
  1. 个人对个人贷款平台作为小额信贷的创新存在形式,则体现了社会资本的强大力量。

    P2P microfinance online platform , as a creative form of microfinance , shows the great power of social capital .

  2. 这家原名为上海多伦实业股份有限公司(ShanghaiDuolunIndustry)在监管申报文件中承认,其尚未开始发展个人对个人(P2P)贷款业务。

    The company , formerly known as Shanghai Duolun Industry , acknowledged in filings that it had not started developing a peer-to-peer lending business .

  3. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)前董事长及首席执行官麦晋桁(JohnMack)将加盟一家个人对个人(P2P)贷款公司的董事会,该公司计划绕过银行,通过互联网将贷款直接发放给借款者。

    John Mack , the former chairman and chief executive of Morgan Stanley , is to join the board of a peer-to-peer lending company that aims to bypass banks and extend credit directly to borrowers through the internet .

  4. 会同建设厅采集个人住房公积金贷款信息纳入个人征信系统,对个人贷款风险进行提示。

    Office building in the collection of personal housing accumulation fund loans for personal credit rating information into the system , the risk of personal loans for presentation .