
  • 网络disposable personal income;Personal Disposable Income;dpi
  1. 家庭债务创纪录地达到了个人可支配收入的133%。

    Household debt hit a record 133 per cent of disposable personal income .

  2. 是的,2011年初期美国家庭债务已降至个人可支配收入的115%。

    Yes , household sector debt came down to 115 per cent of disposable personal income in early 2011 .

  3. 如果在旅游者的个人可支配收入和闲暇时间允许的条件下,消费动机可产生消费行为。

    If the tourists and personal disposable income and leisure time allowed under the conditions , consumer motivation can produce consumer behavior .

  4. 近年来,个人可支配收入的适度扩张政策,则能够使个人卫生支出比例持续下降,在一定程度上可以缓解看病贵问题。

    In recent years , the moderate expansion policy of per capita disposable income might make the oop decline , which could alleviate the phenomenon that it is expensive to see a doctor to some extent .

  5. 由于个人可支配收入的大幅度提高,人们希望借助个人理财业务,在资金供应上寻求安全与保障,在投资决策上得到专业建议。

    Due to the substantial increase of personal disposable income , the public want to seek safety and security in the availability of funds and receive professional recommendations on the investment decision-making in virtue of personal financial services .

  6. 实施积极的财政政策,增加政府财政支出,采取结构性减税政策,增加居民个人可支配收入,鼓励居民消费。同时,中央陆续拨款四万亿资金,希望通过地方基建拉动经济的恢复。

    The proactive fiscal policy , such as increasing government spending tax cutting was Implemented to increase the disposable income of individual residents , and to encourage consumer spending . Meanwhile , the central gave out funds about four trillion to stimulate economic recovery by the local infrastructure .

  7. 但是,问题还需要进一步深化和细究,在它的内涵中不仅包含着居民个人最终可支配收入差距的意义,也包含着居民家庭人均收入差距的意义。

    However , if probed deeper , the concept of income gap covers not only the gap between individuals in their ultimate disposable income , but also that between families in per capita income .

  8. 由于完全基金方式的年金制度不改变个人的生涯可支配收入,因此具有中性。

    Fully funded system is neutral because this pension system does not change an individual 's disposable income in his career .

  9. 得出的结论是,不同的年金制度会通过影响个人的生涯可支配收入而对经济增长和社会福利产生不同的影响。

    It comes to thc conclusion that different pension system will produce different effects on economic growth and social welfare through influencing an individual 's disposable income in his career .

  10. 同时,内蒙古经济的快速发展,个人收入分配的多元化格局逐步形成,个人可支配收入成倍增加。

    Meanwhile , with the rapid economic development in Inner Mongolia , the diversification of personal income distribution pattern has gradually formed and personal disposable income has doubled .