
jiā zhǎnɡ zhì
  • paternalism;patriarchal system;patriarchy
家长制 [jiā zhǎng zhì]
  • [patriarchal system] 旧时的家庭组织制度,作为家长的男子掌握经济权利,在家庭中居支配地位

  1. 儒家传统中的家长制已成为日本企业管理的支柱。

    In the Confucian tradition , paternalism has been a pillar for the management of Japanese enterprises .

  2. 第三章讨论了《烧马棚》和《圣殿》中受清教主义和家长制影响和离间的父子/父女关系。

    Chapter Three discusses the father-son relationships in Barn Burning and Sanctuary , which are alienated by the puritanism and paternalism .

  3. 在有些地方,校长负责制成了“家长制”。

    In some places , the headmaster-in-charge system has become autocracy .

  4. 封建家长制及族权浅析

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority

  5. 家长制与科层制管理方式比较

    The Comparison between Patriarchal System and Scientific Management System

  6. 战前日本农村典型的家庭是家长制直系家庭。

    The typical rural family in Japanese countryside before war is patriarchy linear family .

  7. 父系氏族公社的萨满教封建家长制及族权浅析

    Samen religion in the patrilineal society Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority

  8. 封建家长制及族权浅析东乡族宗法文化论

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority On The Patriarchal Culture of the Dongxiang People

  9. 在父系家长制社会的统治下,女性与自然除了反抗别无选择。

    Under the domination of the patriarchal system , women and nature have no choice but to revolt .

  10. 男性家长制已经根深蒂固了,他说,我不想再推波助澜。

    The patriarchy is alive and well , he said . I don 't want to perpetuate it .

  11. 随着家长制家庭,尤其是随着一夫一妻制个体家庭的产生,情况就改变了。

    With the patriarchal family , and still more with the single monogamous family , a change came .

  12. 在对传统民事能力制度之基本框架体系予以延续的同时,借助法律家长制之模式。

    Be the continuation of the basic framework of the traditional civil capacity system , with the help of legal patriarchal mode .

  13. 在《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》中不是这样,在那里的等级更分明,家长制更明显。

    That 's not the way it is in Colossians and Ephesians where it 's much more hierarchical , much more patriarchal .

  14. 摩梭人实行母系家长制。儿童由母亲或母亲的兄弟抚养,通常他们都不知道生父是谁。

    Among the matriarchal Mosuo minority , children are raised by their mothers and maternal uncles and usually don t know their fathers .

  15. 善于集中群众的智慧,不能一人说了算,搞家长制

    Be skillful in pooling the wisdom of the masses and not be permitted to have the say alone or follow the patriarchal system

  16. 在家长制社会,妇女没有平等的地位。而缠足限制了妇女的行动,满足了男人的欲望。

    Footbinding limited women 's movements to satisfy men 's desires in a patriarchal society when women didn 't have an equal status .

  17. 这是通俗文化的内容。而且诗歌是直接抨击家长制婚姻,而不是。

    D.The poetry 's capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it . ( D )

  18. 他们被描写为父权家长制的贝都印式酋长。神权之义即国王对待人民应如同家人父子。

    They are presented as patriarchal Bedouin chiefs . Divine right is the doctrine that the king stands toward his people in loco parentis .

  19. 指出蒙古族宗法制度溯源于蒙古社会私有制的产生和父系氏族公社的确立。并总结出蒙古族父系氏族公社细胞&父系家长制家庭的宗法性表现:一、男女处于不平等地位;

    It points out that Mongolian paternal clan system originated from the emergence of private ownership in Mongolian society and establishment of paternal clan commune .

  20. 第二节,批判了作者将女性的叛逆性格作为家庭纷争的主要原因,认为只有女性对夫权和封建家长制最终归顺,家庭和睦才能得以实现的封建思想;

    In the second section , the author criticized the writer for regarding the women 's rebellious character as the major cause of family conflicts .

  21. 斗倒地主也削弱了封建家长制,打破了旧家庭传统观念。

    Abolition of the landlords also meant weakening of the paternal system , the break-up of the traditional family and the authority of men over women .

  22. 但是,在以家长制为家庭基础的罗马,皇室女性也脱离不了从属于家长的命运。

    However , in the roman family based on the patriarchy , the royal women also could not escape from the fate of subordinating to the parents .

  23. 古代中、韩两国均有着以儒家传统为特点、以父系家长制为核心的家族文化。

    In ancient times , China and Korea shared a kindred culture , which was characterised by the Confucian tradition and a patriarchal system at the core .

  24. 他们对于这个有文化的、老于世故的绝对大汉族的统治只有通过多方面的专制来实现——要么是武力,要么是家长制统治,要么是亲善。

    Their rule over the majority ofculturedand highly sophisticated Chinese population was only possible by a mixture of authoritarianism , or force , and paternalism , or benevolence .

  25. 认同男人是与家长制权力谈判的一种传统方式,走这条路的女性倾向于分享其他女性保守的男性观。

    Identifying with men is a traditional means of negotiating patriarchal power , and women who go down that route tend to share reactionary male views of other women .

  26. 在制度层面上,则表现为以传统权威为基础的家长制向以行政权力代表的法理权威为基础的科层制的转型。

    On systems , the social transformation shows that the patriarchal based on traditional authority is changing into the bureaucracy based on the legal authority represented by administrative power .

  27. 父权制、家长制、长子继承制仍然是制约贵族家庭生活的三大要素。而门第观念、父母包办、内婚制则主宰着贵族的婚姻生活。

    Patriarchy and primogeniture still defined the noble family life , while the notion of family origin , parental supremacy in marriage and endogamy controlled the noble marital life .

  28. 家长制形成家庭的等级结构和男尊女卑的社会,农村女性被视为男性和家庭的附属物,其在家庭中的地位最为低下。

    In family hierarchy and " men 's superiority to women " society , women were regarded as attachment of men and family , and they were in lower status in family .

  29. 这种宗族关系虽然沿袭了旧的氏族组织的遗制,但实际上是以父权家长制为核心,按其辈分高低和族属亲疏关系来确定各级贵族的等级地位的。

    Though followed the old clan system , the agnation focused on the patriarchy , and defined a noble rank and status according to their positions in the family hierarchy and kinship .

  30. 不论是长期潜藏的孩子的不满最终浮出了水面,还是家长制已经成为了一种必要,青少年的反抗都传达了一个信号,即家庭中需要建立一种新的关系。

    Whether it 's long harboured childhood grievances finally surfacing , or a straight-forward need for adult autonomy , teenage rebellion is a signal that an entirely new bond has to be forged .