
  • Individual account pension;individual old-age insurance account
  1. 上海市城镇职工个人账户养老金精算研究

    The Actuarial Analysis of Urban Workers ' Personal Pension Accounts in Shanghai

  2. 个人账户养老金可以继承。

    Pensions in personal accounts can be inherited .

  3. 三类新人个人账户养老金发放方式探讨&以深圳市为案例

    On Paying Way of Personal Account Funds about Three Kinds of " New Persons " & the Case of Shenzhen City

  4. 制度对个人账户养老金进行了承诺,因此,政府在个人账户中的责任及个人账户在精算上是否平衡,成为该制度平衡运行的关键。

    Because the institution makes promise , the government 's responsibility and the actuarial balance become key elements for our pension system .

  5. 个人账户养老金属于缴费确定型养老金,风险变量主要包括资金流动性要求、个人余寿以及投资收益率,也就是平时所说的流动性风险、个人长寿风险和投资风险。

    Personal account pension is the defined contribution plan . The main risk variables include capital fluidity 、 personal remaining life 、 return on investment .

  6. 第二部分分析了积极型、消极型投资风格的不同,并介绍了指数化投资策略,最后指出,根据目前状况,个人账户养老金投资主要应该采取积极投资方式,注重上市公司的投资价值。

    Part two Have analyze the difference of styles of investment , has introduced the investment tactics of the indexation , point out according to state at present , personal account pension investment should take the positive investment , pay attention to the investment value of the listed company .

  7. 个人账户中养老金给付精算模型及其应用

    Actuarial Model of Pension Benefit under Individual Account and Its Application

  8. 然而,私有化的个人账户只是养老金的一个组成部分。

    Privatized individual accounts are only a portion of the pension spectrum though .

  9. 在发放方面,智利个人账户的养老金领取形式更为多样化。

    Furthermore , the withdrawal from the personal account in Chile is more elastic than in Singapore .

  10. 而且由政府统一管理职工的个人账户和养老金的投资,没有竞争机制,不利于提高社会保障基金的投资收益率。

    Moreover , without competition system , the personal account and pension investment uniformly managed by the state could be a disadvantage to the yield of Social Security .

  11. 在这样的背景下,2005年中国对养老金制度进行了改革,建立了社会统筹和个人账户相结合的养老金制度。

    Under such background , China reformed the pension system into the combination of social fund and personal accounts in 2005 .

  12. 在这样的大背景下我国也开始了以建立个人账户为标志的养老金制度改革。

    Under such background around the world , China has also begun its own public pension reform which is known as the establishment of " individual accounts " .

  13. 理事会在监事会的监督下营运个人账户基金,确保个人在个人账户养老金中的权益。

    Council operation personal account fund under supervision of board of supervisors , guarantee individual rights and interests of the pension .

  14. 在个人账户模拟时提出了标准人的概念,计算了收益率分别为4%和6%时的个人账户养老金替代率。

    In simulation of personal pension accounts the concept of a standard person was introduced . The replacement rate of the personal account of an average person was also simulated assuming the real return of 4 % and 6 % .

  15. 新农保政策采取个人缴费、集体补助和政府补贴相结合的筹资模式,其中基础养老金部分由中央财政进行补助,个人账户养老金除农民自身缴纳之外由地方政府进行一定数额的补贴。

    New rural endowment insurance takes individual contribution , collective allowance and government subsidy combination mode of financing , and the central financial subsidies to local and direct subsidies to farmer individual .