
jiā tínɡ ɡuān xì
  • family relation;family ties;kindred
  1. 一个人的幸福与家庭关系密切相关。

    A person 's happiness correlate closely to the family relation .

  2. 家庭关系对精神分裂症病人康复的影响

    The influence of family relation on rehabilitation of the schizophrenia

  3. 在这本布局恢宏的新小说中,错综复杂的家庭关系与一起谋杀阴谋交织在一起。

    Complex family relationships interweave with a murder plot in this ambitious new novel

  4. 她觉得自己自由自在,不受家庭关系的约束。

    She thought of herself as a free woman , untrammelled by family relationships .

  5. 巩固家庭关系是首相屡次谈到的话题。

    The need to strengthen the family has been a recurrent theme for the Prime Minister .

  6. 第一条本法是婚姻家庭关系的基本准则。

    Article 1 This Law is the Fundamental code governing marriage and family relations .

  7. 但是,尽管父母们(比如我)很容易担忧iPad、iPhone和Instagram正在削弱家庭关系,可事情并不总是那么简单。

    But while it is easy for parents ( like me ) to worry that iPads , iPhones and Instagram are undermining the family , it is not always that simple .

  8. 结果HD患者的QOL的各维度得分显著低于一般人群,家庭关系、费用支付能力、并发症、原发病与患者的QOL有显著关联性。

    Results The patients ' QOL were worse than that of the common crowd , and their family relations , expense payment ability , complication , originally diseases were correlative with their QOL .

  9. KB楼宇服务公司(KBBuildingServices)是位于美国奥马哈的一家商业清洁公司,其创始人D.J.瑞扎克说,每周会议可以让家庭关系更密切,也使他有时间与妻子丽莎共处。

    D.J. Rezak , founder of KB Building Services , a commercial cleaning company in Omaha , credits weekly meetings with keeping the family organized and freeing up time for him to spend with his wife , Lisa .

  10. 为了正确评定婚后心理与家庭关系状况,参考Olson婚姻质量问卷和心理控制源量表,编制了婚后心理与家庭关系量表,并对量表的信度和效度进行了评定。

    The scale of married psychology and family relationship was made after consulting Olsen marital quality questionnaire and the marital locus of control scale in order to eval uate married psychology and family relationship correctly .

  11. 其他东亚团伙如中国的三合会(Triads)等,罪犯大多数是由家庭关系维系在一起,组织较为松散。而极道则有“精心设立的阶层”,成员一旦入伙,就必须抛弃其他效忠对象,一心一意忠于极道。

    While other East Asian gangs like Chinese Triads , which are a loose conglomeration of criminals bonded together mostly by familial relations , Yakuza are bound together by " elaborate hierarchies , " and members , once initiated , must subvert all other allegiances in favor of the Yakuza .

  12. 第二章侧重于家庭关系的研究。

    Chapter II The emphasis is the relationship of family members .

  13. 农村社会转型中的家庭关系研究

    On Family Relationship during the Social Transformation in Chinese Rural Areas

  14. 因为有父亲,我的家庭关系仍很密切。

    Because of dad , my whole family is still close .

  15. 白羊丈夫们&你们认真对你们的家庭关系负责任了吗?

    Attached Rams – are you taking your domestic responsibilities seriously ?

  16. 家庭式迁移农民工的工作&家庭关系研究

    The Study of Work-family Relationships among Migrant Workers of Family Migration

  17. 论莫里森小说《宠儿》中的黑人家庭关系

    On Black Family Relationships in Toni Morrison 's Novel Beloved

  18. 当代白族家庭关系的社会性别透视

    Gender Perspective of the Relationship in Contemporary Dali Bai Families

  19. 略析唐代公主的婚姻家庭关系

    Marriage and Family Relation of Princesses in the Tang Dynasty

  20. 首发精神病病人家庭关系调查及干预

    Research on family relation of psychopaths with first paroxysm and nursing intervention

  21. 钱的问题给亲密的家庭关系带来很大压力。

    Money problems place great stress on close family relationships .

  22. 我们家庭关系很好,每天都一起吃饭。

    The family is very tight , we eat together every day .

  23. 工作压力、金钱问题、家庭关系等等。

    Work stress , money problems , family relation , etc.

  24. 他相信,中国传统的家庭关系仍然完好无损。

    He believed the traditional Chinese family was still intact .

  25. 有像你这样家庭关系的人可以做的更好。

    Guy with family connections like yours could do a lot better .

  26. 良好的沟通和问题分析能力有助于我们处理家庭关系。

    Good communication and problem analysis skills help us in our family relations .

  27. 家庭关系及教育方式对青少年健康的影响

    The effect of family relationship and education mode on the health of teenagers

  28. 家庭关系与儿童行为的调查方法比较&录像与问卷

    Videotaping compared with questionnaire in evaluation of family interaction and children behaviour problems

  29. 对合同的意图推定延伸同样存在于其他的亲密的家庭关系。

    The presumption against contractual intention extends also to other close family relationships .

  30. 在家庭关系密切的社会中,人们往往长寿。

    In societies with strong family bonds , people tend to live longer .