
quán wēi zhǔ yì
  • authoritarianism
  1. 权威主义政治文化与德国国家性格的改变

    Political Culture of Authoritarianism and the Transition of German National Characteristic

  2. 第二章论述了权威主义阶段的大学特色化政策。

    Chapter 2 expounds the university specialization policy in authoritarianism period .

  3. 这种变异体现为校园DV文化打破了主流文化以是否具有消费特征为唯一标准,形成了具有后现代反权威主义、个性化的校园文化。贫验结果和模拟象符合的较好。

    The changes reflect as that campus DV culture breaks major culture which regards whether having a consumption characteristic as the only standard . So it formed the modern authoritative doctrine , individualized campus culture . This article has analyzed the campus DV image of university of Chongqing .

  4. 从本质上来看,我们的文明正在趋向于一种反权威主义的竞赛。

    Essentially , our civilisation is tilting towards anti-authoritarian contests .

  5. 教师的权威主义文化在学校场域较为普遍。

    The authoritarianism in teacher culture is universal in schools .

  6. 论权威主义政体在经济发展中的作用

    On the Role of Authoritarian Government in Economic Development

  7. 法国政治中的权威主义与反权威主义

    Perspective of Authoritarianism and Anti & authoritarianism from the Polity Evolvement in France

  8. 权威主义起源的经济学解释&以韩国为个案

    The Economic Explanation of Authoritarianism Origin : with South Korean as An Example

  9. 第一部分主要介绍权威主义政治在俄罗斯确立发展的历程。

    The first part , the article introduced the development of the authoritarianism .

  10. 权威主义以教育者为绝对权威,并对教育内容进行神化,成为实施创新教育的最大障碍;

    Authoritarianism is the bad obstacle to creative education .

  11. 它们也强调了他的权威主义名号仍然会是十分脆弱的。

    They also underline how his brand of authoritarianism can still be vulnerable .

  12. 新加坡权威主义体制及其政策研究

    Singapore Authority Doctrine System and Its Policy Research

  13. 很多人认为,权威主义在经济发展的一定阶段是必然的和必要的。

    Many believe that authoritarianism is inevitable and necessary at certain stages of economic development .

  14. 转型国家仍需权威主义政治

    The Transitional-Nations Still Need Authoritarianism Polity

  15. 弗洛姆利用社会批判和心理分析,针对权威主义的伦理学构建了自己的人道主义伦理学即规范人道主义伦理学。

    Erich Fromm constructed his own normal humanistic ethics against authoritarian ethics by way of social-analysis .

  16. 目前个体水平的变量主要有权威主义人格和社会优势定位。

    Recently , individual level factors that are most important are authoritarianism , social dominance orientation .

  17. 二战后,权威主义政治在东亚的实践是成功的。

    The Authoritarianism Polity has make successful practice in the east of Asia since the Second World War .

  18. 权威主义本身所具有的发展型国家、普力夺主义和压制性发展特征满足了这些要求。

    It is the authoritarianism with developmental-state 、 praetorianism and repressive-development as its features that meets the requirements of the modernization .

  19. 新农村规划建设中权威主义与公众参与的思辨:以北京怀柔官地村旧村改造为例

    The Discussion of Authoritarianism and Public Participation in New Village Planning : Case Study of Guandi Village Renovation , Huairou , Beijing

  20. 本文以韩国为例从发展经济学的角度探讨权威主义的起源。

    This paper taking South Korean as an example is to discuss the origin of authoritarianism from the angle of the development economics .

  21. 而在人们的记忆中,梅森可能是一个聪明的、傲慢的、古怪的、反权威主义(或最多就是反规范而已)的创业神童。

    Mason will likely be remembered as a brilliant , arrogant , eccentric , anti-authoritarian ( or at least anti-normatively polite ) startup whiz kid .

  22. 本文的分析表明,俄罗斯政治制度转型面临外部自由主义政治文化和内部权威主义政治传统的双重约束。

    This study shows that the political transition in Russia faced the dual restraints of the external liberal political culture and the traditional internal political authoritarianism .

  23. 这种政治文化奠定了马来西亚软权威主义政治的重要基石,从而成为后发国家政治发展中的一道独特的政治景观。二战后东亚的权威主义政体评析

    This political culture becomes the base for the soft authoritarian politics in Malaysia . Analyses of the Authoritarian Regime of Eastern Asia after World War II

  24. 在新加坡的政党制度类型上,有些学者同意亨廷顿的观点,认为新加坡实行一党制,因此是权威主义国家。

    Some scholars agree with Samuel P. Huntington and argue that Singapore is one of the states of authoritarianism for its practice of a single-party system .

  25. 权威主义政治是在特定的历史背景下,产生于亚、非、拉新兴国家的特殊的统治形式。

    Authoritarianism was a special governmental form coming into being in the new nations of Asia , Africa and South America under the particular history background .

  26. 德国、意大利和日本三大轴心国,新加坡、韩国和智利等新权威主义国家就是这样做的。

    German , Italia and Japan these three big axis powers , and Singapore , Korea and Chile and other neo-authoritarianism countries just do it in this way .

  27. 在权威主义知识观之下,个人与社会关系中的教师角色表现为个人的贫困和单调;

    In the authoritative view of knowledge , the teachers ' role in the relationship between the individual and the society reveals the individual 's pauperism and monotonousness ;

  28. 新自由主义本质上不过就是一种比较精致的新权威主义,并且已经具有了某种国际扩张性政治权利的形式。

    In essence , the economic liberty and market independence that are proclaimed by neo-liberalism is a new authoritarianism , and it has some forms of international expansionary political rights .

  29. 黄远庸虽没有找到新权威主义与政党政治的结合点,但是,让后世实行新权威主义的统治者看到了问题所在。

    Although Huang Yuan-yong had not found combining site of new authoritative principle and party politics , he attracted the attentions of later generation ruler which implemented the new authoritative principle .

  30. 论文认为贾木许坚守独立电影的制作方式与当时美国流行的反权威主义的社会文化思潮和法国新浪潮电影美学理念对他的启示有关。

    The way of independent film that Jim Jarmusch chooses is not only related to anti-authority social and cultural trend but also enlightened by the aesthetic idea of French new wave film .