purposes .

  10. 现代性一方面生产着反恐怖的暴力手段,同时也在强化着恐怖主义赖以产生和存在的基础;

    Modernity creates not only means of anti-terrorism , but the base of which terrorism relies at the same .

  11. 他们利用告密和制造恐怖形势等手段,最终与贵族寡头派联手放逐了阿尔西比德。

    At last , they allied with some oligarchs to exile Alcibiades by means of information and political horror .

  12. 装务喷射箱的无人驾驶飞机是使用生物武器来发动恐怖袭击的理想手段。

    UAVs outfitted with spray tanks constitute an ideal method for launching a terrorist attack using biological weapons .

  13. 恐怖活动盛行,手段日趋残忍,伤害范围与目标更为广泛与平民化的当下,制定预防、控制、打击恐怖活动犯罪的法律规章势在必行。

    The prevalence of terrorism , means becoming more cruel , more extensive injury to the scope and objectives of the current and the civilian population , the development of prevention , control and fight against terrorist crimes laws and regulations is imperative .

  14. 另一方面,利用爆炸进行恐怖活动已成为当今世界一种新的恐怖犯罪手段,而且有愈演愈烈之势,爆炸恐怖事件层出不穷,造成的损失非常惨重。

    On the other hand , the terrorist activity using explosives has become a new kind of crime , and it become increasing intense , leading to a great loss .

  15. 由于历史、宗教、意识形态、经济差异等多种错综复杂的因素,恐怖与刑事犯罪日趋猖獗,随着高新技术的发展,恐怖、犯罪的手段日渐现代化、智能化,这已经成为国际性的问题。

    Due to historical , religious , ideological and economic differences and other complex factors , increasingly rampant crime and terror , with the high-tech development , increasing modernization , intelligence of terrorism , crime means , it has become an international issue .