
quán lì fēn pèi
  • distribution of powers;division of powers
  1. 股份有限公司权力分配之探析

    The Research of Distribution of Powers in Stock Company

  2. 亚里士多德的区别似乎,不只是根据经验的,或说,根据事实的权力分配。

    Aristotle 's distinction seems to be not only empirical again based on the factual distribution of powers .

  3. 两者间如何进行权力分配,是WTO争端审查标准所要解决的问题。

    The problem shall be resolved through the research of standard of review with regard to the question how to distribute the power between them .

  4. 几个世纪中,神圣罗马帝国(HolyRomanEmpire)将权力分配给少数几个收费点,以此获取资助。

    For centuries , the Holy Roman Empire derived patronage by assigning rights to a limited number of toll points .

  5. 本研究重点讨论与N类疑问句相互影响的三个与人际关系有关的语境因素,即习俗角色、权力分配和礼貌策略。

    Central to discussion are three contextual correlates in concern of interpersonal relationships which influence the use of N-type questions , i.e. institutional roles , power distribution and politeness strategies .

  6. 逐步细化的权力分配和职责划分,使得NBA的的各个部门之间分工明确,职责详尽,在各自的权力范围之内各司其职,保证了NBA内部的正常运行。

    Gradually thinning of the power distribution and the duties of the NBA , it makes a clear division for the NBA describing the normal operation of the interior .

  7. TESL课堂中权力分配受一定的教学理论制约。

    The rights distribution in TESL classroom is affected by different teaching theories .

  8. 时多Agent系统的群体组织结构进行深入研究,给出Agent的组织原则,权力分配原则,权力实施原则和在领导Agent的权力作用下进行协作工作的机制。

    This papers focal point is research structure of groups organizations of multi-agent , agent the principle of organizations of intelligence agent , principle of distribute , principle of power implement and coordinate work mechanism of agent of under the leadership of leading agent are proposed .

  9. 说明在新股配售份额一定的情况下,且承销商没有权力分配新股,对机构投资者的配售并没有起到降低IPO抑价的作用。

    Indicate the placing of new shares share certain cases , and the underwriter has no power distribution of new shares to institutional investors , placement , and IPO under-pricing does not play a reduced role .

  10. TESL课堂教学中的权力分配

    Rights Distribution in TESL Classroom

  11. 权力分配的改变能否和平地实现?

    Can these changes in the distribution of power occur peacefully ?

  12. 董事会是公司权力分配中极为重要的环节。

    The board is vital important in the distribution of corporate power .

  13. 均衡课堂教学权力分配的初探

    Probing into the Balanced Distribution of Power in Class-room Teaching

  14. 同时,组织对环境的依赖还影响了组织内的权力分配状况。

    The dependency on environments also impacts the power allocation in organizations .

  15. 改革开放后,我国开始推进权力分配的实践。

    After reforming and opening , our country began to advance power distribution .

  16. 有内部的分工和权力分配;

    Have internal division of labor and power distribution ;

  17. 第一是中美高等航海教育行政管理权力分配体制比较。

    The first is the higher comparing nautical education administrative power distribution system .

  18. 乡村伦理关系在乡村权力分配中起着重要作用。

    Rural ethics in the country plays an important role in the power distribution .

  19. 信息技术对组织权力分配影响:在集权化基础上的分权

    Impact of Information Technology on Power Distribution within Organization : Decentralization Based on Centralization

  20. 本文把西方各国大学评价过程中表现出来的权力分配模式(大学自治与责任的相互作用模式)分为:英国、荷兰、美国三种模式。

    The interaction between academic autonomy and accountability has expressed themselves in different patterns .

  21. 政府各部门权力分配的不尽合理导致了养老保险基金征缴的低效率。

    And the inefficient distribution of the rights in the government departments distributed irrationally .

  22. 法律中的语言游戏与权力分配

    The Linguistic Game and Power Distribution in Law

  23. 论企业中知识分布与权力分配

    On Knowledge Distribution and Power Allocation in Enterprises

  24. 这个过程只是伊朗权力分配的真实写照之一。

    That process is just one expression of the real distribution of power in Iran .

  25. 股东大会与董事会权力分配的研究

    On the Distribution of Power between the Council of Stockholders and the Board of Directors

  26. 从法学角度分析,公司法人治理结构是有关公司组织机构之间权力分配与制衡的制度体系。

    The essence of corporate governance is the mechanism of balance of power within the corporation .

  27. 争论的焦点,争端争论的焦点是是中央和省政府之间的权力分配问题。

    A bone of contention was the division of powers between the national and provincial governments .

  28. 事先实施权力分配的公司往往能够更有效地应对突然地剧变。

    Companies with this kind of power distribution are much more resilient to changes that appear dramatic .

  29. 这样的授权提出了根本的问题,;它们涉及到在我们的政体之下宪法所规定的权力分配。

    Such delegations raise fundamental questions concerning the constitutional distribution of authority in our system of government .

  30. 中国执行统一的权力分配,分线管理和地区行使。

    China practices unified power dispatch , hierarchical power management and operation of power grids by regions .