
quán zhàng
  • mace;wand;verge;truncheon
权杖 [quán zhàng]
  • (1) [wand]∶一种木杖或金属杖,常由执权杖者、执礼杖者或司法行政执行官持着,走在高官职者之前;标志主教等职权

  • (2) [verge]∶借指权威或职位

权杖[quán zhàng]
  1. 这清楚地表明现任CEO霍华德•斯金格会把索尼的权杖交给他。

    The move was part of a clear signal that Howard Stringer would pass the baton to him .

  2. 杨致远辞职后,巴茨接过CEO权杖,干了两年半,而投资者对雅虎却越来越感到沮丧。

    And after Yang resigned , it stood by Bartz for two-and-a-half years , even as investors grew more and more dispirited .

  3. 2000年,杰克•韦尔奇将通用电气(GE)的CEO权杖交给杰夫•伊梅尔特后,两位有力的竞争者吉姆•麦克纳尼和鲍勃•纳德利都决定出走。

    In 2000 , the two runners up for CEO of Ge ( GE ) Jim McNerney and Bob Nardelli bolted when Jack Welch passed the torch to Jeff Immelt .

  4. 首席交易员查克•费尔德曼(ChuckFeldman)在我来公司三年后退休,把权杖交给了一位更加年轻、更侧重定量分析的风险管理经理。

    Chuck Feldman , the top trader there , retired after my third year and handed the leadership baton to a younger , more quantitative risk manager .

  5. 神像高40英尺(12米),他一手拿着权杖,另一只手上是胜利女神Nike的小雕像,它们都是用象牙和贵重金属做的。

    The40-foot-tall ( 12-meter-tall ) figure held a scepter in one hand and a small statue of the goddess of victory , Nike , in the other & both made from ivory and precious metals .

  6. belloq的权杖太长了。

    Belloq 's staff is too long .

  7. 那么我用树枝帮你做一支权杖吧?

    Then I will make a crosier by branch for you .

  8. 在路上走着一位朝圣者,手握权杖。

    On the road walks a pilgrim , staff in hand .

  9. 狱吏此时用权杖做了个姿势。

    The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff .

  10. 他会放下权杖,饶你一命?

    He would lower his scepter to spare your life ?

  11. 权杖是帝王的象征之一。

    The sceptre is the king 's badge of office .

  12. 每个法国士兵的背包里都装着一只元帅的权杖。

    Every French soldier carries a marshal 's baton in his knapsack .

  13. 总统把权杖传给了他的继任者。

    The president handed over the baton to his successor .

  14. 否定权杖现在对召唤生物造成800伤害(增强)。

    Wand of Negation now does 800 damage to summons per use .

  15. 鹰爪持象征皇权的金色权杖和金球。

    The state eagle holds a golden scepter and a golden orb .

  16. 女王加冕时的王位宝器有王冠和权杖。

    The queen 's regalia at her coronation included her crown and sceptre .

  17. 王冠与权杖是国王的标志。

    The scepter is a token of regal status .

  18. 典型女王加冕时的王位宝器有王冠和权杖。

    The queen 's regalia at her coronation included her crown and scepter .

  19. 历史上只有一次对权杖钻石进行过偷窃。

    There has only ever been one attempt to steal the crown jewels .

  20. 从他的权杖入手吧

    I would start with that stick of his .

  21. 青蛙冒险-失落的权杖

    A scepter is the attribute of power . Frogger Adventure The Lost Wand

  22. 别忘了是他把权杖交给了�

    he who put the sceptre in your hand ?

  23. 然而,在1891年10月9日,该权杖消失了。

    On October 9 , 1891 , it vanished .

  24. 这国王的权杖有一头是装了一把雨伞的。

    It is a sceptre ending in an umbrella .

  25. 卡利南一号后来镶嵌在了英王权杖上。

    Later , the Cullinan I was placed in the monarch 's scepter .

  26. 王冠和权杖的君王标志。

    The Royal insignia of crown and sceptre .

  27. 现在到我们拿到这支权杖。

    Now we take up that noble baton .

  28. 权杖是权力的标志。

    A scepter is the attribute of power .

  29. 权杖短棒:某官员代表携带的职务象征的短棒。

    A short staff carried by certain public officials as a symbol of office .

  30. 上议院议长主持议会,其身后放有一根权杖。

    The Lord Chancellor presides over the house , with the mace behind him .