
  • 网络international monopoly capitalism
  1. 代替国际垄断资本主义时代的将是社会主义新时代。

    The new socialist era will replace the era of international monopoly capitalism .

  2. 其本质是为国际垄断资本主义服务的理论体系。

    The essence of neo-liberalism is the theory of international monopoly capitalism service system .

  3. 国际垄断资本主义破坏世界和平具有深刻的根源,具有其必然性。

    The breakage of international capitalism to world peace has profound root , and is inevitable .

  4. 经济全球化使资本主义发展冲出民族国家的界限,由国家垄断资本主义向国际垄断资本主义过渡。

    Economic globalization helps capitalism develop beyond the nations and grow from national monopoly capitalism to international monopoly capitalism .

  5. 国际垄断资本主义在一定程度上促进资本主义经济的发展,为资本主义生产关系的调整和发展开辟新的空间。

    International monopoly capitalism urges the development of capitalist economy to some extent and open new space for the adjustment and development of capitalist production relations .

  6. 垄断资本主义的百年发展经历了三个阶段:一般垄断资本主义阶段、国家垄断资本主义阶段和国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Three stages are identified in the hundreds years of development of monopolistic capitalism . At the stage of the general monopolistic capitalism , colonialism was the lifeline of capitalism .

  7. 它的理论思潮、思想体系和政策主张实际上是为了适应国家垄断资本主义向国际垄断资本主义的转变。

    All of its theoretical thoughts , ideas and policies are actually made in order to adapt to the change from the national monopoly capitalism to the international monopoly capitalism .

  8. 国际垄断资本主义是国际垄断资本控制国际生产、国际投资、国际市场,对发展中国家进行政治压迫和经济剥削的资本主义,是走向世界社会主义的末级台阶。

    International monopoly capitalism is the capitalism that uses international capital to control international production , international investment , and international market , to suppress politically and exploit economically the developing countries .

  9. 有的认为现在资本主义依然处于国家垄断资本主义阶段,也有观点以经济全球化为依据认为现在资本主义处于国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Some hold that the present capitalism is still " national monopolistic capitalism ", while others , based on economic globalization , believe that the present capitalism is " international monopolistic capitalism " .

  10. 在其自身基本矛盾的推动下,它经历了自由资本主义、私人垄断资本主义、国家垄断资本主义阶段,目前处于国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Promoted by its inherent contradictions , it has experienced the stages of free capitalism , private monopoly capitalism , national monopoly capitalism , and has reached the stage of international monopoly capitalism .

  11. 当今世界存在三种力量、六种矛盾,其中国际垄断资本主义与社会主义的矛盾是世界的主要矛盾,它决定了我们时代的国际垄断资本主义性质。

    There are three forces and six contradictions in the present world , of which the contradiction between international monopoly capitalism is the basic contradiction and determines the nature of international monopoly capitalism in our age .

  12. 试图从四个方面论述新帝国主义的产生,即国际垄断资本主义的需要、二战后美国所拥有的巨大国力、美国传统地位受到挑战及恐怖主义的袭击。

    From the four aspects of trying a new generation of imperialism , the needs of the international monopoly capitalism , the enormous strength of United States after world war ii , the traditional American position challenged and terrorist attacks .

  13. 席卷全球的金融危机是国际金融垄断资本主义基本矛盾激化的必然结果。

    The financial crisis sweeping the globe is the inevitable result of the intensification of the fundamental contradictions of international financial monopoly capitalism .

  14. 他为自由构建的安全保障&法治,也是缺乏阶级性的法律;究其实质,他的自由理论意在维护国际垄断的资本主义,无法摆脱剥削和奴役人民的本质。

    What he constructed for his freedom-the rule of law-lack of class character . The reason is that his liberty theory supported for the maintenance of international monopoly capitalism , whose nature is to exploit and enslave people .