
  • 网络National Disposable Income;GDI;NDI;GNDI
  1. 随着国民可支配收入和闲暇时间的增加,生态旅游和户外游憩的需求逐年上升,许多自然生态旅游景区在开展生态旅游经营的过程中,面临游客数量不断增加所带来的管理压力。

    With the growth of gross national disposable income and the increase of leisure time , demands of eco-tourism and outdoor recreation is rising year by year , and , many scenic spots are facing the management pressure that the number of visitors keep increasing .

  2. 在经济起步期,我国面临了诸多困难,因为国内资金和技术短缺,以及国民可支配收入低、内需不足,我国经济发展在很大程度上依靠对外贸易的发展。

    In the economic starting period , our country faced many difficulties , for domestic financial and technical shortage , and national disposable income is low , the insufficient domestic demand , the economic development of our country to a large extent depend on the development of foreign trade .

  3. 让我们看看世界上国民可支配收入最高的前十个国家。

    Let 's take a quick look at the top 10 countries where people enjoy the highest level of disposable income .

  4. 1987年国民可自由支配收入达到了860亿英镑。

    The nation 's disposable earnings in 1987 amounted to £ 86 billion .

  5. 在国民人均可支配收入不断增长的趋势下,证券作为一种主要的大众投资方式,在近几年的时间内,越来越受到人们的投资青睐。

    As a major public investment , securities are more and more popular for people with the growing of the national average per capita disposable income in recent years .

  6. 与2008年危机爆发前几乎为零的水平相比,现在国民储蓄占可支配收入的比重已经达到整整10%。

    They are now saving a full tenth of their disposable income compared with practically nothing before the 2008 crisis .