
quán lì fǎ àn
  • Bill of Rights
  1. 她几经周折终于使兼职人员权利法案在议会中得以通过。

    She piloted a bill on the rights of part-time workers through parliament .

  2. 我们支持要求通过《权利法案》的呼声。

    We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights .

  3. 纽约市模仿联邦纳税人权利法案公布了10点政策。

    New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers

  4. 这位社区积极分子表示,他和十几名博主今年1月草拟了一份“骑自行车者权利法案”(CyclistsBillofRights),正提交给该地区的地方委员会进行投票。

    The community organizer says he and about a dozen bloggers drafted a Cyclists Bill of Rights in January that he is presenting for a vote at neighborhood council meetings around the region .

  5. 然而就是在最近,丹尼尔斯还在拒绝让印州成为RTW州(众所周知的“工作权利法案”)。

    Until recently , though , Mr Daniels had resisted calls to make Indiana what is known as a " right-to-work " ( RTW ) state .

  6. 因为是非洲人,他们不能通过民事权利法案。

    They don 't have to pass civil-rights bills for Africans .

  7. 不具备成文“权利法案”的一些国家。

    Countries that don 't have a written bill of rights .

  8. 历史上的今天-1791年的今天,权利法案正式通过

    the Bill of Rights 1791 - the Bill of Rights was adopted

  9. 首先,埃及需要一部写入基本原则的权利法案。

    First , Egypt needs a bill of rights that enshrines basic principles .

  10. 《权利法案》的起草者们并未设想去创造权利。

    The Framers of the Bill of Rights did not purport to create rights .

  11. 英国的宠物将拥有自己的权利法案。

    Britain 's pets are set to get their own " bill of rights " .

  12. 根据《权利法案》,任何人在被证明有罪之前都被视为是无罪的。

    Under the bill of rights , a person is presumed innocent until proved otherwise .

  13. 权利法案依然不可侵犯。

    The Bill of Rights remains inviolate .

  14. 他们很容易被四分五裂,比如,政府最终放弃未婚者权利法案。

    It could easily split if , for example , the government abandons the unwed-couples bill .

  15. 这个具有历史意义的公民权利法案改善了全国残疾人的待遇。

    This historic civil rights law has improved the treatment of disabled people across the country .

  16. 重读《权利法案》&关于诉讼权保障的宪法学思考

    Rereading 《 The bill of rights 》 & The protection of litigation right in constitution law

  17. 这只是对价值观的简单梳理,我取名叫《学生援助权利法案》。

    It 's a simple declaration of values-what I call a Student Aid Bill of Rights .

  18. 我们将在《后9.11退伍军人权利法案》下让更多人获得学位。

    We 're helping more of them earn their degrees under the Post-9 / 11 GI Bill .

  19. 不同于《权利法案》的是,《第十四条修正案》专门针对州政府。

    The Fourteenth Amendment – unlike the Bill of Rights – was specifically aimed at the states .

  20. 他继续了肯尼迪的工作,并通过了新的公民权利法案,并进行了减税。

    He continued Kennedy 's work and passed a new civil rights bill and a tax cut .

  21. 吸收《旅游权利法案》规范构筑旅游法律规范体系等。

    Absorbing the original regulation of Tourism Rights Draft to establish the system of tourism laws and regulations .

  22. 加拿大交通部长马克·加尔诺称,政府将在今年春天推进乘客权利法案。

    Canadian Transport Minister Marc Garneau said the government will put forward a passenger rights law this spring .

  23. 也没有太大的变化,如果政府履行其创建一个英国的“权利法案”的野心。

    Nor would much change if the government fulfils its ambition to create a British Bill of Rights .

  24. 因此,《权利法案》中没有关于保护人民权利不受州和地方官员侵犯的词语。

    Thus , the Bill of Rights contained no language protecting the peoples'rights against abusive state and local officials .

  25. 这个试点项目中所涉及的知识直接导致了后来捷蓝航空公司发行并广为宣传的客户权利法案。

    The knowledge gained from the pilot project fed into the creation of JetBlue 's well-publicized customer bill of rights .

  26. 他还在一颗银子弹被撞针撞击的凹痕处刻下了美国《权利法案》的第二条修正案,共计35个单词。

    He put the35-word2nd Amendment of the American Bill of Rights onto the firing pin [ 7 ] indentation of a silver bullet .

  27. 密歇根州议会最终通过了两项工作权利法案,这被认为是削弱了劳工组织——工会的权力。

    Michigan lawmakers have given final approval to two right-to-work measures that will likely weaken unions in what has been a labor stronghold .

  28. 但是,鉴于按规定《权利法案》只适用于联邦政府,最高法院如何才能证明这种引申师出有名呢?

    But how could the Supreme Court justify this extension , since the Bill of Rights by its terms limited only the federal government ?

  29. 美国图书馆协会的《职业道德规范声明》提出了以图书馆事业为中心的具体原则,其《图书馆权利法案》则明确了图书馆的责任和义务。

    Statement on Professional Ethics of ALA presents both specific principles of American librarians and their duty to uphold the Library Bill of Rights .

  30. 1965年《移民和国籍法修正案》以及《投票权利法案》实施以来,亚裔美国人开始真正享有平等的政治参与权利。

    Since Immigration and Naturalization Act and Voting Rights Act of1965 have implemented , Asian Americans have equal rights to participate in political activities .