
  • 网络Personal development;individual development;personal growth
  1. 隐性知识是影响个人发展(PersonalDevelopment,简称PD)的重要因素。

    Tacit knowledge is a crucial approach to describe factors of personal development .

  2. 另一个亨利MBA课程的好处是对个人发展非常重视。

    Another advantage of the Henley MBA is the strong emphasis on personal development .

  3. 你不仅会帮助我们的年轻志愿者的个人发展,你还将学习到新的技能,提高自己的文化意识。

    Not only will you help our young volunteers to develop personally , you 'll also learn new skills and increase your cultural awareness .

  4. 基于WEB2.0的教师个人发展档案袋系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Web 2.0 Based Teacher 's Self-development E-Portfolios System

  5. 他称,mba不仅仅是关于各种企业职能的标准化知识,往好里说,它还是一个鼓励个人发展和培养领导技能的项目。

    An MBA is not simply standardised knowledge about various corporate functions he says , but at its best is a programme that encourages self-development and fosters leadership skills .

  6. 基于公共关系理论的个人发展探析

    Probe into the Individual Development Based on the Public Relation Theory

  7. 高职学生个人发展过程中创造力培养的心理学分析

    Psychological Analysis in Creative Ability Training of Higher Vocational College Students

  8. 机遇对社会发展和个人发展具有重要的作用。

    The opportunity is important for development of society and individual .

  9. 个人发展:幸福,成功,先天与后天

    Personal Development : happiness , success , nature or nurture

  10. 父权制的社会中的性别系统有利于男性的个人发展,在男性看来,女性的全部价值就是女性的性功能。

    Gender differences in patriarchy society is beneficial for males .

  11. 因为个人发展的关键就是终身学习。

    Because the key to personal development is being a life-long learner .

  12. 个人发展维度心理契约违背导致员工离职倾向增强。

    Personal developmental contract breaches resulted in increased level of turnover intention .

  13. 以灵活的个人发展账户积累为形式;

    Takes the accumulation of flexible individual development account as the form ;

  14. “信息媒介”和“个人发展”动机略有下降;

    " information medium " and " individual development " motivations slightly decreased ;

  15. 试论图书馆管理中的个人发展激励

    On the Encouragement of Personal Development in Library Management

  16. 关于市场经济条件下的个人发展问题概述

    A Brief Account of the Personal-Development Problem under the Condition of Market Economy

  17. 提出了以新的个人发展账户为核心的运行思路,旨在通过社会保障增加职工经济资本促进职业流动。

    Advocate to increase economic support for flow employee by individual develop account .

  18. 双语教育及其对个人发展的影响

    Bilingual Education and Its Effects on Individual Development

  19. 住宅可能是个人发展过程中最重要的空间。

    A house may be the most important space for a person 's development .

  20. 护士自尊、个人发展性竞争水平与职业价值观的关系研究

    Study on the relationships between nursing professional values and self-esteem , personal development competitiveness

  21. 不久后,我离开餐厅业去追求个人发展。

    Soon thereafter , I left the restaurant industry to start my own business .

  22. 政治权力是个人发展的快捷方式。

    Political power is the highroad to self-advancement .

  23. 创造激励个人发展的环境

    Create an Environment to Inspire Personal Development

  24. 提供优越的工作环境及广阔的个人发展空间。

    We will provide the ascendant working environment and broad space for personal career development .

  25. 对本职工作尽职尽责。对个人发展方面缺少规划。

    Although you are quite responsible in your work , you lack human development skills .

  26. 公民数学素养的提高无论对于社会发展还是其个人发展都具有重要意义。

    The improvement of citizens'mathematical quality has significant meanings in both social and individual development .

  27. 文章首先阐明了个人发展对自然环境的绝对依赖性。

    The article first sets out the absolute dependence of personal development on the natural environment .

  28. 音乐、运动、语言、烹饪、个人发展、健康等等。

    Music , sports , languages , cooking , personal development , health & wellness , etc.

  29. 足球促进个人发展和成长

    It enhances personal development and growth

  30. 出国动机和个人发展动机都与文化型教学活动正相关。

    Going abroad motivation and individual development motivation are found to be positively correlated with cultural activities .