
guàn gài yòng shuǐ
  • irrigation water
灌溉用水[guàn gài yòng shuǐ]
  1. 大坝若是建成,会有一些明显的受益者:农民将得到灌溉用水,企业将得到电力。

    There are clear winners when a dam is built . Farmers get irrigation water , businesses get electricity

  2. 新疆农业灌溉用水节水潜力分析

    Analysis for the Agriculture Irrigation Water Saving Potential in Xinjiang

  3. 利用GIS工具管理灌溉用水是实现农业高效用水的重要措施之一。

    Using GIS to manage irrigation water is one important measure to improve the agricultural water use efficiency .

  4. 节水灌溉用水管理问题是一个典型的决策支持系统(DSS)能够解决的多层次,多决策者和多目标的半结构化决策问题。

    Water-use management was a typical multi-layer , multi-decision makers and multi-aim semi-configuration decision problem that could be solved by Decision Support System ( DSS ) .

  5. 水库年净调节水量4.47亿m3,主要满足坝址下游的阜新市和锦州市的工业、城市生活及灌溉用水。

    Its annual net regulation water is 4.47 × 10 8 m 3 to meet the needs of the industrial , municipal , domestic and irrigation water .

  6. 基于WR-2000型水位计的灌溉用水管理信息系统应用研究

    Application Study on Irrigation Management Information System Based on WR-2000 Type Hydrograph

  7. 所以,DSS在节水灌溉用水管理上的应用不断兴起,这种应用通常分为田间尺度、农场尺度和区域尺度。而SWAN验证结果表明不同区域尺度的嵌套将大大提高描述风浪场精细特征的可能性。

    In the recent 30 years , the DSS gained many compelling results in water-use management on theory studying , system developing and application . Verified results of SWAN model shows that nested computation of different scales will sufficiently depict the refined characters of wind wave .

  8. 结论结果表明孝感市外环境中HCH残留量超过了绿色食品灌溉用水标准和生活饮用水卫生标准,农产品检出率为95%;

    Conclusion The results showed that the content of HCH residue in environment in xiaogan city was higher than the standard of green food irrigating water and the standard of drinking water . The pesticide residue could be detected in 95 % samples of farm produces .

  9. 实施农田秸秆覆盖,1m土体内较对照多储水169.5m3,节省灌溉用水2100mm/hm3土壤储水有效利用率提高26.9%;

    Among them , the water capacity of soil in 1 m depth can increase about 169.5 m 3 , the irrigation water can save around 2100 mm / hm 2 , and the available use efficiency of the soil moisture can raise 26.8 % by straw mulching straw ;

  10. 结果表明,交替滴灌使灌溉用水效率明显增加,产量水平上的水分利用效率达58.0kg/m3,可节约用水30%以上并增加产量;

    The results showed that alternate-drip irrigation obviously increased the water use efficiency . The irrigated water was saved by 30 % compared with controlled fixed drip irrigation , the WUE computed by yield level was over 58.0kg/m3 and yield was the highest among the three irrigation treatments .

  11. 农夫减少灌溉用水因应缺水。

    Nung-fu cuts the irrigation water to meet the short supply .

  12. 灌溉用水有效利用系数的影响因素及其提高策略

    Influence factors of irrigation water use efficiency and its enhancing strategies

  13. 农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究

    Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer

  14. 加强灌溉用水管理研究;

    Studies on the management of irrigation should be emphasized .

  15. 山西省灌溉用水定额编制方法及其成果

    Method for establishing irrigation water ration of Shanxi Province and its achievements

  16. 我国的农业灌溉用水浪费严重。

    Water wasted seriously in agricultural irrigation in our country .

  17. 农业灌溉用水现状及制度创新

    Irrigation water : status quo , problems and system innovations

  18. 农业灌溉用水价格改革探讨

    Research on the Reformation of Water Price on Agricultural Irrigation

  19. 灌溉用水管理合轴相关图及其应用

    Coaxal Coherent Chart and Its Application in Irrigation Water Management

  20. 基于降雨蒸发随机模拟的水稻灌溉用水过程

    Irrigation Process of Paddy Based on Random Simulation of Precipitation and Evaporation

  21. 引用污水农灌造成污染的最根本原由,是因为灌溉用水的污染。

    The ultimate reason of sewage irrigation pollution is the polluted water .

  22. 贵州农业灌溉用水管理模式的研究

    Study on Management Model of Agricultural Irrigation Water-consumption in GuiZhou

  23. 灌溉用水管理是整个灌区的工作重点。

    Irrigation water management is the most important task in irrigation project management .

  24. 我国农业灌溉用水管理体制研究

    Study on Agricultural Water Irrigation Management System in China

  25. 云南省水稻灌溉用水定额等值线图研究

    Research on Isoline Map of Irrigation Water Quota of Rice in Yunnan Province

  26. 甲鱼养殖废水作为温室番茄栽培灌溉用水的效果研究

    Irrigation Using Turtle Cultivation Wastewater for Greenhouse Tomato Production

  27. 新疆农业灌溉用水推行终端水价初探

    Preliminary Study on Promotion of Terminal Water Pricing in Agricultural Irrigation of Xinjiang

  28. 灌溉用水管理评价指标体系构建及综合评价

    Construction of evaluation index system for irrigation water management and its comprehensive evaluation

  29. 基于网络的行走式节水灌溉用水管理信息系统

    Management Information System for Irrigation Water of Self-propelled Water-saving Irrigation Based on Network

  30. 云南省农业灌溉用水定额标准的编制

    Determination of agricultural irrigation water quota of Yunnan Province