
  • 网络Personal human capital investment;the investment of the individual human capital
  1. NEET的不断壮大会给社会发展和进步带来隐患,他们的形成更是国家和家庭对NEET个人人力资本投资的重大损失。

    The growing number of NEETs will bring risks and dangers to social development and progress . The formation of NEET is a significant loss of human capital investment to their families and our nation .

  2. 个人人力资本投资决策行为分析模型

    A Model of Decision-making Analysis of Individual Human Capital Investment

  3. 大学生就业难对个人人力资本投资的影响

    The Effect of Graduates ' Difficulty in Employment on Individual Human Capital Investment

  4. 岗位竞争条件下的个人人力资本投资行为分析

    An Approach to Investment Behavior of Private Human Capital Based on Position Competition Effect

  5. 切实增加农牧民收入,促进个人人力资本投资。

    Promoting the personal investment of human capital .

  6. 个人人力资本投资优化模型

    Improved Model of Personal Human Capital Investment

  7. 其中,劳动力市场中的岗位配给、人力资本的替代效应为论文的两个基本假定,个人人力资本投资的非怕累耗最优性质为基本理论结论。

    The two crucial assumptions in the paper are " position rationing " in the labor markets and " substitution effect " of human capital .

  8. 本文旨在分析中国居民个人人力资本投资的市场均衡性质。文章立足于解决三个基本现实问题,即中国的人力资本投资是不足还是过度?

    This dissertation aims at analyzing the competitive equilibrium characters of investment in human capital in China , which focuses on three problems : Is the investment in human capital excessive or insufficient ?

  9. 研究人力资本理论对今后企业和个人进行人力资本投资具有启发意义。

    This research will benefit both enterprises and individuals to make an investment in human capital in the future .

  10. 目前,居民家庭和个人的人力资本投资额已经超过人力资本总投资额的50%,因此,从微观层面来研究人力资本投资行为是十分必要的。

    At present , the human capital invested by the residents and individuals has surpassed 50 % that all the investors invested .

  11. 高学历者失业是近年来在我国社会中凸现的热点经济问题。高学历者失业对社会而言,不仅严重浪费整个社会人力资源,同时也严重遏制社会、企业与个人的人力资本投资积极性。

    Educated unemployment which wastes total social resources and put off incentive of human capital investment is a hot issue which comes forth recently in our country .

  12. 严峻的就业形势,加剧了个人高等教育人力资本投资风险,并对投资的合理发展带来不良影响。

    Severe employment situation has aggravated the risk of personal manpower capital investment of higher education .

  13. 个人投资是人力资本投资的重要主体,是形成大规模投资的关键主体。

    Individual investment is the important subject of human capital investment and a key subject that forms the large-scale investment .

  14. 持续、稳定、合理的个人高等教育人力资本投资,对于提高国民素质、保证高等教育的经费投入、促进我国高等教育及社会经济的和谐稳定发展具有重要的意义。

    An everlasting , steady and reasonable personal manpower capital investment of higher education is of great importance for the upgrading of people 's qualities , the guarantee of capital input of higher education , the advancement of higher education and the steady harmonious development of social economy .

  15. 本文认为在整个生命经济周期里个人可能对人力资本进行投资,而且这种投资是递减的;

    It is thought that individuals may invest human capital during the lifecycle of economy , though the investments decrease progressively .

  16. 政府部门人力资本投资是政府提高行政效率、公务员个人发展的核心因素之一,但现实情况却是政府及公务员个人对人力资本投资动力不足。

    The government human capital investment is one of core factors of the government improving administration efficiency and the personal development of public official , but the realistic circumstance is that the government and public official personal have a little motive to the human capital investment .